Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Your Honor. The defense is ready to present.
~ Phoenix Wright's introduction in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
I know this is hard for someone as unwilling to trust others as you to understand...But people have emotions. It's just a fact of life. And so, people can be weak at times. But, that's exactly why people need to trust one another, so that they can find the strength to face themselves when things are at their bleakest. Without trust in others, how can you ever hope to face your fears?
~ Talking to "The Phantom"
This piece of evidence will not prove that. In other words... this piece of evidence is... a fake-out! And if this evidence is a fake-out, then the singing trick was a fake-out as well!
~ Employing the Chewbacca defense in court.

Phoenix Wright, or Ryuuichi Naruhodou, is the main protagonist of the Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban/Turnabout Trial in Japan) franchise.

He is the titular main protagonist of the series's first trilogy, the overarching protagonist in the fourth, one of the two main protagonists (alongside Athena Cykes) in the fifth and one of the two main protagonists (alongside Apollo Justice) in the sixth.

He is a defense lawyer dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the murder cases he takes, always ultimately uncovering the identity of the real killer.

He also appears as a playable hero in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, an updated version of Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds.

He was voiced by Takayuki Kondō, Shu Takumi, Kōsuke Toriumi, Hiroki Narimiya and Yūki Kaji in the Japanese version, and by Ben Judd, Sam Riegel, Trevor White, Zach LeBlanc and Eric Vale in the English version.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General/Background[]

  • While studying in Ivy university, after he saw Edgeworth become a prosecutor, he attempts to contact him, with the goal of helping the "demon prosecutor" overcome his inner turmoil and leading him closer to the path he remembers young Edgeworth embodying.
  • Despite Dahlia being revealed as the culprit of the murder of Doug Swallow, he wasn't willing to accept that she was Pure Evil, hoping that there was some sort of mistake, demonstrating that he sees the best in everyone, no matter what.
  • He is a defense attorney who protects innocent lives from being convicted.
  • He has a strong sense of loyalty and desire to protect his friends, shown by how he defended his childhood friend Larry Butz from being accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend by the true culprit.
  • His concern over getting right verdicts motivated Miles Edgeworth and Franziska Von Karma to care more for getting the truth instead of winning cases for their own sake.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney[]

  • When seeing Maya Fey getting arrested for supposedly murdering her older sister, he chose to defend her in court and get a not guilty verdict, despite only knowing the young girl for a few moments. He also did this without requesting pay, even though he was desperate for money at this point.
    • He also risked his life in order to prove Redd White's guilt despite all of the odds being stacked against him, finally ending his blackmailing scheme and releasing many from their suffering.
  • Proves that Will Powers was innocent in the murder of Jack Hammer, correctly getting Dee Vasquez arrested instead.
  • He rushed to defend Edgeworth in court, when he was accused of murder, despite the prosecutor's hostility towards him.
  • He successfully proved Von Karma was the killer of the DL-6 incident, and was the one who was responsible for causing Robert’s murder, successfully proving Edgeworth innocent. He took on Von Karma despite his perfect win streak, knowing how dangerous and difficult this was, all to fight for truth and justice.
  • He saved Ema Skye and Lana Skye from wrongful convictions, by challenging Damon Gant's logic, despite Gant being a police chief who threatened to get Wright disbarred as soon as the trial was over. He knew the risks and went ahead with it, believing in Ema's innocence and willing to put all his work on the line for her.

Ace Attorney: Justice For All[]

  • Despite suffering from amnesia, he still went through with defending Maggey Byrde from being convicted for murder, exposing Richard Wellington as the true culprit and exposing the con artist ring he was a part of.
  • Defended Maya when she was accused of murdering Turney Grey, even though Maya didn't believe in her own innocence and the case seemed completely hopeless at first.
  • When Regina was scared that Acro would come and kill her again, Phoenix reassured her by proving that Acro had no desire for revenge anymore.
  • When Maya was kidnapped, he did not even sleep, since he was so busy trying to ensure she was safe. He helped set up a search party and went through a grueling case just so he could have a chance of seeing her again.
  • Even when he realised Matt Engarde was guilty, he still continued the trial so he could find a way to save Maya's life instead of giving into his emotions and letting Maya die.
  • To save both Maya and Adrian Andrews, he proved to Shelly de Killer that Engarde arranged to film him while he killed Juan Corrida to blackmail him.

Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations[]

  • After Ron DeLite is wrongfully framed by Luke Atmey, Phoenix still defends him even after finding out Ron was really a criminal, as he believed that Atmey needed to be stopped due to being a blackmailer and a murderer.
  • After he realized that Maggey Byrde had gotten an unfair trial due to an impostor, Phoenix decided to help both her and Gumshoe by getting a retrial to prove her innocence, eventually ending with Phoenix revealing Furio Tigre as the true killer and proving Maggey's innocence.
  • He ran over a burning bridge to try and save Maya, not caring about his safety, with her being his only concern.
  • He banished Dahlia Hawthorne once and for all in court, saving Maya in the process.
  • After Iris reveals that she was the Dahlia who he was dating for 6 months and that he only met the real Dahlia twice, he forgave her for lying to him and told her that he always believed in her.
  • After Godot was exposed as the real killer of Elise Deauxnim/Misty Fey, he forgave him for his constant rudeness towards him and was saddened over not being able to save him.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney[]

  • Defended Zak Gramarye even when he was given zero time to investigate for the trial after winning against him in poker.
  • He took care of Trucy Wright when Zak abandons her after the trial, even adopting the girl. He proved to be a loving father to her, treating her like she was his own blood.
  • Even when he manipulated Apollo into presenting forged evidence, he immediately apologised to Apollo for doing so, as if he hadn't, Kristoph Gavin would have evaded justice due to a broken legal system.
  • Even with his more unscrupulous personality in Apollo Justice, he still was respectful and friendly to everyone, and rarely went beyond gentle teasing at Apollo's expense.
  • He agreed to keep Lamiroir's secret out of respect for her.
  • He tried to restore trials by jury to resolve cases when evidence alone cannot be used to prove innocence or guilt. While ultimately these trials were not used, he managed to get the jurors to see Kristoph Gavin and not Vera Misham as the real culprit of the murder of Drew Misham.

Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies[]

  • During the Orla Shipley case, he fought for Marlon Rimes to be arrested for involuntary manslaughter instead of murder, even though he had no real reason to do so outside of it being the right thing to do, as he could easily have gotten a not guilty verdict by painting Rimes as a remorseless killer.
  • He joined as Athena's co-counsel to help her in the trial of Juniper Woods since Apollo was incapacitated.
  • He overturned Simon Blackquill's false conviction for the murder of Metis Cykes and proved Athena's innocence from that murder and that of Clay Terran, partly to save Trucy and other visitors in the space center from being killed by Aura Blackquill.
  • He helped Athena take down a fearsome terrorist without using violence or trickery, saving countless lives by putting an end to the Phantom's reign of terror.

Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice[]

  • He risked his life to defend Ahlbi Ur'gaid, horrified that the boy had no legal counsel, despite the fact that if he was to lose the case, he would be sentenced to death due to the Defense Culpability Act.
  • He trusted Apollo to defend Trucy, showing that even though he could give Apollo a hard time, he still respected him greatly, telling him that he had grown a lot and that he was confident enough to put his trust in him to save both his daughter and the agency.
  • Although he and Apollo were on opposite sides of the courtroom, he was still hesitant to face off against Justice, only doing so to protect Maya after she had been kidnapped again.
  • In Khura'in, he forbade Athena from litigating in the trial of Dhurke Sahdmadhi to protect her from the Defense Culpability Act in case Dhurke lost the case.
  • He assisted Apollo in ending Ga'ran's reign of terror and saved the kingdom of Khura'in, bringing in a prosperous rule.
  • He gave Apollo a pep talk after the trial, showing he was proud of him for winning the case.
  • He represented Ellen Wyatt and when her innocence was proven, he accepted her impromptu wedding to Sorin Sprocket.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He has a tendency to be overly naive or feels the need to rub things in people's faces that gets in the way of things sometimes.
  • He can be a bit mean to Apollo and Athena despite being colleagues and close friends together.

External Links[]


           Ace Attorney Logo Near Pure Goods

Main Series
Phoenix Wright | Mia Fey | Miles Edgeworth | Dick Gumshoe | Klavier Gavin | Simon Blackquill

Spin Offs
Shi-Long Lang | Herlock Sholmes | Yujin Mikotoba

See Also
Capcom Near Pure Goods
