Maya also known as Princess Maya is the titular main protagonist of the 2021 Netflix limited series, Maya and the Three. She is the 15-year old princess of Teca kingdom who embarks on a journey to fulfill the ancient Eagle prophecy to save the world from the evil God of War, Lord Mictlan, by recruiting three special warriors from different kingdoms.
She was voiced by Zoe Saldaña.
Her Good Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]
- She remained very cordial with her opponent/reigning fighting champion Bear Killah during their fight in the fight club and apologized several times for punching him and tried to check if he was okay.
- Although she participated in the fight pits, it was because she had no other way of fulfilling her dream to become a warrior and protect others and she stopped going to the fight pits once her mother told her to and embraced her status as diplomat and representative of her people during her coronation. She would quickly learn during her adventures the true selfless meaning of being a warrior and abandon any idea of fighting for glory, but instead fighting to save the world.
- She went to support her father when his hand was chopped off by Zatz’s golems.
- She told her brothers to look out for their injured father when they went to destroy the Divine Gate.
- Although she was understandably angry at her father for lying to her about her true mother and being the result of his affair with the Goddess of Death, she quickly forgave him and reconciled with him.
- She rescued her severely injured father after his disastrous battle with Lord Mictlan where her brothers and the entire Teca Army was killed.
- She apologized to her brothers for not being able to save them even though it wasn’t her fault and she promised on their altar that she would avenge their deaths.
- She figured out the true meaning of the prophecy being that a Little Eagle (her) would lead a rooster wizard, skull archer, and puma warrior to save the world and rotated the Teca library table with the help of her parents to discover the location of the three warriors.
- She formed a plan to ride Chiapa (the Teca family’s jaguar) to recruit the three warriors and come back to get her mother and father to destroy the Divine Gate to prevent the evil Gods, thereby saving the world. She vowed that there would be no fighting in her recruitment mission, but rather it would be a diplomatic mission. (unfortunately though the Dark Gods would later make no fighting impossible and Maya would be forced to fight later)
- She convinced Chiapa to help her on her quest, promising him (as he was traumatised by Mictlan’s slaughtering of her brothers and Teca army) that she just needed him to bring back the three warriors and that she couldn’t do this without him, comforting and petting Chiapa when he eventually agreed to join.
- She thanked the forest deer for bringing her and Chiapa apples after Acat destroyed their food and supplies.
- She complimented Acat’s fighting techniques and told her that if Acat wasn’t trying to kill her, they could be best friends.
- She felt immediate remorse for stabbing Acat even though it was in self defense and repeatedly apologized.
- She defeated Acat but refused to kill her when Acat was at her mercy.
- She thanked Ah Puch for cryptically showing her how to get to Luna Island.
- She felt remorse and immediately apologized when she accidentally “bumped” into Rico (Rico actually staged it) and helped Rico back up and gave him back his crutch.
- Although she was initially angry at Rico since he turned out to be a hustler who scammed her out of her gold coins, she agreed to pay him to be her guide and once he backed out when he found out she wanted him to take her to the Luna Island Academy (where he had a troubled past), she let go of her anger and convinced him to take her, giving him two extra coins and warmly telling him she really needed his help even paying please which convinced him to take her and she was happy he agreed.
- She comforted and sympathized with Rico and asked him what happened to the academy when she saw the ruins and he told her about how Gran Bujo (the previous leader of Luna Island) died there.
- She convinced Rico to join her quest to save the world and formally introduced herself to him.
- Although she was briefly angry that Chiapa abandoned her to fight Acat alone, once they reunite she instantly forgave him.
- She agreed to let the two mysterious Jungle kingdom kids pet Chiapa when they agreed to show her how to get to the Jungle kingdom.(It turned out those two kids were really evil gods Cabrakan and Cipactli
- She encouraged and convinced Rico to be confident to use his magic, complimenting him when he successfully beat God of Earthquakes, Cabrakan, but once she saw he was injured, she told him to stay put and that she would handle Cipactli on her own.
- She escaped from being trapped in a hole and despite being captured by Cabrakan right after, she successfully tricked Cabrakan into freeing Rico from the hole as well. She would then dislocate her own shoulder to free herself and go help Rico.
- She told Rico and Chiapa that they couldn’t just leave a trapped Cipactli to die despite everything Cipactli did and convinced them that they should all go back to help her.
- She defeated Cabrakan by separating his head from body to calm him down and ended his rampage. Despite that though, she told Cabrakan’s body where to find his head to reunite.
