Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about Garmadon in his normal state and therefore only his actions under his normal state should be placed here. His corrupted state is voted as Inconsistenty Admirable and his deeds can be added on this page.

Why must we always be on opposite sides, brother? I made an oath not to fight, but I'll still defeat you.
~ Garmadon fighting a brainwashed Wu
Whatever happens to me, wherever I am, I will always be with you. There comes a time where every boy must become a man. What sort of man, is up to him.
~ Sensei Garmadon’s last words to Lloyd.

Garmadon is a major character and the main antagonist of the Ninjago franchise. He is the eldest son of the First Spinjitzu Master and the older brother of Master Wu. He is a deeply tragic figure who was bitten by the Great Devourer snake as a child, infecting him with an incurable evil that he resisted for years before it consumed/possessed him to become a villain and steal the golden weapons to conquer Ninjago before being possessed by the Overlord in his plans to remake Ninjago into his own image. However, after Lloyd defeated the Overlord, Garmadon was cured of the evil venom that possessed him for so long and become a pacifistic hero dedicated to protecting Ninjago and mentoring the ninja alongside his brother, eventually sacrificing himself to save Ninjago from his former mentor turned archenemy, Master Chen.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • He was never willingly evil so he isn't On & Off or Fallen as the whole point of his character is that he was unwillingly corrupted/possessed by the Great Devourer venom that turned him into the Dark Lord, not to mention the fact that Garmadon literally resisted the corruption for millennia before it overtook him, exerting all the effort he could to try and stop it. When resurrected by the Sons of Garmadon, he was brought back as his fully evil self against his will, so any evil actions he committed when resurrected should not apply.
  • Even while possessed by evil, Garmadon still loved his family and resisted the evil enough to assist in rescuing his son from the Serpentine, and even told Lloyd that he didn't have to be evil like Garmadon.
  • Even after his death, his memory would posthumously inspire Lloyd to become more of a wise leader and defeat Pythor on the Day of the Departed.


  • He warned Wu not to go into the Serpentine Valley as it would endanger the peace between humanity and the Serpentine, but went with Wu there to look after him and after Aspheera took over the Serpentine, he helped Wu defeat Aspheera by defeating her forces while Wu defeated Aspheera herself to restore the rightful King Mamboo to the throne and prevent a war between humanity and the Serpentine.
  • He went to go get Wu's fighting stick when it went over the monastery since Wu was too afraid to go himself which led to him infamously getting bitten by the corruptive venom of the Great Devourer.
  • He resisted the corruption of the Great Devourer that was overtaking him for thousands of years, fighting off the corruption with all his strength even though it was incurable and overtaking him, he did everything in his power to try and stop it.
  • Although he decided to train under the controversial Master Chen, once he realized Chen was a horrific villain and planned to disrupt the truce between humanity and Serpentine and betray his own race for pure profit, he refused to join Chen despite being tempted by the Devourer venom and instead left to warn the Elemental Masters and fight the Serpentine, having Chen and Clouse exiled for their crimes with the help of the other Elemental Masters.
  • He ended the First Serpentine War by discovering the sacred flutes that would disorient the Serpentine, getting the Elemental Masters to use them to lock the Serpentine away in five tombs and banishing the top Serpentine generals to the Cursed Realm.
  • He along with Wu defeated the Time Twins Acronix and Krux to stop them from conquering Ninjago by stripping away their powers through the Time Blades and hurling the blades into a time vortex to prevent them from being found (although Acronix and Krux went into the portals to pursue them and eventually return).

