Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

The power of one man doesn't amount to much. But, however little strength I'm capable of... I'll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love, and in turn they'll protect the ones they love. It seems like the least we tiny humans can do for each other.
~ Roy's hope for humanity.

Colonel Roy Mustang is the tritagonist of the manga series, Fullmetal Alchemist.

He is a State Alchemist in the Amestrian State Military, who is Edward Elric's superior officer, and plans to become the next Führer of Amestris.

He was voiced by Shin'ichirō Miki in Japanese, who also voiced Sir Nighteye, and Travis Willingham in English, who also voiced Reggie Rowe.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • His lifelong goal was to make Amestris a better place for its people.
  • During the Ishvalan Civil War, he saved the lives of a few men stationed under him.
  • While he killed innocent civilians in Ishval, he and his friends were practically tricked into it and he felt extreme remorse. He would later devote his life to helping the Ishvalans to atone for what he did, so he managed to subvert this.
  • He offered Edward the position of becoming State Alchemist so he could find a way to restore his and Alphonse’s bodies, and inspired him to do so instead of wallowing in self-pity.
  • He and the East City forces saved the Elric brothers from Scar.
  • After Hughes was murdered by Envy, he vowed to avenge his best friend and uncover the conspiracy.
  • After Maria Ross was framed for Hughes’ murder and marked for execution, he helped her fake her death, and had her safely transported to Xerxes.
    • While he coldly dismissed Edward when he thought he killed her, it was only to keep Maria’s cover safe, and Edward forgave him when he found out he saved her.
  • He saved Riza and Kain from Gluttony.
  • He killed Lust, saving Alphonse and Riza, and asked them to call a doctor to treat Havoc’s wounds before his own.
  • He tried to search for Dr. Marcoh to heal Havoc's legs, and when he failed, he reluctantly agreed to let Havoc leave his service.
  • He and Riza helped Edward in his plan to lure both Scar and the Homunculli out, by confusing the military with false news of appearances of Scar across the city.
  • He managed to warn the Elric brothers and his unit about the truth of Colonel Bradley and the Military High Command.
  • He orchestrated and led the coup d'état of the Amestrisian government, which played a significant role in stopping Father’s plan.
  • When he was about to vengefully kill Envy, he didn’t go through with it when Edward, Riza and Scar talked him out of it, and he apologized.
  • When Riza was mortally wounded by the Gold-Toothed Doctor, who made a deal with Roy to make a human transmutation to save her, which is what Father wanted, he refused when Riza told him not to take it.
  • With Riza’s help, he attacked Father with his flames, which helped exhaust Father's Philosopher's Stone and led to his defeat.
  • He cheered for Edward when he fought Father, along with everyone else.
  • After the final battle, he agreed to devote his life to helping the Ishvalans return to their homeland.
  • In the anime adaptation, he only agreed to heal his sight with a Philosopher’s Stone because Dr. Marcoh convinced him it would help him restore Ishval, and he asked him to heal Havoc's legs first.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He can act jerkish and arrogant, though this is often only played for laughs.

External Links[]


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Main Heroes
Edward Elric | Roy Mustang

Winry Rockbell | Alex Louis Armstrong | Mei Chang | Maes Hughes

Logue Lowe
