“ | See that classy-looking one over there? That’s Amba. I get my glow from her. And that’s Pranee. She’s a shapeshifter. Jagan, fog. And Pengu. He’s our big brother. He brings the rain. We were the last dragons. | „ |
~ Sisu on her siblings and their abilities |
Pengu, Pranee, Jagan and Amba are the overarching protagonists, alongside Chief Benja, of Disney's 2021 animated feature film, Raya and the Last Dragon.
They're mythical dragons, benevolent and powerful magical creatures who look upon their land, Kumandra. They have a loving, but still unexperienced sister, named Sisu. When a plague of nightmarish creatures born from humanity's discord known as Drunn attacked Kumandra and the dragons, these dragons reunited themselves to create an orb of magical power to seal the Drunn away, trussing this task to their sister, Sisu.
Their Good Ranking[]
What Makes Them Close to Being Pure Good?[]
- Like most dragons, they are good to and look upon humanity.
- From what Sisu says, they are very loving siblings.
- They and Sisu tried resisting the Drunn along with the rest of the dragons, until they were the only left.
- They used their last powers to create a gem with enough power to seal the Drunn away, even if that'd mean they'd be petrified.
- Trustfully gave the task of using the gem to defeat the Drunn to their sister Sisu, as they were too weak, and were then petrified.
- Were overjoyed to reunite with Sisu and the restored Kumandra after the Drunn met their end.
What Prevents Them From Being Pure Good?[]
- They are insufficiently characterized, as they have no lines and appear only in a flashback and at the end, and we get really little in depth on their personalities and character, with all their known traits being caring for Sisu and Kumandra.
- Due to being overarching protagonists and not appearing until the end and in a flashback, they're the Disney NPG heroes with the least screentime as of now.