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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Usagi Tsukino, also known as Sailor Moon, is the titular main protagonist of the 1992-1997 anime, the 2014 anime reboot, and manga series of the same name. She is the leader of Sailor Scouts, the daughter of Ikuko Tsukino and Kenji Tsukino and the older sister of Shingo Tsukino. She is also a love interest and future wife of Tuxedo Mask.

In Japanese, she is voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi and Kae Araki who was a temporary stand-in for the first anime. In English, she is voiced by Tracy Moore, and later on, Terri Hawkes in the DIC dub, Linda Ballantyne in the Cloverway dub, and Stephanie Sheh in the ViZ dub and Sailor Moon Crystal.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • As the leader of the Sailor Scouts, she has repeatedly saved the world from various dark forces, and also saved innocents from being attacked by demons in every episode.
  • She cares very much about her friends, as well as her beloved Mamoru and her companion Luna, and is even ready to sacrifice her life for them.

Sailor Moon (season 1)[]

  • She drove off a group of boys who were bullying Luna when she first met her.
  • She became Sailor Moon to stop the Dark Kingdom's plan for world domination.
  • At the first time of the tasks, she meet with Tuxedo Mask, who is crushes on her and furthering later throughout the series.
  • She became friends with other Sailor Scouts - Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako, and together with them began to confront the Dark Kingdom. Despite quarreled with Rei, she showing to be kind to her which they how to learning respected for each other.
  • She continued to fight the Dark Kingdom with the help of Tuxedo Mask and the other Sailor Senshi.
  • When Mamoru is hurt, she must be worried it and accompanied him into the traps of the Dark Kingdom. Under her hopes, she would save her and her boyfriend's life, who revealed himself as Tuxedo Mask.
  • Following Tuxedo Mask's kidnapping and controlled by the Dark Kingdom, she falling into depression state and worried about him. After learned that Tuxedo Mask is still alive, she gained her determination back to saving him.
  • As the fellow Sailor Senshi are sacrificed themselves to attacked the monsters, she stand up to Queen Beryl before destroyed her with the help of Tuxedo and her friends.

Sailor Moon R[]

  • Since their memories are restored, she later joined Mamoru and the other Sailor Senshi to defeat villains Alan and Ann.
  • Together with Sailor Venus, she saved the school bus from demons.
  • She did not show cruelty to Alan and Ann, and instead taught them to be kind, after which they safely left Earth.
  • Although she was rude to Chibiusa at first, it was only because she did not know her true purpose, and when she found out, she became much warmer to her, and began to protect her with all her might from the Dark Moon Clan.
  • When the villain Rubeus betrayed the Ayakashi Sisters, she saved their lives, and then convinced them to become kind, which they eventually did.
  • She, along with Chibiusa, defeated Wiseman and thereby prevented his plan to seize power in all time and space.

Sailor Moon S[]

  • Together with other Sailor Scouts, she began to confront the Apostles of Death in order to prevent them from extracting crystals from the pure hearts of people.
  • She was disgusted by the actions of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, as they did not save the innocent when they had the opportunity.
  • She became good friends with Haruka and Michiru.
  • Being chained to Sailor Uranus, she persuaded her to save her friend Michiru, which they eventually did. After that, their relationship became much warmer.
  • She returned the talismans Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, thus reviving them when Eudial stole them.
  • She saved Chibiusa when the crystal of the pure heart was extracted from her.
  • She refused to kill Hotaru even when she became Mistress 9, and instead persuaded her to become kind again, which she did.

Full-length cartoons[]

  • She risked her life to defeat the Xenian Flower and prevent it from infecting the whole Earth, as well as save her friends from it.
  • She defeated Princess Snow Kaguya, thereby preventing her from freezing the entire Earth.
  • She defeated Queen Badiana, thereby freeing many captive children from her, as well as thwarting her plans to devour the Earth.

Sailor Moon SuperS[]

  • She, along with other Sailor Scouts, began to confront the Dead Moon Circus in order to prevent them from getting the magic horse Pegasus.
  • She persuaded a Trio of Amazons to become kind so that they could become people and have dreams.
  • She also convinced the Quartet of Amazons to give up their dream of always being small so that they could free themselves from the power of Queen Nehelenia.
  • She, along with other Sailor Scouts, saved Pegasus and defeated Queen Nehelenia, and also saved Chibiusa when she almost fell from a great height.

Sailor Moon Sailor Stars[]

  • During the final battle against Sailor Galaxia, she refused to kill her and but hopes to freeing her from the corrupting Chaos.
  • Despite learned that Mamoru and the other Sailor Scouts are killed by Galaxia in the previous actions, however, she seeing them are revived with happiness. Aftermaths, they are already reunited.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • She has moments of being portrayed as more of a jerk and mischievous, while she is bit lethal. She also often quarreled with Rei as they liked to protest. However, this generally applies more to the original anime, as she is portrayed as less of a jerk in the original manga storyline.
    • Additionally, her jealousy, especially towards any girl who gets close to Mamoru, is one negative personality trait present in both the manga and original anime and she has no problem getting violent towards them though she subverts it in the Manga however. Though this one negative personality trait is not featured Crystal however.

External Links[]


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Sailor Moon | Sailor Venus | Tuxedo Mask (1990's anime) | Sailor Pluto (1990's anime)
