Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Gohan, you’re the only real friend that I’ve ever had… I wanna thank you, I still remember the first day I brought you here, you were small, helpless… you’ve changed so much since then. The harder things got the more determined you became, the more dangers you faced the stronger you grew as a warrior… I know I was hard on you but it was for your own good! Your like the son I never had… I’m proud of you.
~ Piccolo after sacrificing himself to save Gohan from Nappa.
I'm neither Kami nor Piccolo now. I'm only a Namekian who has long since forgotten his true name.
~ Piccolo after he fused with Kami.

Piccolo Jr., simply referred to as Piccolo, is one of the main characters of the Dragon Ball franchise. He is a Namekian who is the youngest son of King Piccolo and the best friend and mentor of Gohan. He was originally a villain before redeeming himself in Dragon Ball Z.

He is voiced by Toshio Furukawa in Japanese, and Christopher Sabat, who also voices his father, Vegeta and Yamcha in the same franchise, and also voiced Kazuma Kuwabara and Alex Louis Armstrong.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • Some say his moral agency was altered when making the fusion with Nail and Kami, as they have been on record to be more incorruptible than him. However, Piccolo has made reforms before doing the fusions, is the main operating personality of them and chose to let them be part of him on his own accord, making his issues with moral agency lack validation.
  • Even when he was still a villain, he was far less malicious and sadistic than his father. Unlike King Piccolo, he never went out of his way to harm innocent people or display his superiority, and his main goal was to avenge his father's death and honor his dream of conquering the world.
  • While he had some corrupting qualities, he subverts most of them by the Namek saga.
  • Although his seriousness early on may have darkened some moments in the story, such his unpleasant presence during the Saiyan Saga, his serious demeanor soon didn't cause this anymore, being mainly for his goal to protect the Earth and the Universe.
  • Although Goku has more admirable feats, it's not fully fair to compare Piccolo to him, as Goku has had significantly more screen time and has been more powerful than him throughout most of the series.

Dragon Ball Z[]

  • Teams up with Goku to take down Raditz in order to save Earth. Although he kills Goku which was his goal to avenge his father, Goku willingly sacrifices himself to defeat Raditz.
  • Trains Gohan to prepare for the battle with Vegeta and Nappa.
  • He saves Gohan from one of the Saibamen.
  • Redeems himself by sacrificing his life to save Gohan from Nappa. As he dies, he tearfully thanks Gohan for being his first friend.
  • He attempts to defeat Frieza and avenge the Namekians he killed.
  • Tries to prevent Gohan from fighting Frieza for his safety, later apologizing to Gohan for being so useless against Frieza despite all the training he'd done to prepare for this confrontation.
  • He holds off Frieza long enough for Goku to prepare the Spirit Bomb against Frieza.
  • He pushes Goku out of the way when Frieza fires a Death Beam, saving his life.
  • After overhearing the conversation Future Trunks and Goku had, Piccolo properly explains the situation to the other Z Fighters while avoiding the mention of Bulma and Vegeta getting together in the future.
  • He trains with Goku and Gohan in preparation for the androids.
  • Defeats Dr. Gero/Android 20 in battle and prevents him from absorbing any more energy.
  • He tries to save Tien from Android 17 but fails.
  • After realizing the threat of the androids, he puts aside his pride and convinces Kami to fuse with him in order to defeat the androids.
  • He tricks Imperfect Cell into revealing his origins, allowing the Z Fighters to better prepare for his new arrival. He then attempts to kill Imperfect Cell himself and nearly succeeded had Cell not used the Solar Flare.
  • When Imperfect Cell arrives, Piccolo attempts to eliminate Cell himself.
  • He convinces Goku to save Gohan from Cell by reminding him that Gohan does not have a fighting spirit and is only a child.
  • He expresses his frustration at not being able to help Gohan against the newly empowered Cell. In the anime, he even tries to aid Gohan by distracting Cell.
  • During the martial arts tournament, after sensing Shin's divine nature, he immediately surrenders. Upon learning that he's the Supreme Kai himself, he shows Shin tremendous respect.
  • He nearly kills Babidi to prevent him from using Buu as a weapon of mass destruction.
  • After Vegeta sacrifices himself to try and stop Majin Buu, Piccolo pays respects to his fallen comrade.
  • Trains Goten and Trunks to fight Majin Buu and save the world.
  • Though he suggests Buu pass the time by killing everyone on the planet, he only does it as a last resort to buy more time for Goten and Trunks to train, and feels incredibly remorseful for all the lives lost. Then, he attempts to take the long way to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to stall for time and give Goten and Trunks more time to train. In addition, he intended to have everyone Buu killed wished back.
  • He destroys the entrance to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to try and stop Super Buu from destroying the universe.
  • Lends Goku his energy for the Spirit Bomb, defeating Kid Buu and saving the universe.

Dragon Ball Daima[]

  • Joins Goku in his quest to the Demon Realm to help him search for the Demon Realm Dragon Balls to turn their friends back to normal.

Dragon Ball Super[]

  • Tries to prevent Beerus from destroying Earth.
  • Sacrifices his life to save Gohan from being killed by Frieza.
  • He acts as a babysitter for Pan, taking care of her and even acting as another father figure to her. When Goku, Chi-Chi and Goten stay at Gohan's house, Piccolo gives them a list of detailed instructions, demonstrating how seriously he takes his role as Pan's caretaker.
  • He creates a video on how to use the Evil Containment Wave just in case Future Trunks needed it. Thanks to the instructions, Future Trunks nearly succeeds in sealing Future Zamasu, though he narrowly escapes due to forgetting the special seal needed for the container.
  • Along with Gohan, Piccolo goes to see Future Trunks off before he leaves to another timeline.
  • Revives Goku after Hit kills him.
  • He trains Gohan for the Tournament of Power.
  • When Android 17 arrives for the Tournament of Power, despite their past, Piccolo shakes the android's hand and thanks him for participating in the tournament.
  • Fights in the Tournament of Power to save Universe 7 from being erased. During the tournament, he also chooses to stay as a group unlike many of the other members of the team.
  • Helps defeat Moro and end his rampage for good.
  • He continues acting as a supportive father figure for Pan, training her and using far more humane training than he did with Gohan, showing his desire to be a good parental figure.
  • Assists Gohan in defeating Cell Max with a Special Beam Cannon.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Despite fully redeeming himself, he can still be a bit of a jerk towards others from time to time, as shown when he acts a bit harsh towards Goten and Trunks during their training, not even letting them rest, something that their mothers, Chi-Chi and Bulma, call him out on.


External Links[]


            Shonen Jump Fighting Game Near Pure Goods
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