Stretches arms, ugh, it's been a while since I've done a double proposal. Most of them get only half-approved... let's see if we can fix this!
What's The Work[]
(Any "plagiarism" is from another proposal I wrote myself)
Wonder Egg Priority is psychilogical thriller original anime. It tells the story of Ai Ohto, a lonely girl who dropped out of school and studies at home following the suicide of her best friend. Ai gets involved in a weird business that, simply put, allow her to enter another world when she sleeps. In this Dream World, she has to take care of Egg People, or Captured Maidens: spirits of young girls who commited suicide, while protecting them from Wonder Killers, monstrous abominations that are based on the traumas that led the Captured Maidens to take their own lives. She does this in order to, once she saved enough people, ressurect her best friend.
Who are them[]

Rika Kawai is the second deuteragonist of the anime. She is a former child idol, inserted in the entertainment industry since she was very young, who has an absent mother (as in, she doesn't pay much mind to her, though she both lives with her and isn't agressive or abusive) and an absent (as in "where tf is he?) father. During her career, she had a big fan who always visited her in events, shaking her hand, talking and giving her money. However, Rika finds out that this girl, Chemi, is stealing/shoplifiting in order to get the money to keep seeing Rika, so she tries to drive her away from this criminal life by saying she is "too fat to be [her] fan". It backfired... horribly. Chemi stopped eating and died, and now Rika is in the Egg Project, protecting Captured Maidens and defeating Wonder Killers in order to bing Chemi back.

Momoe "Momo" Sawaki is the third deuteragonist. A girl with some image dysphoria (it isn't made clear if she is trans or just a masculine looking girl) she is pretty popular for her looks, always getting asked out by girls who mistake her for a boy. Being hetero, she declines those requests, until her lesbian best friend made advances on her, which a scared Momo drove away harshly. The girl, Haruka, takes it the wrong way and kills herself. She is the one Momo seeks to revive by participating in the Egg Project, Wonder Killers and all.
What Makes them close to Pure Good?[]
- They feel guilt over the deaths of Chemi and Haruka, even if they were not directly their fault, and fight to bring them back to life.
- Saved multiple "Captured Maidens" from their respective Wonder Killers, and although the Maidens are people who are already dead, they can still feel the pain that the Wonder Killers want to inflict.
- Often helped the spirits of the girls who committed suicide get over their traumas and bad memories, before they fade away, happier than before.
- Care for their animal companions, getting horrified by their brutal deaths that they weren't able to prevent, though each dealt with it differently.
- When she found out her greatest fangirl was stealing in order to have money to keep seeing her in shows and conventions, she told her not to come anymore, because she couldn't have a "fat fan" like her, to drive Chemi away from stealing. While this backfired and she died because of a self induced eating disorder, because Rika was so rude, she is just socially inept thanks to her home (or lack thereof) life, and felt INTENSE guilt, to the point of self harming issues, over Chemi's death.
- She saved Ai from a Wonder Killer during their shared dream session, which is particularly admirable since Ai is still alive as a person and could die in the real world.
- She allowed herself to spend a bit more time with her mom, who is not a good parent, but tries to be.
- Was horrified over Mannen's death, and tried to go back to the dream world to fight Dot, his killer, and a very dangerous enforcer of a villain named Frill, though Ura-Acca denied her her connection.
- Keeps being friends with Momo and Ai and supports them over the whole Neiru situation.
- Even compared to the other protagonists (besides Ai, who is just as caring), she always make a big effort to make the Captured Maidens happy and comfortable, which helps the particularly traumatized ones like Miwa and Kaoru.
- Tries to convince her friends not to fight Frill as Warriors of Eros due to the immense danger.
- Her backing out of the Frill fight isn't corrupting, as she never signed up for that, since the Accas never explained the hidden goal of the Egg project to anyone, is understandably delusioned about how trustworthy the Accas are, and is traumatized over the loss of her animal companion Panic, brutally murdered by Frill's enforcer, Hyphen.
- Overall, she has no corrupting qualities.
What prevents them from Pure Good?[]
- She has some jerkish or mischeivous moments, and although the most intense ones are just a front she puts on, she has some genuine ones, such as calling her former fellow idols ugly, tickling Neru against her will (though this was with friendly intent), and screaming with her friends at times.
- Is arrogant and geniunely seems to believe she is better than everyone.
- She fails the admirable standarts to Ai (who joined the fight against Frill, the "temptation of death") and Rika (who saved Ai in the dream world, who is someone still alive compared to the Captured Maidens, who already commited suicide, and SHOWED interest in joining the war against Frill, though she was stopped by Ura-Acca).
Yes aaaand, yes, I believe both qualify.