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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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He's dead. Raye's dead. No, he was murdered by Kira.
~ Naomi on Raye's death
Rue Ryuzaki, I arrest you on suspicion of the murders of Believe Bridesmaid, Quarter Queen and Backyard Bottomslash. You do not have the right to remain silent, you do not have the right to an attorney, you do not have the right to a fair trial.
~ Naomi arresting her former partner once she discovers his true nature.

Naomi Misora is a supporting antagonist in the popular anime and manga series Death Note, and the main protagonist of its spin off novel, Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases.

She is a highly intelligent FBI agent, who once got in contact with the worldwide famous detective L, often credited as the World's Greatest Detective. She helped him in a case he was working on at the moment, being his eyes and years in the actual field investigation, and managed to solve it and capture its perpetator. Her path would cross (or nearly so) with L's again when her husband Raye Penber, another FBI agent, was killed by a supernatural mass murderer known as Kira, and Misora started her own investigation with the intent of stopping him by joining forces with L.

She was voiced by Naoko Matsui in the original and by Tabhita St. German in the English dub.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • She is a good FBI agent who, despite describing herself as "not a moral person", is shown to be disgusted at the crimes of Beyond Birthday, felt immense guilt when a mistake she made cost a life in a mission, and felt quite inspired by L's speech on kindness, never showing any strong corrupting qualities showing that she is not a morally grey character.
  • While she shot a child dead during an FBI mission, this was a mistake out of a highly stressful situation, with the child being member of the cartel Misora and the FBI were after, and she felt a lot of remorse.
  • Agreed to help L in his latest case; capturing a deranged serial killer who tortures his victims brutally, has three kills to his name, leaves no clues and sends cryptic messages about his next attacks.
  • While clearly weirded out by his quirks, she accepts the help of Ryuzaki in the case, and warms up about him to an extent, being mostly polite, respecting his intelligence and being briefly worried about his safety during the hotel trap.
  • Arrested Rue Ryuzaki/Beyond Birthday for his serial killings, foiling his attempt to create an unsolvable case for L
    • While there was no "fourth victim", as Beyond's final step would be an elaborate suicide, Misora wasn't aware of that, and was working to prevent not only a fourth victim, but however many more the killer could potentially make.
  • Tries to arrest the real L, mistaking him for a sexual assaulter, when he came to (without her knowledge) thank her for her help
  • Tried to help her husband with the Kira case, though he insisted for her to stay out of it.
  • After Raye's death, she started her own investigation on Kira to avenge her husband.
  • Managed to find out Kira is not only behind the bus jacking Raye experienced, but that he can kill with other means than heart attacks. She attempted to share this information with L and the japanese Task Force, and from Light's reaction, that would've been devastatingly effective against him.
  • She plans to stay in the task force after bringing her breakouts to L, wanting to help him due to recognizing him as the only mind able to match wits with Kira.
  • Tried to finally join the task force through Light Yagami.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • While stopping a serial killer and nearly bringing L means of defeating Kira are admirable feats in the serie's admirable standard, Beyond Birthday's plan when L and Misora started investigating only involved one more victim, himself, and Misora never got the chance to act upon her discoveries in the Kira case. Due to these factors out of her control, the admirability of her actions is diminished as they suffer from Fridge Brilliance.
  • She has a minor jerk moment where she overreacts on her disdain for Ryuzaki's quirks, saying to L that he is "uncool" and on the half of people in the planet that "would be better off dead".

External Links[]


           Death Note logo Near Pure Goods

Japanese Task Force
Touta Matsuda

Special Provision for Kira
Stephen Gevanni

Naomi Misora