Season 3[]

  • After being freed from the possession/brainwashing of the Great Devourer venom and the Overlord, he reunited with his son and wife Misako, adopting a pacifistic oath to atone for his villainy, despite it not being his fault, and opening a monastery to teach pupils in the art of self-defense. The ninja would use this lesson to outsmart the Overlord's Nindroid army and shut down the power to defeat (at least for a while) the Overlord and the Nindroid army and liberate Ninjago City.
  • He taught the ninja about the art of the silent fist, demonstrating through Lloyd how to take down your opponent by avoiding his hits and letting him tire himself out to defeat himself and calmed Lloyd down after he got angry when Garmadon defeated him.
  • He defeated a group of Nindroids without even fighting them via the art of the silent fist, jumping up when they all tried to attack him so they would knock each other out.
  • He went with Lloyd to the Samurai X cave to get a vehicle to get as far away from the Overlord as possible, piloting the vehicle and reminding Lloyd when the ninja shut off the power and (temporarily) defeated the Overlord and his forces that until the ninja rebooted the system and destroyed the Overlord for good, they had to keep moving.
  • He taught Lloyd not to rely on his golden power but find an inner balance to unlock his potential to literally move mountains with his mind and led Lloyd to Hiroshi's Labyrinth to hide from the Overlord.
  • He fought a brainwashed Sensei Wu when he attacked him and Lloyd to buy time for Lloyd to escape but assured Lloyd when they got both captured that it was okay and upon being thrown overboard, he vowed to rescue Lloyd from the Overlord.
  • He broke his pacifist oath to save the ninja from Pythor and a brainwashed Sensei Wu, forcing Pythor to retreat while fighting Wu long enough for the ninja to reboot the system and break Wu's brainwashing.
  • He encouraged Lloyd not to give up and acknowledged he was wrong for telling Lloyd that he had to do it alone as Lloyd has to both trust himself and trust his friends.
  • He supported Wu by using their curveball technique to launch a shrinking pill to defeat the Overlord (although Pythor jumped in to swallow it instead) and mourned Zane's death after he sacrificed himself to defeat the Overlord.

Season 4[]

  • He figured out the ninjas were going to Chen's Tournament of Elements and tried to warn them not to trust Chen, but decided to go with them after realizing they were determined to go to find Zane (who survived and was being held captive in Chen's island) in order to watch over them and guard against Chen, assuring Clouse that he wasn't there to find but just look out for the ninja.
  • He explained to the ninja that they just like the other contestants were Elemental Masters who got their powers as descendants of the guardians of the First Spinjitzu Master and that Nya was therefore also an Elemental Master, she had just yet to unlock her power. He also revealed the history of Chen who betrayed humanity during the Serpentine Wars and got exiled and that he used to be a student of Chen's, warning the ninja not to get divided as the Elemental Masters did during the Serpentine War.
  • He kept guard over the tournament and stopped Clouse from cheating to allow Lloyd and Cole to get a jade blade and advance to the next round.
  • He chastised Kai for cheating against Karloff, reminding him that was not how he should win.
  • He tried to get Cole and Jay to work out their issues and once they did during their fight when they stopped fighting and Cole gave up the jade blade to Jay even though it meant he lost and was sent down a trap door; Garmadon reminded the ninja that Cole did not lose and instead fought like a true ninja.
  • He encouraged the ninja not to make enemies amongst the other Elemental Masters which later inspired them to form an alliance by revealing Chen's plan.
  • He stopped Chen from cheating to prevent Lloyd from winning the Thunderblade race.
  • He helped interrogate the Elemental Masters to find the spy passing info to Chen by revealing that whoever had a snake tattoo on their back was the spy as it was the mark of Chen's followers.
  • He went with Lloyd to find Nya when Chen sent the remaining contestants to hunt her down, pointing out that Nya left a trail of fake footprints but left her Samurai X symbol for her friends to see and recognize.
  • He remorsefully revealed his past as a student for Chen and how he stole Wu's love letter to Misako and passed it off as his own to win her love, vowing after Lloyd's encouragement to tell the truth to Wu and Misako once they got off the island.
  • He and Lloyd reunited with Nya and learned how Chen captured everyone else including Kai and Jay.
  • He figured out that the spell from Clouse's spellbook was a transformation spell and that Chen's whole plan was to use the stolen elemental powers to turn himself and his followers into Anacondrai to conquer Ninjago.
  • He held off Clouse so Lloyd could confront Lloyd but after getting captured and Chen revealed Kai joined him, Garmadon didn't get angry with Kai and instead called out Chen for dividing the current Elemental Masters just like he did the previous ones (but realized with Nya that Kai was actually tricking Chen).
  • Although he grabbed Skylor and supposedly threatened to hurt her to force Chen to release her, Chen called his bluff as Garmadon wasn't actually going to go through with it and released her.
  • He reunited with the team and the Elemental Masters after Cole freed him and Nya and helped defeat Chen's forces while assuring Kai that they would find Skylor (who redeemed herself but was captured by Chen), Chen, and Clouse.
  • He ordered everyone to go look for a captive Skylor and saved Cole from Clouse when Clouse tried to sabotage their jet.
  • He defeated Clouse by ironically kicking Clouse into the Cursed Realm portal Clouse opened to suck Garmadon through.
  • He figured out that Chen completed the Anacondrai transformation spell since everyone with the snake tattoo (including himself) turned into Anacondrai and ordered a retreat back into Chen's captured fortress to escape from his army before going to Ninjago once all the Elemental Masters unlocked their Elemental Dragons in order to stop Chen once and for all.
  • Once reuniting with Wu and Misako, he tried to tell them the truth about the letter but got repeatedly interrupted until Chen decided to reveal it to spite Garmadon. He still felt immense remorse when Wu and Misako got angry at him and didn't lash out even though he had been trying to tell them that earlier.
  • Once realizing from Pythor that the only way to save Ninjago was if the true Anacondrai generals spirits were brought back from the Cursed Realm to curse Chen's army in exchange for the one who banished them taking their place, he sacrificed himself to open the portal and save Ninjago, remorsefully bidding his family (who had forgiven him) farewell and defeating Chen and his army once and for all.

