Spike is one of the six main deuteragonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and My Little Pony: The Movie. He is a small purple and green dragon who is Twilight Sparkle's long-time best friend and assistant. Spike also handles communications between Twilight and Celestia, burning Twilight's written messages with his fiery breath to send them and then coughing up the scrolls Celestia sends back. In Season 8 episode "Molt Down", he gains wings.
He is voiced by Cathy Weseluck.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- While the Mane Six did save Equestria from evil threats many times, Spike still stands out with less resources as he is just a baby dragon while they are grown-up mares who has the Magic of Friendship.
- As Twilght's best friend and number one assistant, he is shown to be loyal to her for most of the time.
Season 1[]
- Encouraged Twilight to make friends in Ponyville.
- Although he didn't care about it at first, he still helped Twilight escape from the crowds of ponies who wanted to go with them to the Grand Galloping Gala.
- Stood up to Trixie by proving that Twilight was better at magic than her.
- Helped Twilight and her friends during the Winter Wrap Up.
- Unlike Twilight, he believed Pinkie's predictions.
- He and his friends rescued Rarity from the Diamond Dogs.
- Attempted to stop the battle between the ponies of Appleloosa and the buffaloes.
- Despite being jealous and having animosity towards Owlowiscious at first, he managed to befriended him after he saved him from a hostile green dragon.
- Apologized to Twilight for being petty and selfish and to Owlowiscious for being too jealous.
Season 2[]
- Warned Princess Celestia about Twilight's actions to stop her chaotic friendship problems.
- Demonstrated his generosity towards Rarity by giving her a fire ruby, resulting in him getting kissed by her as a thank you.
- Although he did become very greedy and feral after his first birthday at Ponyville, he felt remorse for it and learned that giving others was better than having everything for himself.
- Helped Twilight to find a spell to stop time.
- Despite originally helping Garble and his friends steal a phoenix egg, he ultimately refused to destroy it and learned that despite being a dragon, he was nothing like them.
- He, along with Twilight, set up an anemometer to count the wind power the Pegasi had to help in breaking the Wind Speed record.
Season 3[]
- Protected the Crystal Heart from King Sombra, earning him his title as "Great and Honorable Spike, the Brave and Glorious".
- Helped Twilight to defeat Trixie in a magic duel.
- Comforted Fluttershy when she was worried about the possibility of Twilight unintentionally hurting her pet animals.
- Helped Applejack with brewing cauldrons.
- Fulfilled his Noble Dragon Code by swearing to serve Applejack after she saved him from the Timberwolves.
- Repaid Applejack by saving her from the Timberwolves.
- After raising Peewee, he returned the young phoenix to his parents.
- Tried to chase Angel back to the Golden Oaks Library.
- Apologized to his friends' pets for ignoring them and caring about himself and his greed instead of taking care of them.
- When Twilight accidentally caused her friends' cutie marks to change, he comforted her, which made her realize how to bring her friends' cutie marks back.
- Helped Twilight finish Star Swirl's spell and get her friends' cutie marks back.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls[]
- Went with Twilight to bring her crown back after being stolen by Sunset Shimmer.
Season 4[]
- Saved the Mane Six from the Mane-iac and helped to defeat her.
- Helped the Mane Six bring Fluttershy back to normal.
- Helped Rarity with her luggage when she visited Manehattan.
- Helped convince Pinkie Pie to not leave Ponyville and continue hosting good parties.
- Helped Rarity win Trenderhoof's heart despite his own feelings towards her.
- Supported the Pony Tones during their performance.
- He felt remorse for accidentally causing a group of Breezies to be separated.
- Helped Rainbow Dash with studying for the Wonderbolt Reserves entrance exam.
- Stopped Rarity from being influenced with Inspiration Manifestation by taking the book away and breaking the spell of the book.
- Saved everypony at the Equestria Games from being crushed by a large frozen cloud.
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks[]
- He rescued Twilight and the Equestria Girls' version of the Mane Six when Trixie trapped them in a dark room.
Season 5[]
- Distracted Twilight to let her friends decorate the Castle of Friendship.
- Tried his best to make sure Twilight slept well by doing several of her duties on her behalf.
- Apologized to the summit delegates for telling everypony to give what he wanted at the name of Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.
- Helped rebuild the summit's statue with the rest of the summit delegates.
- He tried to stall the yaks to make time for Pinkie Pie to return and make a party for them.
- He helped Twilight reunite with her old friends and make amends with Moon Dancer.
- Helped to defeat the Tantabus in the dream realm.
- He, alongside the rest of the Mane Six, tried to calm down Pinkie Pie when she was trying to keep the secret that Shinning Armor and Princess Cadance were having a baby.
- He convinced Fluttershy to join him and her friends in having fun during Nightmare Night.
