Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

X is the titular protagonist of the Mega Man X series, and an ally in the Mega Man Zero games.

He's a devoted Maverick Hunter who fought against Mavericks to protect humanity and Reploids from havoc.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • X is a kind-hearted pacifist who wanted humans and Reploids to co-exist.
  • He's sympathetic towards Mavericks as he felt shocked that he have to kill his fellow Reploids, wanted to put those in pain to rest, and only wishes to kill them when they willingly turned into villainy.
  • When the Maverick Virus started to infect other Reploids into villainy, he dedicated his life to stop him.
  • He retrieved his friend, Zero when the latter left because of the power he held.
  • In Laguz Island he stopped Berkana from stealing DNA Souls to become stronger and undid the Erasure incident afterwards.
  • He worked to collect elements so that the Enigma Cannon or the Shuttle are in better conditions to prevent the Eurasia Colony to be crashed on Earth by Sigma and Dynamo.
  • After the Nightmare event was solved, he decided to help Gate since he was Alia's friend, even though he tried to hurt him.
  • He successfully cured the Maverick Virus by using the Mother Elf.
  • He rejected Dr. Weil's offer of controlling all Reploids, believing Reploids and humans can co-exist peacefully.
  • He created the Four Guardians to protect Neo Arcadia.
  • He used his body to seal the Dark Elf, becoming a Cyber Elf to watch over Neo Arcadia.
  • When Copy X was made and began to kill Reploids by falsely claiming they're Mavericks, he sent information about Zero to Ciel to awaken him to stop Copy X.
  • When Ciel got caught by a soldier of Neo Arcadia, he gave Zero his saber to save her.
  • He cracked the code to send Zero to Neo Arcadia.
  • He warned Zero about the Dark Elf to stop Elpizo.
  • When Zero and Ciel got attacked by the brainwashed Resistance Base, he knocked them out
  • Before he leaves, he entrusted his friends to protect the world.
  • He later reincarnated as a Biometal to help Vent/Aile.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He was doubtful about Axl being a Maverick Hunter even though the latter have helped him defeating Sigma, which is very disrespectful and it is unknown if he still has this doubt on Axl, or how he overcame that doubt if not. Regardless, this is a minor prevention as he still cares for him and he and Zero later took revenge on Lumine for injuring him.


  • The Maverick Hunters are believed to be assassins that killed rogue Reploids (who are considered Mavericks), which caused X to be approved as Inconsistently Admirable for a time. Regardless if the Maverick Hunters are assassins or not, he was later approved as Near Pure Good not only for having no anti-heroic traits that assassins would usually possess but also being very sympathetic towards the unfortunate Mavericks he come across, and only wanted to kill them when they embraced villainy.
    • Despite this, his partner, Zero, cannot qualify for being a Game Changer (even if he wasn’t, he is still far too lethal to be NPG)
  • X was originally going to be the main antagonist of Mega Man Zero, but was luckily scrapped in order for Mega Man X6's release date. Had the idea been released in the final version, it would've prevented X from being Near Pure Good and he would likely be approved as Inconsistently Admirable.
  • His copy version, is ironically Near Pure Evil and is an example of what X would've become if he chose to kill Reploids and humans in order to maintain "peace" as a tyrant and also an example of what he would’ve become had he not gone through 3 decades of testing.

External Links[]


           Capcom logo Near Pure Goods

Street Fighter
Chun-Li | Guile

Mega Man
Proto Man | X | Grey | Ashe | Model A

Resident Evil
Jill Valentine (Original | Remakes) | Leon S. Kennedy | Sheva Alomar

Devil May Cry
Nero | Eva

Dead Rising
Nick Ramos

See Also
Ace Attorney Near Pure Goods | Mega Man Near Pure Goods | Resident Evil Near Pure Goods
