“ | No more royals. No more peasent girls taken from home. And no more whiny princes wiht giant robots. Help me stop him before anyone gets hurt, or else! | „ |
~ A masterclass example on how to make a heroic anatagonist geniunely antagonistic and genunely a hero |
What is the Work?[]
Tales of a Kingdom is a short (well, relatively) webcomic in Webtoon about a over the top, mostly harmless, Dick Dastardly-like villain named Lord Edgard, who tries to usurpe the throne of Queen Adelaide. Is he really trying to steal it though? Or just attempting to get back what was rightfully his?
Who is her?[]
Queen Adelaide is the main antagonist (but not the villain) of the comic. She is the ruler of Amvril ever since a coup was made to dethrone the last royal leader in the line of sucession: Edgard himself. Having extremely powerful psychic fueled powers, Adelaide defends her position with an iron fist, but is far from a tyrant and couldn't care more for her people. She was once friends with the boy who was supposed to be King instead of her, but now Edgard's and her relationship is simply beyond saving... or at least, won't ever be the same.
What makes her close to Pure Good?[]
- When tasked with eliminating her best friend by the revolutionaries spearheading the coup, she injured him but spared his life and told him to go; the most merciful thing she could do in such circunstances.
- She saved the Kingdom from the mysterious and destructive Heplite Robots with her immense Esper powers.
- While it may look like at first, she isn't prejudiced against born nobles or blood royals; just the tyrant and arrogant, snobish ones. Despite being cold to Sofia, a born royal, at first, after a quick duel (which Sofia WAS LOSING) she agreed to make a deal with her kingdom, resigned from the fight and showed respect to the princess.
- She got wary of someone building Heplite Robots, since their threat could resurface again.
- She tried to arrest Alice and Winston, but it was justified as they invaded her personal office even if in accident and she had to know how Winston's powers worked so Edgard wouldn't be a threat.
- She tries to stop one of her guards from shooting at Alice and Edgard, and when Alice falls, desperately tries to have someone catch her, showing she does not desire unecessary deaths.
- Brings Sofia for a tour and parade around the kingdom to apologize for the battle she requested in order to test Sofia's character.
- Once the parade is attacked by Prince Gregory and his guards, Adelaide immediatelly requests an evacuation, mobilizes her forces and fights off the threat, prevent any innocents from being hurt by the arrogant noble.
- While one of the enemies died during her battle against Gregory, it was in self defense.
- Although certainly too extreme, her trying to kill Edgard when he announced they would fight for the last time, preparing to activate a Heplite robot, that unlike his other creations, IS a very dangerous threat to Kingdom, was an action with good intentions.
- Despite being at her limits, she fights off Edgard's Heplite in an attempt to prevent him from moving closer to the Kingdom.
- Motivated by Alice, after the whole battle is over, she and Edgard finally talk to each other, getting over their miscommunication and stopping the cycle of revenge.
- Thanked Alice for her help, subverting her kinda rude interactions earlier, and bidding her farewell as she came back to her home dimension.
- She pardoned Edgard, since no one got hurt after all, trusting him wanting to be a better person, wanting to help him do that, and smiling as he claims in his usual over the top way that he is back, "as a law abiding Citzen Edgard!", reconciling their relationship for good.
What prevents her from Pure Good?[]
She has a cold personality and can act jerkish when interacting with others. Though never arresting or trying to kill him, her blasting Edgard away, as well as a complete lack of communication, is said in-story to be a bad course of action that makes Edgard keep being a "villain", as well as motivatng his more intense actions in the finale. She also challenged Princess Sofia to a fight, where she beat her up and hurt her multiple times (despite Sofia being no pushover and managing to hit back sometimes) just to test if she truly is a hardworking royal, marking her as a little brutish, even if she apologized later.
Yes, don't see why not.