- He helped Rarity get up after she tripped while trying to run away from the "ghosts," which were actually Fluttershy's birds.
- He helped Pinkie Pie run away from the cave monster (Fluttershy's bear in disguise) when she couldn't move because of the rollerblades Pinkie was wearing.
- He and Twilight stopped Starlight Glimmer from going back in time to prevent the sonic rainboom.
Season 6[]
- Helped Starlight reunite with Sunburst.
- Assured Twilight that Starlight could make her own decisions by herself.
- Punished Garble for his actions against him during the Gauntlet of Fire by forcing him to hug every dragon he encountered.
- Passing away his title of Dragon Lord to Ember.
- Helped Applejack finish her chores.
- Befriended Thorax, a Changeling, who was originally thought to be an evil species. He even risked his hero status in the Crystal Empire by standing up for him. In fact, him accepting Thorax as his friend played a crucial part in the Changelings reformation.
- Berated Discord for ruining the boys' evening and later forgave him.
- Helped Starlight clean up the messes she made.
- Helped Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity reconcile for their mistakes.
Season 7[]
- Helped Twilight babysit Flurry Heart while doing the schedule.
- Tried to prevent Thorax and Ember from meeting each other, which caused him to make a mistake.
- Apologized to Thorax and Ember for letting his mistake get the better of it.
Season 8[]
- Comforted Twilight after her School of Friendship is closed down.
- Stood up to Chancellor Neighsay for his prejudiced actions.
- Helped Twilight prepare for Celestia's "ones-versary" stage play.
- Helped Big Mac with his relationship with Sugar Belle.
- Upon sprouting his wings, he defeated the Roc to rescue Twilight, Rarity, and Zecora.
- Tried to stop Discord from causing chaos at the School of Friendship.
- Stood up to Sludge for lying to and manipulating him, with the held of Smolder.
- Scolded Cozy Glow for betraying everypony and taking over the School of Friendship.
Season 9[]
- Took the Sibling Supreme Crown to teach Celestia a lesson about not taking her earlier concerns about the security and also to end the siblings' challenge.
- Helped Twilight to get the Perfection: The Impossible Pursuit book back to the library.
- Reformed Garble by helping him embrace his hobby of beat poetry.
- Helped Twilight prepare for the last Summer Sun Celebration.
- Reconciled with Gabby with the help of Rarity.
- Helped Big Mac propose to Sugar Belle.
- Helped Twilight prepare for her coronation.
- Helped the Mane Six defeating Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow.
- Taught Luster Dawn about the magic of friendship.
My Little Pony: Make Your Mark[]
- Welcomes Sunny, Hitch, Zipp and Sparky to visit him when they arrived at the Isle of Scaly.
- Telling Sunny, Hitch, Zipp and Sparky about what Opaline has done throughout Equestria during the era of Twilight Sparkle, which led Sunny to motivate the dragons to fight back and standing up against Opaline.
- After being encouraged and motivated by Sunny, he and the dragons agreed to team up with the Mane Six to fight against Opaline and stop her from taking all magic from Equestria and conquer it.
- Allowed Hitch to keep Sparky under his hoof because he believed they were a team and they belong together for now just like he did with Twilight and her friends.
- He and the other dragons fly Sunny and her friends back to Equestria.
- Attempt to calm down everypony in Maretime Bay when they're terrified at him and the dragons.
- Lead Sparky and the dragons to Opaline's castle to take the Dragonstone back from her before she captures them.
- Assured Hitch that Sparky is strong enough to help him and the dragons take the Dragonstone back from Opaline, thus comforting him from his fear of losing him.
- Pretends to be under Opaline's control so Sparky could steal the Dragonstone and return all of cutie marks back to every pony around Equestria once they channeled their unity and power of friendship to Together Trees from their respective locations to defeat her.
What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]
- In "Owl's Well That Ends Well", he got jealous towards Owlowiscious and tried to frame him for killing a mouse. This was because he took his pride as Twilight's "number one assistant" a little too much.
- He can be dishonest sometimes, like in "Princess Spike" where he used his relationship with Twilight Sparkle as the Princess of Friendship to get what he wanted.
- Despite usually being sarcastic, he can be somewhat of a jerk to others, for example in "Bridle Gossip" when he makes fun of Mane Six's embarrassing conditions by coming up with insulting nicknames for each of them, in "Inspiration Manifestation" when he insensitively giving Twilight a brutal honest about how she doesn't look so good and in "Father Knows Beast" when he broke Twilight's heart by saying he had a real parent after meeting Sludge, despite Twilight being the one who raised him.
External Links[]
- Spike on the Heroes Wiki
- Spike on the Guile Heroes Wiki
- Spike on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wiki
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