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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Yeah, well, the thing is, sir. I kind of like it here.
~ Nick to his superiors, choosing to stay in Sandford with Danny.

Nicholas Angel is the main protagonist of the 2007 crime action-comedy movie, Hot Fuzz. He used to be the sergeant of London police before being transferred by his superiors to Sandford due to his more-than-excellent crime fighting record. He soon begins investigating in a series of accidents, finding them to be very suspicious.

He is played by Simon Pegg.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • When he was 5, he would drive around in his pedal police car, arresting kids much older than him, for littering and spitting.
    • He stated he got beat up a lot for this, but continued doing it anyway.
  • After he found out that the pedal police car he had that was given to him by his uncle, was probably bought using money his uncle got selling drugs to students, he never touched it again out of shame, showing that from a young age, he had a clear sense of right and wrong.
  • As an adult, he became popular among the community in London due to his effective police work.
  • Can be seen in the opening giving a presentation to criminals on how to be a good member of their communities.
  • Took courses in advanced driving and cycling to improve his skill base, to become a more effective police officer.
  • During operation crackdown, he put such effort into it, that he received a bravery award.
    • Even though he can be seen shooting someone, it’s unknown if this actually killed the guy or not, and it’s unknown if he intended to kill him or not, or if he simply intended to graze his shoulder, like he later on did to the NWA members.
      • And to add to this, it’s clear he did it in self defence, as the man he shot was pointing his gun right at him.
  • He received nine special commendations in the last twelve months alone, due to his performances in many different operations.
  • He has the highest arrest record out of anyone in the metropolitan police service.
    • It’s mentioned a minute or two later, that his arrest rate is 400% higher than any other officer.
  • Was so dedicated to his job, he continued to work even after being stabbed in the hand.
  • Was overall so good at his job, he got sent to a small village, because he was making the rest of the police force look incompetent by comparison.
  • When he realised that he was way too committed to his job, and wasn’t being a very good husband, he suggested to his wife, Janine, that they split up, and clearly felt very remorseful over how he treated her.
  • He very briefly tried to help Janine’s crime scene investigation, by pointing out that the window was broken from the inside.
  • After he arrives at Sanford, When he sees very young looking people in the pub, he asks them for their birthdays, and upon realising they’re all underage, he escorts them out.
    • To add to this, he hadn’t even started working for the Sanford police force yet, he simply did this because he heavily values the law.
  • After seeing Danny attempt to drive while drunk, he stops him and takes him down to the station.
  • Upon the way, he takes several teenagers with him, as they were all breaking the law.
    • He even does all the paperwork for them himself, despite him not even being employed yet.
  • When told Danny won’t be of any use to him until the morning, he keeps him in a cell overnight, so he can speak to him in the morning.
  • Even though the movie makes it clear he once shot and possibly killed someone, it’s clear he seriously regrets what happened, and never wants to even touch a gun again, only resorting to it, when no other options are available.
  • He teaches the local school on what being a police officer is about, stating policing is just as much about preventing crimes, as it is about fighting crimes.
  • Even though he got annoyed at a caller, this was because he believed him to be a prank caller, who was wasting crucial police work time.
  • Despite being constantly sent to do borderline pointless tasks throughout the movie, he does them without complaint, as it's his job.
  • Caught a shoplifter, who stole from Somerfield.
  • Even though he got mad that Skinner didn’t want to press charges against the shoplifter, this was only because he was concerned that the shoplifter would be let off with no punishment, despite him obviously committing a crime.
  • He pulled over Martin Blower and Eve Draper because they were speeding, and used his notepad to get Martin to calm down and admit he did something wrong, without getting aggressive.
    • He later on shows he has nothing against Martin when he attempts to apologise for speeding, telling him that it’s alright, and to drive safely.
  • He doesn’t express his genuine opinions on Martin’s play, to spare his feelings.
