Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
NOTE: This page will only contain information about about the film character, as his original counterpart from the games was voted Inconsistently Admirable.

Max Payne is the titular main protagonist of the film of the same name.

A policeman trying to put behind bars members of the drug mafia responsible for the death of his wife and daughter, but, finding himself in a desperate situation, he is forced to take the path of revenge.

He was played by Mark Wahlberg, who also played Cade Yeager in the Transformers Film Series.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Initially, he was an ordinary policeman, but one unfortunate day 3 drug addicts-murderers broke into his house. He killed two drug addicts trying to save his family, but couldn't kill the third one who escaped.
  • He caught and interrogated one criminal, whom he blamed for the death of his family, before neutralizing his accomplices.
  • After the death of his partner Alex, he set himself the task of avenging his friend and preventing the spread of the dangerous drug Valkyr.
  • He teamed up with Mona Sax to fight against the Valkyr conspiracy, and by doing so he also helped her find the killer of her sister Natasha.
  • He tried to save Owen Green when he was about to throw himself off the window, but did not have time.
  • He does not kill a group of special forces, despite the fact that they were the first to open fire on him, but only neutralized them, shooting only at their bulletproof vests and legs, after which he disappeared.
  • He practically killed Jack Lupino and his gang, thereby putting an end to his brutal torture and brainwashing of the innocent.
  • Although initially motivated by a desire for revenge, in the future his main motivation was to rid the city of the Valkyr.
  • He killed B. B., thereby putting an end to his distribution of the dangerous drug Valkyr, which forced innocent people to die.
  • Although he killed many Aesir Corporation employees, he did it mainly in self-defense and under the influence of Valkyr.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Sometimes he can be a little arrogant, as he reproached Alex for not solving Michelle's murder. He also rudely chased Natasha away when she wanted to be with him.
  • He beat Jason Colvin for refusing to provide him with information.


External Links[]
