Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Elicia... Gracia.. I'm sorry, I promised I'd be home... early...
~ Maes' final words, showing his dedication to his family to the bitter end

Maes Hughes is a supporting character in the manga and anime series, Fullmetal Alchemist

He is a member of the Amestrian military, who is very devoted to his family and a close friend and confident of the ambitious Colonel Mustang. Working in the Investigations Office, he ends up uncovering an important information about a scheme prepared by the series' antagonists, which in turn leads to him being targeted by them and assassinated, though even in death he managed to make a big impact in the story.

He is voiced by Keiji Fujiwara in the original audio and by Sonny Strait in the English dub.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • His participation in the Ishvalian civil war, that was for the most part a one sided massacre, is not corrupting as not only he hated being part of it, and was only following orders, he, like most of the other participants, was tricked into going to an extent.
  • Is a very loving father and husband, constantly complimenting his family and talking about them to his friends.
  • Thoroughly supports Mustang in his ambitions to become the next Fuher and bring an age of peace to Amestris.
  • Working in the Investigations Office, he always tries to use his military powers to help the country.
  • He gathered information about Scar and realized he was behind the murder of Nina and Shou Tucker, asking Mustang, who was after him, to proceed with extreme caution.
  • Saved Alphonse, Edward and Mustang from Scar, alongside Alex Louis Armstrong.
  • He helped Winry become a more patient person through her interactions with him and his family.
  • He uncovers, based on Alphonse and Edward's quest for the Philosoper's Stone, the conspiracy spearheaded by the Homunculi to use Amestris as a transmutation circle.
  • Fights off Lust and runs to a public phone to warn Mustang avout his breakouts.
  • While he was killed by Envy before he could pass on his info, his death and very attempt to communicate made Mustang and others start investigating the matter, eventually contributing in the war against the homunculi and Father's defeat.
  • Is constantly remembered by other characters, with his death being used as a source of motivation for them to achieve their goals and not give up.
  • Is amongst the characters with the least corrupting qualities in the series, being multiple times noted for his innocent and selfless personality.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • His achievements in uncovering the Homunculus conspiracy are cut short by his assassination, and while his attempts to warn Mustang had a lasting impact as it put him on the right direction, it being post death makes it Fridge Brilliance.
  • He has some corrupting moments , like when he scared some boys who wanted to play with his daughter with a real gun, or when he overworked Sheska so he’d be able to take time off. However, both situations were played for comedy making this a minor prevention.

External Links[]


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Main Heroes
Edward Elric | Roy Mustang

Winry Rockbell | Alex Louis Armstrong | Mei Chang | Maes Hughes

Logue Lowe
