Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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It's Showtime!
~ One of Ren Amamiya's catchphrases
You are held captive. A prisoner of fate to a future that has been sealed in advance. This is truly an unjust game... Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my voice is reaching you, there may yet be a possibility open to you... ...I beg you. Please overcome this game... and save the world... The key to victory lies within the memories of your bonds—the truth that you and your friends grasped. It all began that day... when the game was started half a year ago... For the sake of your world's future... as well as your own... you must remember...
~ Lavenza to Ren.

Ren Amamiya, codnamed Joker, is the main protagonist of the Persona 5 sub-series within the Persona series.

He is a second year transfer student at Shujin High who moved to Tokyo after being falsely arrested by Masayoshi Shido. He is the leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, which he forms with Ryuji Sakamoto, Morgana and Ann Takamaki.

He is voiced by Jun Fukuyama in Japanese, and by Xander Mobus in English.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Protected a woman from being raped by Masayoshi Shido, a corrupt and evil politician.
  • He is a Persona user, as such it implies that he has a deep understanding of their desires, making them less susceptible to corruption.
  • Change the hearts of many disgusting criminals, such as Suguru Kamoshida, a PE teacher who attempted to sexually assault female students and abused male students, Ichiryusai Madarame, an abusive art teacher who plagiarized his students' work to the point one of them committed suicide, Junya Kaneshiro, a Yakuza oyabun who attempted to turn Makoto Niijima into a sex slave, Kunikazu Okumura, a corrupt CEO of a large company who wanted to force his own daughter into marrying a creep, and Masayoshi Shido, the same man who got Joker arrested and manipulated his own son into being a mass murderer.
  • Saved Morgana from being locked up in a cell in Kamoshida's Palace.
  • Helped Ryuji escape Kamoshida's palace.
  • Followed Ann after she was on the phone to Suguru Kamoshida because he wanted to keep her safe.
  • Helps Futaba Sakura get over her social anxiety.
  • Saved Haru Okumura from having to marry her perverted and arrogant fiancé, Sugimura.
  • Helped Sae Niijima and Goro Akechi redeem themselves.
  • Despite Akechi betraying the Phantom Thieves, Ren eventually forgave him and wished for him to be alive.
  • Defeated Yaldabaoth, a false god who wanted to trap humanity in a completely totalitarian state.
  • In the Confidant events, he helps many people get over struggles that they are facing.
  • In Persona 5 Royal, he takes down Takuto Maruki, who trapped society in an "ideal" world where he was pulling the strings and saved him when he almost fell to his death.
  • In Persona 5 Strikers he helped stopped more criminals, most notably Akira Konoe, a CEO of a multi-billion dollar IT company who acted as a Knight Templar all the while he ruined many peoples' live and tried to enslave everyone using EMMA, Kuon Ichinose, the creator of EMMA, and EMMA itself, who used countless people for its own gain in attempt to enslave the world.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • There are many times when he can be cocky, arrogant and rather smug, such as taunting his enemies with bad timing on his end.
  • He has dialogue options where he can act like a jerk to his friends, such as in Confidant events, so he has minor events of dependence on the player’s choices.
    • He could even engage in animal cruelty, for example when he is given the option to button mash Morgana's head. While it was played off as a joke it was still cruel behavior.
    • Like Makoto Yuki and Yu Narukami, he can optionally choose to cheat on his potential love interests leading him to get beaten up, which is too corrupting for Pure Good.
  • He can be quite a pervert with certain scenes and dialogue options, like when he was staring at Ann's cleavage in Futaba's Palace. However, this is played for comedy and not as an act of harassment, thus making it a minor prevention.

External Links[]


Persona PSP logo Near Pure Goods

Persona 3
Makoto Yuki

Persona 4
Teddie | Chie Satonaka | Yosuke Hanamura | Kanji Tatsumi

Persona 5
Ren Amamiya | Ryuji Sakamoto | Ann Takamaki | Yusuke Kitagawa | Futaba Sakura | Haru Okumura

            Super Smash Bros. Logo Near Pure Goods

Playable Characters
Captain Falcon | Corrin | Nana | Joker | King Dedede | Little Mac | Lucina | Meta Knight | Pac-Man | Samus Aran | Shulk | Sonic the Hedgehog

See Also
Nintendo Near Pure Goods
