Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Don't get cooked, stay off the hook!
~ Pearl’s joint catchphrase with Marina.
Marina: Do you think I'll still be welcome in Inkopolis? Once everyone knows I'm an Octoling?
Pearl: ARE YOU KIDDING? Of course you will! Everyone loves you!
~ Pearl reassuring Marina.

Pearl is a major character in the Splatoon franchise serving as a supporting character in Splatoon 2, one of the two tritagonists (alongside Marina) of the Octo Expansion DLC, a supporting character in Splatoon 3 and the deuteragonist of the Side Order DLC. She is, along with her partner Marina, part of the duo band named Off the Hook, who hosts the Inkopolis News, along with the Splatfest events.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • She welcomed Marina to be her friend almost immediately after meeting her, and never seems to get mad/be mean at her.
  • She helps Agent 8 and Captain Cuttlefish escape the metro.
  • Even after finding out Marina is an octoling as well, she still supports her fully, even threatening Cuttlefish not to splat her. She even tells Marina that everyone loves her, octoling or not.
  • She apologizes for making octopus jokes in the past in case she ever offended Marina.
  • She is shown to really care about the octolings, especially Marina and Agent 8. In fact, she made up a lie about the newly migrated octolings being inklings with “new hairstyles”, so that they wouldn’t face any confrontation.
  • She used her battle cry to counteract Commander Tartar's laser, killing him and saving Inkopolis and the entire world in the process.
  • While she and Marina do often trash-talk each over on their show, it’s purely banter and with no malicious intent. She even admits this in Marina's chat room.
  • She along with Agent 8 save Marina from Order's control.
  • She helps Agent 8 ascend the Tower again after Order blasts them down.
  • She once again weakens Order with her supersonic shout, allowing Agent 8 to defeat it more easily.
  • She proposes a truce with Order, offering it digital tickets to her and Marina’s concert if it behaves. She also shows no animosity towards Smollusk on later runs, always trying to quickly defuse the situation despite its insistence on fighting.
  • She helps Agent 8 ascend the tower a few times more to restore the palettes of other people, including herself.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • She can make jerky comments sometimes, seen when she is initially rude towards Cuttlefish when she first meets him over the phone, and occasionally making rude comments to Marina during Inkopolis News.
  • She has moments of arrogance, and occasionally brags when she wins a Splatfest.
  • She mailed her uncle a live Splat-Bomb for Christmas, which could've seriously injured or splatted him, making her too lethal to count. However, seeing as variations of Splat Bombs exist and Inklings/Octolings seem quick to recover from damage, it’s likely this was done as a prank and Pearl could’ve mailed a harmless one.

External Links[]


           SplatoonLogo Near Pure Goods

Marie | Agent 4 | Pearl Houzuki | Marina Ida | Shiver | Frye


Inkopolis Chaos
Natalie Octarine | Ruby Diorite | Melissa Turfblu | Jade Grady
Axol | Auri Bori

See Also
Nintendo Near Pure Goods
