Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
NPG Approved

While her father gets a shot at Pure Good, I will try having her here.

What's the Work?[]

Luca is a Pixar animated full lenght feature film, about an italian sea creature of same name that becomes human looking when dry. He tries to blend in Portorosso, a calm shore town... with a tradition of hunting sea monsters. They have to hide their identities to not get killed, while sucessfully completing the goals that led them to the town in the first place.

Who is her?[]

Giulia Marcovaldo is the movie's tritagonist. Daguther of the fisherman Massimo Marcovaldo, who wishes to hunt sea monsters to prove they're real, she befriends Luca and his fellow sea folk friend Alberto, though unaware of their nature, helping them compete in a race in Portorosso to gain the money they need to buy their dream posession: a Vespa.

Once their true nature gets revealed, she is startled, but utimately worried for their safety, wanting them to leave town. She never, in fact, let that change how she viewed them (aside from an instance where Alberto scared her) and is described by Luca's grandma as part of the humans that would accept sea monsters as they are, a direct reference to people who aren't bigoted towards minorities.

What makes her close to Pure Good?[]

  • Her ultimate goal and reason to compete in the Portorosso Cup is to free the kids of the town from Ercole's relentless bullying.
  • She stopped Ercole from dunking Luca in the fountain Unknownlig saving his life.
  • Accepted Luca and Alberto's help with the race, gave them a place to stay and intended to let them keep the money.
  • Helped the boys train for the Cup.
  • Warned Luca and Alberto about Ercole attempting to ram his boat on theirs, and after Guido saves their lives, she shook Ercole's boat from the water, preventing to see a transformed Alberto.
  • Was very worried about both Luca and Alberto after they rode down a cliff, hugging them when she sees they're fine.
  • Her reaction to Alberto's sea monster form isn't corrupting as she was seeing something she didn't believe in and Alberto was trying to look scary on purpose.
  • Had Luca go away after figuring out his identity due to fearing for his safety.
  • Tried to convince Luca to not go when he showed up, reminding him he can't get wet, fearing for his safety.
  • Helped Luca go through the pasta section of the Portorosso Cup.
  • Saved the lives of both Luca and Alberto by ranking her bike on Ercole's, thus preventing him from harpooning them both.
  • Stood up for Luca and Alberto, when the crowd was horrified and agressive over their sea monster forms.
  • Guides Luca through school life in Genova, protecting his secret and showing it only to trustworthy people, like her mother for example.

What prevents her from Pure Good?[]

  • She reacts agressively towards Luca and Alberto when they voice their intent on beating Ercole, because SHE wants to be the one to do it, and because she sees herself as his rival. While she doesn't do this again, it is because they become teammates (will beat Ercole together in the race) and friends; that doesn't mean this slightly wrathful and obsessive behaviour is subverted.
  • Slightly fails the standarts to Luca (who protected his and Alberto's identities multiple times in the movie) and Alberto (who attempted to sacrifice his life to protect Luca, which outadmire Giulia's own act of sacrifice to protect them both, because her sacrifice would be a non lethal one).


A rather easy yes if you ask me