- She freed Cipactli from being trapped from boulders with the help of Rico and Chiapa and told Cipactli she couldn’t just abandon her when Cipactli decided to let her go before (albeit Cipactli did so for self-serving reasons). This convinced Cipactli to redeem herself and vow to help Maya when she needed her. She then hugged Cipactli, bid her farewell, and thanked her for showing Team Maya how to get to the Jungle Kingdom..
- She tried to negotiate with the Jungle Kingdom army and convince them that she meant them no harm to no avail.
- She apologized to the child Jungle Queen for not giving advance notice before her visit and convinced the Jungle Queen not to feed Rico to hyenas when he previously was condescending to her.
- She held no animosity towards the Skull warrior for trying to kill her and Rico, and convinced the Skull Warrior not to kill them and instead join their quest, promising to introduce Chimi (the skull warrior’s preferred name) to the Goddess of Death who Chimi wanted to meet.
- She apologized to Chimi for calling the Goddess of Death a monster (Chimi was called the White Monster by others because of her albinism) even though Maya did have a right to be upset by her birth mother abandoning her and now trying to kill her.
- She saved Rico from the twin gods of air/storms.
- She was shocked when Rico was seemingly crushed by a boulder and helped dig him out with Chimi and Chiapa.
- She saved Chimi from being sucked into a tornado and together they defeat the twin gods.
- When Rico teased her that she should admit that she needed him and Chimi, she truthfully and wholeheartedly confessed that she needed them (which made Chimi and Rico jokingly remarking that Maya shouldn’t make it “awkward”).
- She apologized to the Barbarian King and princess for dropping by unannounced and bowed before them even though their death trap almost killed her and the rest of her group.
- Unlike the rest of Team Maya, she didn’t get angry or even call out the Barbarian King when he insensitively said “That’s probably why [Maya’s] brothers all dead” when she told him that the prophecy wasn’t about her father or brothers. Instead she just continued with her speech and told the Barbarian king and princess that they needed the Barbarian’s greatest warrior and tried to convince the Barbarian princess that that was her due to her exceptional intellect.
- She wasn’t angry or even concerned for her own life when the Barbarian princess said the only logical solution to stop Lord Mictlan was to sacrifice her. Instead, she just pointed out that if Lord Mictlan killed her, he would become unstoppable in his quest to destroy humanity which is why she shouldn’t be sacrificed, showing her selfless nature and that she cares more about others than her own life.
- She thanked the Barbarian Princess for informing them of the location of the puma warrior they sought called Picchu who was in the Mist of Regret. Although Picchu attacked them (albeit unintentionally since the mist made him hallucinate that Maya was the murderer of his parents/village Xtabay), Maya tried to reason with Picchu and only fought him in self-defense. Once Picchu snapped out of it, Maya convinced him to join her quest and formally introduced herself to him.
- She helped Chimi snap out of her shyness to talk to Picchu and went to help Chimi when Picchu’s handshake was too strong and accidentally caused Chimi to fall.
- She sympathized with Chimi’s incredibly tragic backstory of her mother dying while giving birth to her and understood why Chimi wanted to meet the Goddess of Death as she could introduce Chimi to her mother.
- She defended Rico and told Chimi and Picchu about how Luna Island left Rico with nothing just because of the mistake he made as a kid and sympathized with Rico when he continued the story.
- She asked if Picchu was okay when he seemed to be in a trance like state and when Picchu explained to the team about how Xtabay wiped out his village after he showed her mercy and how he wanted to die a warrior’s death to reunite with his family, Maya worriedly asked him if he was actually planning on getting himself killed and once Picchu denied this, she assured everyone that no one would die and inspired her team.
- Although she lied to the rest of her team about the true mission which was to kill Lord Mictlan out of revenge for killing her brothers instead of just destroying the Divine Gate to non-lethally save the world, she was incredibly conflicted and remorseful for lying to them even asking for the spirits of her brothers to tell her if she was doing the right thing. Once the rest of the team found out, she repeatedly apologized to them for lying, thanked them for rescuing her despite that, and acknowledged that she still wasn’t off the hook for lying to them.
- She introduced Rico, Chimi, and Picchu to her parents, praising all three of them for their talents and heroism.
- She refused to be corrupted by the goddesses of thievery/skull sisters when they offered Maya to join with them to overthrow Lord Mictlan and take power for themselves.
- She defeated the Skull Sisters and saved Picchu from Xtabay.
- She defeats the Skull Sisters and forces the rest of the evil gods to retreat.
- Although she killed one of the Skull sisters, it was in self defense as Rico points out and Maya felt immense remorse for this even though the skull sister repeatedly tried to kill her and lied to/taunted Maya that her family didn’t love her just to sadistically mess with Maya.