Season 5[]

  • When Lloyd was banished into the Cursed Realm/Preeminent and reunited with him, he told Lloyd not to give up against Morro as the color of the gi was never what made him the Green Ninja but it was the color of his heart, telling Lloyd to destroy the Preeminent to save the realms even though it would destroy him which showed his selflessness, promising Lloyd that wherever Lloyd was, he would always be with him, inspiring Lloyd to carry on and take his robes to go back to confront Morro with Nya unlocking her true potential to destroy the Preeminent and the ghost army, killing Garmadon as well.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He has a few moments of being a jerk like smacking Jay with his stick for whispering (even though Jay was complimenting him) and telling Jay that lightning isn't an element, kicking one of Chen's workers off the ship and into the ocean when Clouse mockingly told him there was no room and was rather cold when banishing Clouse to the Cursed Realm, telling Clouse when Clouse told him that he was pulling them both in that "No, just you" before kicking Clouse in. The latter part is understandable, however, as Clouse had done nothing but make life hard for him and the Ninja and tried to kill them several times while aiding Chen.
  • He throws a brainwashed Wu out the window of Borg Tower to fall to his death when Wu was about to press the master switch to trap the ninja in the Digiverse. Granted, Techno Wu was about to basically kill the ninja or "at least" trap them in a fate worse than death by being stuck in the Digiverse but honestly, Garmadon could have probably just thrown Wu aside and didn’t necessarily have to do that. In addition, after seeing a brainwashed Wu was still alive, he went down to confront Wu over a ledge, telling his brother that "Sorry, brother it ends now", which heavily implies, if not outright confirms, he was willing to kill Wu.


  • He is the only Near Pure Good hero so far to also be considered Inconsistently Admirable at the same time due to varying moral circumstances. This is because in his Lord Garmadon form, he has a different moral agency and is corrupted by darkness, which gives Garmadon 2 different moral rankings and also makes him a villain by proxy.

External Links[]


            Lego Logo Near Pure Goods

Vitruvius | Wyldstyle | Lloyd Garmadon

Television Shows
Ninjago: Sensei Garmadon | Nya | Jay Walker | Dareth
Nexo Knights: Aaron Fox | Izzy Richmond | Macy Halbert
Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar: Blue

Video Games
Sensei Garmadon | Nya | Jay Walker | Chase McCain | Batman | Iron Man | Lloyd Garmadon

See Also
Nickelodeon Near Pure Goods
