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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Legolas Thranduilion is a major character in J.R.R. Tolkien's epic novel trilogy, The Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson's Middle-earth film series.

He is the son of King Thranduil of Mirkwood and the Elvish prince of the woodland realm, who is highly skilled at archery. He joins the fellowship in the quest to destroy the One Ring and fought in many battles during the war such as Moria, Helm's Deep and the Black Gate. He is a very close friend of Aragorn and when Aragorn was in trouble, Legolas would always try to save him. He often competed with Gimli during battle, seeing who could kill the most. The two never liked each other but grew too as they traveled. The two of them formed an unbreakable bond, eventually taking the dwarf with him to Aman after Aragorn's death. His main weapon is a bow and arrow but often uses swords or pikes and spears.

In the films, he was portrayed by Orlando Bloom, who also plays Will Turner from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • He sets out on a journey to help Frodo destroy the Ring of Sauron.
  • He, along with Gimli and Aragorn, tries to stop the orcs who killed Boromir from kidnapping Merry and Pippin, and when he fails, he, again, along with Aragorn and Gimli, goes in pursuit of the orcs to rescue Merry and Pippin.
  • He participates in the Battle of Helm's Deep and the Battle of the Pelenor Fields, where he fights bravely to save Rohan and Gondor, which he succeeds in doing. In particular, he kills the mumak and his crew and advises what the orcs' weak points are.
  • He, along with Gimli, also closely follows Aragorn to help him convince the Lich King to fulfill his oath.
  • He, along with Gandalf, Aragorn and Gimli, goes to the gates of Mordor and enters battle with the orcs in order to divert Sauron's attention from Frodo and Sam, despite the fact that this battle may end in death for him.
  • In the Hobbit films, he also participates in the Battle of the Five Armies and saves Tauriel from Bolg and Thorin from an unnamed Orc. He does this even in spite of his father’s order to return home.
  • Also, in the Hobbit films, he and Tauriel save the dwarves and Bard's family from the orcs. Then he goes to Gundabad to reconnoiter the situation and tells Tauriel about the death of his mother and Thranduil’s feelings about it.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He is sometimes lethal. For example, he competes with Gimli to see how many orcs he can kill and threatens his own father with a sword in the Hobbit films.
  • Although his prejudice against dwarves is justified, and he gets rid of it, he does not always behave correctly. For example, in the Hobbit films, he finds photographs of Gloin's family and taunts him about this, besides calling his son Gimli (the same one) a mutant goblin and does not even apologize.

External Links[]


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Peter Jackson
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