“ | I'm too old for this sh*t! | „ |
~ Roger Murtaugh's catchphrase. |
“ | It's just been revoked! | „ |
~ Roger after killing Arjen Rudd. |
Roger Murtaugh is one of the two main protagonists (alongside Martin Riggs) of the Lethal Weapon film series.
He is a straightlaced homicide detective and a family man. He soon gets partnered with Martin Riggs and soon becomes best friends with him.
He was portrayed by Danny Glover.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]
Alongside Martin Riggs[]
- Although he and Riggs didn't like each other at first, they still worked together and form a friendship by the end of the first movie.
- They saved countless lives from danger multiple times.
- They stopped General Peter McAllister and Jack Joshua's plan to sell heroin and saved Murtaugh's teenage daughter, Rianne from McAllister.
- They protected Leo Getz from harm from the South African diplomats and saved him when he was captured by them, even if he was annoying to them.
- They stopped Arjen Rudd and Pieter Vorstedt's plan to smuggle illegal shipments of gold krugerrands in the second movie.
- They stopped Jack Travis' plan to sell dangerous weapons and his arms dealership in the third movie.
- They stopped Wah Sing Ku's plan to get the Four Fathers out of prison and buying their freedom with counterfeit money in the fourth movie.
On His Own Accord[]
- He is protective of Riggs and cared about his problems.
- He is much more cautious and less crazy and anti-heroic than Riggs was at the start.
- He confronted Riggs over his suicidal tendencies.
- He often acts as the voice of reason to Riggs and tries to tell him the consequences to his crazy actions.
- He is protective of his children and cares deeply about them as he threatened Riggs not to come near Rianne.
Lethal Weapon[]
- He investigated the death of Amanda Hunsaker.
- When he saw Riggs raise his gun, he charges at him to apprehend him, but stops as he realizes he's his new partner.
- He reluctantly works with Riggs on the case of drug dealers.
- He rightfully got angry with Riggs for his suicide attempt and tempted him with suicide when he gave him his gun, but stops Riggs from killing himself.
- He tried to save Rianne from Joshua in the desert.
- He orders a police officer to get backup and watch over his daughter.
- He stopped Peter McAllister by shooting the driver and making the car explode with the grenades inside, killing McAllister.
- He and Riggs shoot and kill Joshua when he was about to shoot Riggs.
Lethal Weapon 2[]
- He and Riggs try to stop the suspects who were speeding past the limit.
- He chases after Riggs who was on a truck trying to stop an an assassin.
- He poses as a man named "Alphonse" to emigrate to South Africa to help Riggs' investigation of the South African consulate.
- He saves Leo from Arjen Rudd's house who was kidnapped by his thugs.
- He kills Arjen Rudd, ending his reign of terror.
- He encouraged Riggs to not die when he thought he was dying, but survived in the end.
Lethal Weapon 3[]
- He tried to convince Riggs not to disarm a bomb in a building.
- He tries to keep Riggs from smoking.
- He comforts Leo when he gets shot by Jack Travis at a hockey game.
- Although he killed his son Nick's best friend, Darryl Smithers, this was accidental as he truly did not know he was Nick's best friend and went into depression over it.
- Although he tried to shoot Riggs and fought him, he was very drunk and depressed over what he did and did not do it again when Riggs talked him out of it. He also only punched Riggs when he thought he slept with Rianne.
- He tried to apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Smithers over what he did.
- He interrogated one of Jack Travis' cronies and Tyrone over who sold Darryl the gun.
- He avenges Darryl and Officer Edwards by tossing Travis' "cop killers" gun to Riggs, killing Travis.
Lethal Weapon 4[]
- He took off his clothes and acted as a distraction for the man with a flamethrower by clucking like a chicken to defeat him.
- He shoots at guys who was shooting at them from a ship.
- He brought a group of slaves from China until he could bring them to an asylum.
- He helps Riggs and Lee Butters chase down the chinese captain that was on the ship.
- While he did punch Riggs, it was only because he didn't tell him that Butters was his son-in-law.
- He showed remorse for accidentally killing Wah Sing Ku's brother.
- He helps Riggs defeat Ku by impaling him with a metal stick.
- He saved Riggs from drowning to death.
- Although he was as mischievous along with Riggs towards Leo, he subverted this in the end of the fourth film.
What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]
- He is lethal as he killed many villains in the series, along with Riggs, although it's mostly in self-defense.
- He is sometimes a bit reckless, alongside Riggs as he caused damage while stopping villains.
External Links[]
- Roger Murtaugh on the Heroes Wiki
- Roger Murtaugh on the Lethal Weapon Wiki
- Roger Murtaugh on the Warner Bros. Entertainment Wiki