NOTE: This page is only about the pony Pinkie Pie, thus only pony Pinkie's info should be put here. Her human counterpart is also voted Near Pure Good meaning she has a separate page found here. |
“ | Isn't this exciting? Are you excited cause I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time that I went [gasp] but I mean really-- | „ |
~ Pinkie Pie |
Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie is one of the six deuteragonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She is one of Twilight Sparkle's friends, and a member of the Mane Six, that represent the elements of harmony and constantly protects Equestria and friendship. She is energetic and bubbly, loves to throw parties and make people happy, and among the elements of Harmony, she represents laughter.
She is voiced by Andrea Libman, who also voiced Fluttershy.
Her Good Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- She and her friends defeated several villains from harming Equestria.
Season 1[]
- Hosted a welcome party for Twilight Sparkle at the Golden Oaks Library to celebrate her arrival in Ponyville.
- Convinced her friends to confront their fear by laughing at the scary faces on the trees Nightmare Moon makes and singing the Laughter Song.
- She and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony.
- Hosted a welcome party for Gilda at Sugarcube Corner just to change her mood, but to no avail. However, this party led Gilda to reveal her true colors to everypony and Rainbow turned her back on her as result.
- Apologized to Zecora for her actions towards her.
- Used all of her instruments to clear the Parasprites away from Ponyville.
- Forgave her friends for not listening to her opinions.
- Worked together with everypony on Winter Wrap Up.
- Tried to help Apple Bloom get her cutie mark.
- Finished Rarity's unfinished dress as an apology.
- With her Pinkie sense, she could warn others that anything could happen in the future.
- Supported Rainbow Dash in the Best Young Flyer competition.
- She and her friends rescued Rarity from the Diamond Dogs.
- Warned Twilight not to break the Pinkie promise.
- Attempted to stop the battle between the ponies of Appleloosa and the buffaloes.
- Apologized to her friends for doubting them and being suspicious.
Season 2[]
- Defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony.
- Promised that she would take Twilight's problems seriously.
- Disguised herself as the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well to rescue ponies and prevent Rainbow Dash from doing so just to teach her about humility.
- She and her friends decided to celebrate Rarity's birthday at Canterlot, though they accidentally almost embarrassed her in front of the high-class ponies.
- Tried to stop Spike from rampaging across Ponyville.
- Tried to keep an eye on the Cake twins and prevent them from causing trouble when she was trying to babysit them.
- Helping Applejack with her problems.
- Scolding Applejack for breaking the Pinkie promise. Technically, Applejack didn't break her promise as she duck it completely.
- Competed with the Flim Flam Brothers at the cider-making competition.
- Brought Matilda to Cranky Doodle Donkey for them to reunite.
- Convinced Fluttershy to stand up for herself.
- Attempt to convince Fluttershy to not taking her brutish behavior too seriously.
- Congratulated Fluttershy for standing up to Iron Will.
- Helped Twilight infiltrate the Canterlot Archives to search for the time travel spell.
- She was the only one who didn't show anger towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders after their embarrassing gossip.
Season 3[]
- Along with her friends, she tried to make the ponies of the Crystal Empire happy.
- Helped the Cutie Mark Crusaders save Babs Seed from falling into their trap.
- She and her friends defended Twilight when Trixie was going to banish her.
- Helped Twilight defeat Trixie in a magic duel.
- She and her friends went to Wonderbolt Academy to give Rainbow Dash a package.
- Comforted Rainbow Dash when she was going to give up on being a Wonderbolt.
- Helped Applejack and her friends create make a fake scenario where Applejack was in "danger" so that Spike would abandon his "dragon code."
Season 4[]
- Helped Rainbow Dash and Daring Do defeat Ahuizotl.
- She and her friends defeated the Mane-iac.
- She and her friends helped Applejack making the vampire fruit bats stop liking the apples to save the apples in the apple trees.
- Helped turn Flutterbat back into Fluttershy.
- When it was revealed that there was no evidence that she was related to the Apple family, she was still happy that she was an Apple despite not having any proof since she stayed with the Apple family during the trip.
- Planned a birthday party for Rainbow Dash.
- During the goof-off, she realizes the damage she had caused and forfeited the goof-off by declaring Cheese Sandwich the winner.
- Being convinced by her friends to stay and make good parties, she happily accepted it.
- Realizing that she was the one who gave Cheese Sandwich the inspiration of making great parties, she happily decided to patch things up with him.
- She and her friends helped bring the group of Breezies back to their home after they got separated.
