Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Hey Ugly! Taste my bravery!
~ Radar to an Icy Golem.
No way anyone's getting through that portal with that huge creep hanging around! They'd get left behind. The Enderman is after me... I can buy you time.
~ Radar explaining his plan in the Underneath.

Radar is a major character in Season 2 of Minecraft: Story Mode.

He is Jesse's intern, tagging along on his/her journey to the Icy Palace of Despair and eventually the Underneath. During the quest, he grew from a weak coward to a noble hero, playing a vital role in the Admin's defeat.

He is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, who also voiced Simon and Yosuke Hanamura.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • As Jesse's intern, Radar shows a lot of loyalty to him/her and his/her friends, even idolizing them.
  • While he does come across as a coward in the first episodes of Season 2, Radar was still willing to help other people, as shown in the second episode of the season as he assists Jesse in getting the clock back and saving Beacontown from Romeo. Plus, Radar later subverts it as he was willing to sacrifice himself to save Fred's people from a Giant Enderman.
  • When he hears that Jesse and Petra will be leaving Beacontown for a bit, Radar shows concern for Beacontown and was willing to look after it. He was also willing to look after the clock when Lukas tells him that it may be super dangerous. Even if Jesse passes the title to Lukas, while he does get a bit upset, he does not fight with Lukas at all and instead accepts it.
  • While he was upset at "Vos" for insulting him, he still showed concerned when he fell in the water and felt some guilt for it.
  • He saved Jesse from an Icy Golem, which allowed Jesse to take its head off for the door.
  • In the third episode, while he did went to "Prison Radar" and vowed to break whatever rules he wants to, Radar never really did that nor hurt anyone in Prison. He even remains kind and loyal to Jesse.
  • Along with Jack, Petra, Radar and Lluna, he helped Jesse break Xara out of Prison.
  • Despite everything the Warden did to him, Radar was shocked when Xara killed him.
  • While he did tease Petra about not wanting to talk about Jack, this was minor moment and was played for laughs as he wanted to try and make Petra feel better.
  • He helped Jesse and Petra fight their way inside Romeo's Challenge and even bought Jesse some time to craft the TNT to use against the Giant Magma Golem.
  • He turned off the machine at Romeo's Challenge, allowing himself, Jesse, and Petra to skip five-hundred-ninety-six waves of monsters straight to the final boss.
    • Thanks to Radar, they made it out of the challenge alive and were able to enter Fred's Cabin, finding #POTATO541, the weapon able to strip Romeo's powers away forever.
  • When Xara wanted to get revenge on Romeo for killing Fred by killing him, Radar was shocked by this and was not happy to hear that Jesse agreed.
  • He was willing to sacrifice himself to save Binta and Fred's people from the Giant Enderman. This is his easily his most heroic act, since he easily could have left the Underneath without them, even being pressured by his peers to do so, but instead chose to stay and do what was right.
    • Even if Jesse doesn't let him preform this sacrifice, Radar still hopes for them to be alright and even about thought it in Jack's shop.
  • While he does punch a guard if he was brought with the group in Above and Beyond, he only did it as a last resort as the guard was working with Romeo. Plus, the guard very likely would've exposed Jesse if he didn't do it.
  • If Jesse allows him to save Fred's People, he saves Jesse, Petra, Jack and Romeo (determent) from being killed by a glitched Prismarine Colossus by bringing the Giant Enderman with him into the Terminal. This is unique as it's the only way to save Romeo and bring him out of the Terminal Space.
    • If Romeo is saved, he states that he would return to the Underneath and fix the lives he ruined, meaning Radar is partially responsible for making that happen.
  • Even though the Admirable Standard is high, Radar stands out thanks to turning off the machine at Romeo's Challenge and being the only way for Jesse to achieve a playthrough with the most amount of lives saved; being Fred's People and Romeo.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • His most admirable act, sacrificing himself to save Fred's People, relies on Fridge Brilliance since it isn't clear whether or not the Giant Enderman would have actually killed them. If Jesse doesn't allow Radar to perform his sacrifice, they leave the Underneath without Fred's People, resulting in them never being seen again, leaving their fate unknown. If this choice was made, the Giant Enderman actually turns away to attack Jesse's portal, giving Fred's People a very realistic chance to flee.
    • This also means that he fails the Admirable Standards to Reuben, who preformed a more impactful sacrifice and he just has himself.


  • He was previously on the Pure Good wiki before moving here when it was found out that sacrificing himself to save Fred's people relies on Fridge Brilliance and that he failed the admirable standards to Reuben.

External Links[]


           Telltale Games Near Pure Goods

Video Games
Carley | Doug | Christa | Charles | Petra | Ivor | Harper | Radar | Jack | Kate García | Luke | Louis | James

See Also
Minecraft Near Pure Goods

           Minecrafting Near Pure Goods

Minecraft: Story Mode
Petra | Ivor | Harper | Radar | Jack

Animation vs. Minecraft
Stick Figures
The Second Coming | Blue | Red
Piglin Child | The Musketeers | The Warden | Beeper | Red's Fourth Pig

Dream SMP
TommyInnit | Ranboo

Missâ Alexandrica
Alexandre the Great | Luckke23

As Aventuras de um Herói Bugado

Lightning SMP
