Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
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That was unbelieavably badass!

I know this series is still ongoing, but this guy is deader than dead and it's been way more than two weeks since he bit the dust, so it isn't against the rules. Final proposal of the year/first proposal of the year, here we go!

What is the Work?[]

Kaiju N.8 is an action/adventure shonen manga. In a world infested with gigantic creatures known as Kaiju that come in many shapes and forms. To protect innocents against these rampaging beasts, the world created an organization known as the Defense Force

The story follows Kafka Hibino, a man who dreamed of becoming and excel member of the Defense Force alongside Mina Ashido, his best friend. While she suceeded, he became relegated to the service of disposing of Kaiju bodies. However, when he gains the never seen before ability of becoming a human-kaiju hybrid, things may start to change.

Who is him?[]

Isao Shinomiya is a major character. He is the Captain of the First Division, highest rank of the Japanese Defense Force, and father of tritagonist Kikoru Shinomiya. He possess one of the famed Numbered Weapons, made from the absorudly powerful Numbered Kaiju, possessing their powers. His is a pair of gauntlets that possess the same shockwace generation powers of Kaiju Number 2.

He is initially presented in an antagonistic light, fighting the protagonist one his double life as Kaiju N.8 is revealed, seemingly to death, until it is revealed this was a kinda messed up way of providing a chance of proving himself to be a human that can become a Kaiju and not the other way around. He is a good figure despite his stern nature, but he soon meets his match in the form of the main antagonist. Kaiju N.9.

What makes him close to Pure Good?[]

  • As Captain of the first division, and member of the Defense Force in general, his very job is to protect innocent people from Kaiju attacks.
  • Participated in the war against Kaiju N.6, in which his wife died, but he and the Defense Force utimately managed to neutralize it.
  • Trained his daughter to become the best Defense Force member she could be, to ensure she wouldn't die like her mother.
  • Trained Gen Narumi from the ground up into the captain he is today, being the one to recognize his innate skills and train him out of (the most he could anyway) his own immaturity.
  • As Kikoru realized, despite his brutal means of doong so, he was giving Kafka/Kaiju N.8 a chance to prove he truly is human and on their side.
  • Ordered everyone to put their weapons away from Kafka after he nesrly destroys his own core to prevent his out of control body from killing Isao.
  • Went against the opinion of multiple high ranking members to have Kafka executed and turned into a weapon, trusting him as a "controllable Kaiju" and saying he had proven his worth as a member of the Defense Force.
  • Saved scientist Akira Kurusu from being killed by Kaiju N.9 when he appeared and immediatelly ordered the evacuation of the building.
  • Fought N.9 valiantly the most he could, nearly defeating him with a almost fatal blow, though the Kaiju managed to not only heal, but absorb both Isao and the power of his numbered weapon.
  • With his consciousness still resisiting within N.9's mind, Isao reflects on his flaws, especially more egrogious ones like the treatment of his daughter, expressed remorse and hoped the "New generation" was ready to fight N.9 and his forces.
  • In the final battle, after Mina destroyed No.9's shield that protected his core, it was revealed he had a second one, because of Isao's numbered weapon, which would render Kafka's final blow useless. Isao's spirit suddenly manifests from within N.9's agglomeration of absorbed beings, and forcefully shuts the shield down, allowing Kafka a clean hit and ending Kaiju N.9's threat once and for all, before he, at last, fades away.

What prevents him from Pure Good?[]

  • He is too much of a strict father to Kikoru being WAY too stern and demanding. When we consider what happened to his wife it is understandable that he only wants his daughter to be safe and not take things lightly because he believes that is what killed his wife; but it still denied her of parental kindness growing up and made her live with too many expectations. He feels a lot of remorse for his strict behaviour with her while inside N.9, bjt could never act on it.
  • He can be ruthless and lethal, such as his "testing" to determine if Kafka was a threat was to beat the shit out of him. While well intentioned, this backfired as it ended up causing Kakfa's Kaiju half take over his human consciousness and nearly killing Isao himself.
  • He has some general jerk moments, such as berating Gen Narumi constantly. While Narumi is a very unprofessional jerk in spite of his exceptional skills, it still holds up, showing that the cold side of his personality can extend to his relation to others besides his daughter.


A refreshingly easy yes.