- Helped Rainbow Dash study for the Wonderbolts Reserves entrance exam.
- She and her friends defeated Lord Tirek with rainbow power, brought back the magic to everypony in Equestria and released the princesses from Tartarus.
Season 5[]
- Helped the residents of Our Town get back their cutie marks and defeat Starlight Glimmer.
- Honored the Golden Oaks Library by decorating the leftovers at the castle.
- Convinced Gilda to save Rainbow Dash, thus reforming her.
- Forgave Gilda after she saved her and Rainbow from falling.
- She and her friends stopped a Bugbear from rampaging across Ponyville.
- Embarked on a journey to Yakyakistan to save Equestria's relations with the yaks.
- Apologized to Prince Rutherford and convinced that they should feel like a natural home so the yaks can see why the ponies loves living there.
- Helped Twilight plan a party for Moon Dancer to help her reconcile.
- Saved various ponies from the Tantabus in the dream sequence.
- Congratulated the Cutie Mark Crusaders for getting their cutie marks.
- Promised to keep a secret that Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were having a baby from the others.
- She and her family worked together with the Apple family to push a large sacred boulder to the top of the quarry.
Season 6[]
- Gave away her party cannon to a sleazy stallion in exchange for a rock pouch for Maud Pie.
- Comforted Rainbow Dash from remembering her old nickname "Rainbow Crash".
- Helping Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala get The Tasty Treat back on the road.
- She and her friends pulled a zombie prank on Rainbow Dash to teach her a lesson about pranking others.
- Agreed on training with Fluttershy for the buckball game under Rainbow Dash and Applejack's request.
- She and Fluttershy gave up on training for the buckball game in order not to disappoint their friends.
- Forgave Applejack and Rainbow Dash for putting her and Fluttershy under stress to win.
- Forgave Starlight for casting a spell on her and her friends.
Season 7[]
- Apologized to Maud for trying to force her and Starlight to get along together and underestimating her ability to make decisions on her own.
- Saved Maud from being eaten by a quarray eel.
- Convinced the yaks to agree on accepting help from ponies.
- She and her friends cleared up the snow from Yakyakistan.
- Tried to show everypony that she and her friends weren't flawless.
- She and Rainbow Dash helped Daring Do clear her name by exposing Dr. Cabelleron's machinations.
- Forgave Rainbow Dash for lying to her about eating pies.
- She and her friends reformed Stygian by sending the Pony of Shadows back to limbo.
Season 8[]
- Stood up to Chancellor Neighsay for his prejudice.
- Though she disliked Mudbriar at first, she then apologized to him for doubting him.
- Helped Twilight put on a play for Princess Celestia's "ones-versary".
- After her friends explained that she wasn't good enough to play the yovidaphone, she agreed to stop playing it under their wishes. However, she fell into a deep depression after the yovidaphone was taken away.
- She and her friends were rightfully mad at Cozy Glow for betraying everypony and attempting to take over the School of Friendship.
Season 9[]
- She and her friends defeated King Sombra with power of friendship.
- Helped Twilight Sparkle to obtain the Sibling Supreme Crown before Shining Armor did.
- She and her friends covered for the princesses' duties.
- Helped Cheese Sandwich get his laughter back.
- Forgave Twilight for tricking her into getting disqualified.
- Helped Twilight prepare for the last Summer Sun Celebration.
- She and her friends defeated the Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow with the magic of friendship.
- She and her friends taught Luster Dawn about the magic of friendship.
What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]
- She can be mischievous at times, though her pranks aren't necessarily harmful.
- Can be a jerkish and insensitive at times through the way she tried to force her ideas onto others.
- In "Party of One", she falsely accused her friends of not wanting to go to her parties, causing her to interrogate Spike and distrust those around her, affecting her mentality.
- In "Filli Vanilli", she made Fluttershy cry by describing stage fright to her. While this might have been played as a recurring gag in the episode, she didn't apologize nor showed remorse for it.
- In "Secrets and Pies", she relentlessly stalked and harassed Rainbow Dash just because she didn't like eating her pies.
- In "Yakity-Sax", she was a total nuisance with her loud bagpipe-like instrument, which drove her friends and the residents of Ponyville crazy to the point where it resulted her friends in getting rid of the instrument, which in turn caused Pinkie Pie to change into her depressed state.
- She and Rarity were once labeled Inconsistently Admirable, before their corrupting factors were reconsidered, then they were approved here.
External Links[]
- Pinkie Pie on the Heroes Wiki.
- Pinkie Pie on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wiki.
- Pinkie Pie on the Love Exalted Wiki
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