Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Doesn't matter how far apart we are. The bonds we've made will remain strong. Everyone's hearts is connected to the people they know and trust. It's those bonds that let us all search for our purpose in life. As long it's a purpose that you believe in, there will always be someone who could help you fulfill it. You, me, and everyone else, there are no barriers. Our hearts are one. Right, Sensei?
~ Teddie in the ending.

Teddie (known as Kuma in the Japanese version) is one of the main characters and party members in Persona 4 (including its 2011-2012 anime adaptation) and its multiple spin-offs. Initially a support member, Teddie became more active in the Investigation Team after facing Shadow Teddie.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Helped the Investigation Team navigate the TV World and save Yukiko and Kanji.
  • Became a full-on fighter for the team after Rise took his place as the navigator.
  • Helped take down Mitsuo Kubo, who murdered Mr. Morooka, the homeroom teacher of Yu, Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko.
  • Helped the team save Naoto.
  • Helped the team defeat Taro Namatame, who kidnapped Nanako.
  • Helped the team realize the truth and defeat Adachi, the true culprit behind the murders, and Ameno-sagiri, a deity-like being who was possessing Adachi.
  • In Persona 4 Golden, he helped save Marie and defeat Kusumi-no-Okami.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • As a human, he can act quite arrogant about his looks.
  • He also tends to act quite flirtatious towards the girls (and sometimes guys), which tends to botch up horribly on his end, weirds them out and typically mistake him for a pervert. This is a very minor prevention since this (as well as his incompetent moments at coquetry and flirting) is entirely played for mischief.

External Links[]


Persona PSP logo Near Pure Goods

Persona 3
Makoto Yuki

Persona 4
Teddie | Chie Satonaka | Yosuke Hanamura | Kanji Tatsumi

Persona 5
Ren Amamiya | Ryuji Sakamoto | Ann Takamaki | Yusuke Kitagawa | Futaba Sakura | Haru Okumura
