Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Shake, shake!
~ Marina Liteyears' most common move.

Marina Liteyears is the main protagonist from the Nintendo 64 game, Mischief Makers. She is a humanoid A.I., who helps her creator, Professor Theo with much of his research and has played many heroic roles prior to the start of the game hence why people across the universe, who knows her very well.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Even though she is a human robot created by Prof. Theo, she can interact with others normally and knows what Emperor Leo is doing is wrong, so her moral agency isn't an issue.
  • Marina spends most of the game pursuing the Evil Empire and saving Prof. Theo multiple times throughout the story.
  • She helps the Clancer mother return three of her children back home when they go missing early on, (she adds four more kids to the family later on) and she helps to save her children when they were captured and transformed into weapons used against their will by Calina, and they were looking for King Aster and Celes who went missing after Emperor Leo's invasion.
  • She stands up to the Worm boss who is threatening Celes and beats him at his own game.
  • She helps Teran, and the guards protect the sacred royal treasure from the outlaws called the Strange Spur Clancers who hailed from the desert, who and trying to steal it after they killed Geold.
  • She has defeated the Migens to help save Professor Theo.
  • She fights and beats all three villainous members of the Beastector, Lunar, Tarus, and Merco, twice for each of them.
  • Marina has rescued Celes from Calina, when she was kidnapped and returned to her bodyguard and brother Teran.
  • Even when she has killed her enemies, they are only in self-defense, and even when she can throw regular NPCs around, it's usually game mechanics and only amount to typical video game cruelty potential, even numerous PG and NPG characters have the option to do the same thing to other characters. If anything, it's the players who are sadistic enough to actually pull this off.
  • Marina has saved the universe from Emperor Leo, who was responsible for brainwashing the innocent Clancers, which forced Marina to kill a lot of them through defending herself from them.
  • During the ending, when the player has achieved the "A" rank, she can grab the fleeing Teran, who admits that he lied to the newly crowned Queen Celes (real name Ondine) for a long time and doesn't know how to stand before her at this fact, Marina tells him to forget about the past, that he should never blame himself for what happened and to just be himself before returning him to her via throwing.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Even when some moments are genuinely played for laughs, Marina has shown to be angered quite easily and her sarcasm often leads to her enemies like the Beastector being provoked. She is also gets aggressive with Prof. Theo whenever he tries to sneak up on her, and often throws him across the planet whenever he is saved, although Theo is oftentimes unharmed when this happens, so this isn't too serious.

External Links[]
