Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

~ Pikachu calling Ash by his name
~ Pikachu before delivering a powerful attack, usually before blasting Team Rocket away.

Ash’s Pikachu is the iconic deuteragonist of the Pokémon anime series.

He is Ash Ketchum's partner and first Pokémon, that he received from Professor Oak at Pallet Town upon completing 10 years. Although Ash wished to receive one of the most common starters, he overslept and had to accept Pikachu. While initially in odds with each other, as Pikachu constantly shocked Ash, and even wanted to flee from him, after they both sacrifice their safety to protect each other, they become best friends. Pikachu has been with Ash every single one of his crusades through the Pokémon world since then, and has been with him in basically every episode, except in extremely specific occasions.

He is voiced by Ikue Otani in both Japanese and English.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • As a wild Pichu when taking care by his adoptive mother Kangaskhan, he realized that carrying both of him and baby Kangaskhan had became a burden to her. Because of this, he decides to leave them, but not without saying goodbye and expressing his gratitude towards them. This would eventually lead Pichu evolve into Pikachu because of their family bond.
  • While he does blast Team Rocket away many times, which can be seen as lethal, they're shown to be well every time they land, and is mostly a running gag, and Pikachu is acting in self-defense as they attack him and try to harm Ash, his friends and other Pokémon, so it's justified.
  • While he loves to fight, he never is shown to like the pain he gets other Pokémon through, but rather the emotion of testing his strength with other Pokémons, and he is very honorable while fighting as well.
  • Like most Pokémon, he shows clear moral agency despite being Pokémon, thus, technically an animal.
  • Though he initially was very snarky towards Ash, he warmed up to him quickly.
  • He jumped in the flock of Spearows to defend Ash and used a move so powerful to protect them both, that he heavily injured himself.
  • Prevented Team Rocket from stealing Pokémon from a Pokémon Center, which is basically a hospital.
  • Defeated Team Rocket and blasted them away hundreds of times, foiling their plans.
  • He always helped and supported Ash in his dreams of becoming a Pokémon champion.
  • Helped save the city form a giant Tentacruel.
  • In "Pikachu's Goodbye", he saved a smaller Pikachu from drowning.
  • He helped Ash stop Mewtwo and his plan of wiping out the humans.
  • Despite him being enemy of Team Rocket, he'll always ally with them to take down bigger threats, even once sharing an apple with Meowth, despite their status as archenemies.
  • He is very kind and friendly with all of Ash's companions.
  • He helped Misty in her Princess Festival by letting her use him.
  • While initially in odds, he became more cooperative with Charizard which helped Charizard become less disrespectful towards Ash.
  • Prevented Team Magma from destroying the world with Groundon and Kyogre.
  • Helped prevent Cyrus from destroying the world and recreating it.
  • Attempted to protect Meloetta from Giovanni
  • Freed himself and other friends from Team Rocket's lair.
  • Sacrificed himself to help stop Yvetal, as his ray slightly touched his tail, which was enough to petrify him.
  • Helped stop Hoopa Unbound's rampage of legendary Pokémon.
  • Helped save Magearna from Alva and prevent him from taking over.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He still shows himself to be able to be snarky and even being wrathful and quick to anger for extremely poor reasons, such as Ash rubbing his checks, people hugging him too tightly and his burning hatred for his arch-nemesis Team Rocket's Meowth which makes him electrocute them.


  • He is the only Pokémon Near Pure Good to be an actual Pokémon.

External Links[]


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Ash Ketchum | Ash's Pikachu | Misty | Cynthia

The Second Coming | Marill | Shrimp | Milk

See Also
Nintendo Near Pure Goods