- She apologized once again to the rest of the team for previously lying to them about the true mission, saying she never should have lied to them and understood if they never forgave her again, but ending up fully reconciling with them when they all forgave her and hugged them all.
- She told her mom that her dad couldn’t go with her and the rest of the team to defeat Lord Mictlan due to being severely injured and being on very “strong” medicine and that her mom had to stay back and protect him which her mom realized was true.
- She activated and pacified the Divine Gate, saving Chimi, Rico, Picchu, and Chiapa from its rampage.
- She offered the rest of the team the option to stay behind as this was her fight and she understood of them wanted to go into the underworld. She convinced Chiapa to go back to Teca even though he wanted to come as she pointed out that he was injured and he had already done enough so it was best for him to go back to the healers to get mended and so he could protect King and Queen Teca.
- Even though the rest of the team did not want Maya to accept Zatz (besides Chimi who had a crush on him), Maya accepted his request to join the team and help them defeat Lord Mictlan.
- She apologized to her brainwashed friends for being forced to fight them and freed Rico from Mictlan’s brainwashing before getting Rico to free Chimi and Picchu from Mictlan’s control.
- Although she got arrogant and was consumed with a desire to kill Mictlan to avenge her brothers, after the disastrous battle that ended with Picchu sacrificing himself to save the rest of the team, she was consumed with immense remorse and blamed herself that for everything that happened including Picchu’s death even though as Rico and Chimi pointed out, they all knew what they were signing up for and Picchu died a warrior’s death and was now reunited with his family, but she still collapsed and cried out of regret and continued to blame herself.
- She told Zatz that she was sorry for the loss of his father Camazotz and pet Colmillo who were killed by Lord Mictlan.
- She told Zatz how beautiful his story was that his father and mother were now stars in the sky after their selfless sacrifice before kissing him to begin their relationship.
- She told the rest of the group to go back to their kingdoms and tell them to evacuate while she and the rest of Teca would fight Mictlan and the evil gods until their deaths to buy time for every other kingdom to escape and bid Rico, Chimi, and Zatz farewell.
- She admitted that she was wrong about Lady Micte and forgave her birth mother for leaving her and tearfully hugged Micte.
- She helped her father get out of the awkward situation with Queen Teca and Lady Micte (the former being his wife and the latter being the one he had an affair with 15 years ago) by pretending Chiapa needed to go to the bathroom so she, her father, and Chiapa could leave Queen Teca and Lady Micte alone.
- She trained all the women of the Kingdom of Teca on how to fight the evil Gods. (all the men except King Teca were wiped out by Mictlan when they went to fight him in the second episode).
- She helped her father, whose legs were broken get onto Chiapa.
- She inspired the Teca army that to fight, not out of revenge for the deaths of their loved ones, but to secure a future for the generations to come.
- She was happy and grateful when the rest of the kingdoms decided to join with Teca to fight Mictlan even though she previously advised them to save themselves. She then realized that the prophecy was real, but it wasn’t about a group of individuals but that all kingdoms would come together to fight for each other.
- She kissed and embraced Zatz in case their fight with Mictlan would be their last.
- She defeated the twin gods with Zatz.
- She inspired everyone to not lose hope when Mictlan revived his entire conquistador army to aid him.
- She told Rico to help Gran Buja when she was injured.
- She introduced her father to Cabrakan and Cipactli when they arrived to aid Maya in the final battle and was horrified when Mictlan killed them.
- She told Lady Micte not to apologize for giving her the “gift” and “curse” of being the only one able to defeat Mictlan, thanking Micte for giving her life as it enabled her to go on this amazing adventure and thanked her father and mother for their strength and love respectively before resolving to defeat Mictlan who was in his final serpent form once and for all.
- She formed a plan to have Zatz and Micte distract Mictlan in the air while Chimi, Vucub, and the Jungle Queen blind Mictlan, Rico attacks Mictlan with his golems, Queen and King Teca protect the children in the palace while she and Chiapa resolve to face and destroy Mictlan head-on.
- She comforted Lady Micte and kissed her before she passed away due to her mortal wounds by Mictlan.
- She sacrificed herself to kill Mictlan and save the world.
- She stated how “glory” wasn’t about winning, but saving the ones you love even if you have to sacrifice yourself to do it and as a spirit, she introduced her brothers to their alive siblings, the Teca twins.
- Due to her sacrifice, she would be granted by the celestials the highest honor of becoming the sun and would therefore get to visit her family every day even after death.
What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]
- She has a few moments of being a jerk mainly through taunting her enemies, especially Acat.
External Links[]
- Maya on the Heroes Wiki
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