“ | Though threatening your own comrade is no doubt business as usual in the Predacon guide to villainy... it is simply unacceptable behavior in my book! | „ |
~ Silverbolt defects from the Predacons |
Silverbolt, known as Jetstorm whilst brainwashed, is a major character in the Beast Wars era of Transformers: Generation One, serving as a major protagonist in both Beast Wars: Transformers and Beast Machines: Transformers.
He's one of the Axalon's protoforms that was mutated into a fuzor, a Transformers with a fusion of two animals as a beast mode. Renowned for his code of honor, he would fall in love with and redeem Blackarachnia through sheer persistence. After being freed from his brainwashing as one of Megatron's top Vehicon generals, he would eventually recover from his trauma and help the Maximals liberate Cybertron once and for all whilst adjusting to the changes that had occurred while he was gone.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- He's a homage to traditional knights, nearly always standing up for what's right and defending those that no one else will with his code of honor.
Beast Wars[]
- Despite briefly being tricked by Megatron into joining the Predacons, he quickly realized their truly vile colors and defected to the Maximals.
- He and Primal saved Dinobot from Megatron, even after he'd tried to defect back to the Predacons.
- He repeatedly saved Blackarachnia while they were stuck together and tried to get her to admit there was still Maximal goodness inside her, later saving her from Protoform X.
- He protected Transmutate from Inferno and defended Transmutate to the other Maximals, stopping Rhinox from locking Transmutate up and being Transmutate's sole friend besides Rampage.
- After Transmutate was killed trying to stop a battle between him and Rampage, he stopped the other Maximals from attacking Rampage and convinced them to leave him alone to grieve, stating they were both brothers on that day.
- Despite knocking Cheetor unconscious to meet Blackarachnia himself, he apologized for doing so and only did it because he knew Blackarachnia would try to harm Cheetor, but not him.
- As a result of his persistent efforts, Blackarachnia redeemed herself and joined the Maximals.
- This paid off wonders as Blackarachnia would play a key role in saving the universe from Megatron and stopping Tarantula from destroying the Ark and wiping virtually all Transformers from existence.
- As Blackarachnia would later admit, she would've never been a hero had it not been for Silverbolt.
- He and Blackarachnia stabilized Optimus Prime and temporarily stopped the time-storm unleashed by Megatron fatally wounding Prime, allowing Primal to come in and preserve his spark until Prime's body was repaired, thereby saving the universe/timestream together.
- He and Blackarachnia defeated Dinobot II.
Beast Machines[]
- After being freed from his brainwashing as Jetstorm, he felt intense remorse despite Blackarachnia repeatedly assuring him that it wasn't his fault.
- He rejected Megatron's attempts to corrupt him willingly and disrupted his Grand Mal body, freeing Primal and Cheetor from Megatron's grasp.
- Despite initially still viewing Cheetor as just a kid, he realized he was wrong and that Cheetor had matured into a wise leader, earning his respect.
- He, Cheetor, and Nightscream distracted the Vehicons while the other Maximals went to stop Megatron's attempt at becoming a god.
- Despite being a sour jerk due to the severe trauma he experienced while being brainwashed, his old idealistic personality eventually returned following Megatron's defeat and the Great Transformation, and he resumed his relationship with Blackarachnia.
What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]
- He can be lethal when it comes to matters surrounding Blackarachnia.
- He tried to murder an unconscious Tarantulas in cold-blood after he seemingly killed Blackarachnia.
- He gave Rattrap a death threat for mocking Optimus Primal's trust in Blackarachnia when Primal let her into his mind to give him the Ark's access codes, though it's played for laughs as part of Rattrap being the perpetual butt-monkey of the series.
- He and Blackarachnia are the first Transformers NPGs and the only ones from the Beast Wars era.
External Links[]
- Silverbolt on the Tfwiki.net
- Silverbolt on the Heroes Wiki
- Silverbolt on the Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
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