Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

"A breathtaking sight... Imitations they may be, but together, they make a fine spectacle... Though the flowers of evil blossom, be it known... Abominations are fated to perish!"
~ -Yusuke upon awakening his Persona in Madarame’s palace

Yusuke Kitagawa, codenamed Fox while in the Metaverse, is one of the main characters and party members of the Persona 5 sub-series within the Persona series.

He is an eccentric and passionate art student at Kosei High School, and a member of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. He was formerly a student and adopted son of Ichiryusai Madarame, until he discovered his mentor's true colors and oppose him.

He is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita in the Japanese version and Matthew Mercer in the English version.

His Good Ranking[]

What Nakes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • He helps the Phantom Thieves change the hearts of many corrupt adults including his abusive and plagiarizing art teacher Ichiryusai Madarame who also is responsible for killing Yusuke's mother, Junya Kaneshiro, a mafia boss who tried to rape Makoto Niijima and threatened to turn her and her sister Sae into sex slaves, Kunikazu Okumura, the corrupt CEO of Okumura Foods who tried to sell his daughter off to her fiancée Sugimura, a perverted, haughty scumbag, Sae Niijima, Makoto's sister as mentioned before and a corrupt prosecutor, and Masayoshi Shido, a corrupt politician who was the reason the protagonist was falsely arrested in the first place and ordered many, many murders from his own illegitimate son Goro Akechi, thus also being responsible for the death of Futaba's mother and Haru's father.
  • It is mentioned that he donates blood frequently, thus likely helping many people in need of blood transfusion.
  • He helped defeat Goro Akechi in Shido's palace, who was responsible for the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns happening in Japan.
  • He also helped defeat Yaldabaoth, a false god who orchestrated the events of the game, such as influencing the masses into following Shido, and giving Akechi and the protagonist the ability to use the Wild Card, and planned to eternally rule over humanity, essentially trapping and brainwashing them into his new world, which was a result of the real world being fused with Mementos.
  • He helped rehabilitate Futaba, along with the rest of the Thieves.
  • In the updated re-release Persona 5 Royal, he helped return reality to normal after Takuto Maruki used his powers to essentially enslave everyone into a 'perfect' reality where no one had any suffering or hardships, when in reality Maruki is acting like a god by pulling all the strings of the world, even if his intentions were benevolent.
  • In Persona 5 Strikers, he helped Ango Natsume redeem himself, after he was a plagiarist, just like Madarame. He also aids in the defeat of Akira Konoe and EMMA, both of whom tried to enslave everyone, as well as Kuon Ichinose, who played an important role in both Konoe and EMMA's plans, being the one who developed EMMA in the first place and then lending it to Konoe knowing well he would misuse it.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He wasn't one of the first to join the Thieves, meaning he wouldn't have done everything that the first members have done, and when he does join, he doesn't go the extra mile in admirability (like for example, Ryuji, who almost killed himself in order to save the Thieves after Shido's palace was blowing up, or Makoto, who put herself at risk in order to gain more information regarding Kaneshiro, and helped Sae redeem herself.) and the only thing he does the other Thieves have not done is donating blood frequently, which is off-screen heroism, making him barely fail the admirable standards. That said, he is still early member of the group, so he doesn't fail too hard.
  • He can also have moments when he constantly teases and even bickering with Futaba (and vice versa), which makes them have a small rivalry with each other. However, they both have no ill will so this is a very minor prevention.

External Links[]


Persona PSP logo Near Pure Goods

Persona 3
Makoto Yuki

Persona 4
Teddie | Chie Satonaka | Yosuke Hanamura | Kanji Tatsumi

Persona 5
Ren Amamiya | Ryuji Sakamoto | Ann Takamaki | Yusuke Kitagawa | Futaba Sakura | Haru Okumura