  • After realising the suspicious nature of the traffic collision that killed Martin and Eve, he tells the detectives to investigate Martin’s clients.
  • When a sea mine nearly goes off in Arthur Webley’s shed, he gets Danny and Arthur to run out of the shed, before it explodes.
  • Along with Danny, he brings all of the weapons in Arthur's shed back to the station.
  • He carried George Merchant back to his house, after he became too drunk to walk home.
  • He calls out Tom Weaver for not taking George’s murder seriously.
  • He plays the air rifle game for Danny, despite his strong resentment to using firearms, winning the giant monkey for Danny.
  • Attempted to comfort Danny after he accidentally shot Robin Hatcher, reminding him he’s a doctor, and that because of that, he’d be able to deal with it.
  • When Frank mentions there’s a fire in the station, Nicholas immediately gets up, presumably to go deal with the fire, before it’s revealed the fire is a birthday candle.
  • He bought Danny a Japanese peace lily for his birthday.
  • He chased after the masked figure that murdered Leslie Tiller.
  • Even though he gets angry at the detectives throughout the movies, this is due to their incompetence and downright childish behaviour, with them not taking his very possible accusations of murder seriously.
  • He correctly figured out that Simon Skinner was involved in the murders, without any help from the rest of the police service.
  • He attempted to watch through all of the security footage to prove that Simon was responsible for the murders.
  • He figured out on his own that there are multiple killers, and attempted to tell Frank this.
  • Upon finding out the truth about the NWA, he is disgusted, points out how their motives make no sense, and attempts to arrest all of them right there and then.
  • Even though he threatens to kill Danny, it’s clear he didn’t actually mean it, and when the NWA get closer to him, he lets Danny go and runs away.
  • After escaping Sanford, and realising there’s no other option, he returns to Sanford and attempts to take down the NWA by force.
  • Despite the shootout that then takes place, this doesn’t make him lethal, as no one actually dies, and he intentionally spends the entire shootout trying to take down the NWA members through non lethal methods.
    • And to add to this, all of these people were trying to kill him.
  • He takes down pretty much the entire NWA (except Simon and Frank), with only help from Danny.
  • He convinces the other police officers not to arrest him and Danny, and to turn against Frank.
  • He, along with the rest of the Sanford police service, stormed Somerfield, taking down all of Simon’s employees in the process.
  • Fought Michael Armstrong, despite him being far bigger than him, and ended up taking him down through a non lethal method.
  • He, along with Danny, attempted to arrest Simon and Frank in a car chase.
  • Despite the matter at hand, he still got Danny to stop the car, so he got the swan that was causing trouble earlier on in the movie, into his car.
  • He beat Simon in a fight, in the model village.
  • He commended the child Simon threatened to kill for his bravery.
  • When Simon began running at him and the child with a box cutter, he grabbed the child and placed him behind him, attempting to protect him from Simon.
  • He attempted to convince Frank to let Danny go, when he held him hostage.
  • When offered to return to London, he refused, saying he likes it in Sanford.
  • It’s then shown that he arrested every member of the NWA, and helped do the paperwork for them.
  • After Tom Weaver shoots Danny he takes down Tom by kicking a bin into his head.
    • Even though this then results in Tom dying by getting blown up by the sea mine, this was a complete accident on Nicholas’s part, and he attempts to stop Tom from triggering the sea mine.
      • And to add to this, Tom was trying to kill him anyway.
  • After the explosion, he found Danny in the rubble and attempted to comfort him.
  • He, along with Danny, brought flowers to Danny’s mum, Irene Butterman’s grave.
  • At the end of the movie, it’s mentioned that he and Danny are going to deal with some people at the supermarket, who were messing with the recycling bins.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He has some moments of jerkish behavior throughout the movie, like talking to the Sandford residents in a sarcastic manner, or calling Joyce Cooper a hag, and he never felt remorse for any of these.

External Links[]


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Animated Television
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See Also
Barbie Near Pure Goods | DreamWorks Near Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Near Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Goods | Lego Near Pure Goods | Nickelodeon Near Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Goods
