NOTE: This is a composite profile of both mainstream versions of R2-D2 being his Canon and Legends counterparts where both incarnations take different directions in their storylines with the Star Wars Original Trilogy, Prequel Trilogy and Star Wars: The Clone Wars Seasons 1-6 serving as the only exceptions. |
R2-D2 is one of the main characters of the Star Wars franchise.
He is an R2-series astromech droid, the best friend of C-3PO, and a faithful member of the Naboo, the Jedi Order, the Rebel Alliance, and the Resistance.
He was portrayed by the late Kenny Baker.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- While snarky, he never antagonizes people any more than what is warranted, and even then, he developed to become more tranquil during the Resistance Era.
- Despite the high admirable standard of Star Wars, R2-D2 uses his low resources to be as heroic as he can possibly be without holding back in the slightest.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace[]
- He fixed the Naboo starship so it could get past the blockade, which Queen Amidala's decoy passionately commends him for.
- He urged Anakin to go back to the planetary surface after he flew to the Droid Control Ship and obey Qui-Gon Jinn. When he didn't, he still helped re-power his ship, saving the little boy from being shot down by oncoming battle droids so he could blow up the ship and save all of Naboo in the process, with R2-D2 being there every step of the way.
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones[]
- He flew to save Anakin and Padme at the droid factory, despite C-3PO wanting him to stay with the ship for their own safety. Then he rewired the chain of buckets Padme was trapped in moments before she could be smothered in molten liquid.
- He saved C-3PO by reattaching his head, ignoring his ungrateful and immature reaction to it.
- He kept Anakin's marriage to Padme a secret.
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith[]
- He fought alongside the Jedi Knights many times throughout the Clone Wars.
- He surged power units and watched the reverse thrusters on Anakin's Jedi Interceptor, allowing him to survive being pelted with two homing missiles. He also zapped a buzz droid who would have likewise destroyed the interceptor.
- He got the elevator working so Anakin and Obi-Wan could save the Chancellor (having no idea he was secretly evil).
- Upon witnessing Anakin choking Padme, he was so abhorred by such a horrifically abusive act that he disobeyed his orders of staying with his Jedi Interceptor, instead making the right choice by leaving with Obi-Wan so they could help Padme, who was so injured that she could barely speak. He also stayed by her side during the agonizing birth process and was very upset when his original owner perished right in front of him.
Star Wars: A New Hope[]
- Much later, he took the Death Star plans with him and got himself and C-3PO off the Tantive IV in an escape pod.
- When the Rebels were trapped in the Death Star trash compactor, he saved their lives by turning it off.
- He flew with Luke to destroy the Death Star once and for all.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back[]
- He joined in Hoth's evacuation.
- He tried to take Luke's flashlight back from Yoda (having no idea he was secretly a Jedi).
- He helped the Rebels escape from Cloud City.
- He fixes the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive to allow the Rebels to jump into hyperspace.
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi[]
- He delivered a message to Jabba The Hutt from Luke seeking to bargain with him for Han Solo's freedom.
- He shot Luke his lightsaber, saving him and the other heroes from suffering a millennium of torture by a Sarlaac as well as saving Leia Organa from years of sex slavery.
- He blasted Salacious Crumb away from C-3PO when he was bullying him.
- He fought in the Battle of Endor and got the shield generator door open.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens[]
- He helped Luke train the short-lived new Jedi Order, and when Ben Solo ruined their chance in the Sun, he tenderly comforted Luke.
- He provided the last missing piece to the Map to Skywalker. Then he goes with Rey Palpatine to convince Luke to rejoin the heroes.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi[]
- He helped Rey find General Leia on Crait and keep track of her whereabouts.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker[]
- He informed everyone that Exegol was a remote world that revolved around the Sith Lords.
- He restored C-3PO's memory after the Sith tongue mishap from earlier.
- He fights alongside Poe Dameron in the climactic Battle of Exegol.
What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]
- As an artificial intelligence created solely to protect the innocent by the Naboo, he has minor moral agency issues.
External Links[]
- R2-D2 on the Heroes Wiki
- R2-D2 on the Disney Wiki
- R2-D2 on the Star Wars Wiki
- R2-D2 on the Love Exalted Wiki
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Jedi Order The Path/Early Rebellion/Alliance to Restore the Republic Non-Canon |