Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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  1. Needs More Votes: Queen Adelaide from Tales of a Kingdom - Ends February 9
  2. Needs More Votes: Sparrow Moon from The Worm - Ends February 8
  3. Needs More Votes: Bishop from Alien 2 - Ends February 8
  4. Needs More Votes: Belka from Space Dogs - Ends February 9

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
NPG Approved

Curiously, his type of character is quite close to the last guy I proposed (still ongoing, btw)

What's the Work?[]

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, is a anime full lenght movie that tells a story inside the universe of Peter Jackson's version of Tolkien's Legendarium, based on a quick tale once summarized in Tolkien's texts. It is about a war in the kingdom of Rohan that marks the first great of usage of what by the time of the main movies is known as, Helm's Deep.

Who is Him?[]

King Helm Hammerhand is the overarching protagonist. Current King of Rohan, he faces a war when the son of a rebellious subordinate decides to avenge his father, accidentslly killed in a duel by Hammerhand. His steely demeanor is thoroughly eviscerated in the conflict, but he still tries to do whatever is possible to protect his kingdom.

What makes him close to Pure Good?[]

  • From what we see it is clear  he is a good King, who cares about his people and wants to preserve peace.
  • Wouldn't have his daughter attend a marriage she didn't want with Wulf
  • He challenged Freca to a duel in order to put his dangerous insubordinations down, and although he killed him, it was accidental.
  • Commanded an army to defend his kingdom when Wulf started to mobilize his forces to a full on strike.
  • He surrendered and askd for Wulf to spare his son and subjects in exchange for him.
  • He sneakly got out of bed and started sabotaging Wulf's siege and killing his men, which creates a psychological warfare amongst enemy forces about the ghost of the King attacking them, which Hera exploited in the end.
  • Defeated two orcs and an ice troll that were scavaging the warzone, looking for the One Ring.
  • He held Wulf's forces back for an entire night, making them stay away from the door and technically sacrifícing himself since he freezes to death defiantly while keeping enemies away.
  • For being pivotal to save his whole kingdom from an attack while having nothing but his own fists to defend it he passes the standarts with flying colors, as even characters like Aragorn, Theoden and Gandalf used a good deal of resources in their plans to save Middle-Earth.
  • Despite his rigid nature, he is a fair individual with love for his kingdom, no disrespectful moments and little in terms of corrupting qualities.

What prevents him?[]

He has quite an ego and can shown himself to be arrogant despite his good nature. This leads to him not listening to his daughter's warnings about not underrstimating Wulf, which caused the first battle to be a totally one sided loss on the part of Rohan. This also made him refuse to ask for help from Gondor, believing it would make him look weak. While he apologized and recognized his faults, nothing implies he truly subverted them.

