“ | No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance. | „ |
~ Korra resolving to never give up being the Avatar. |
Korra is the titular main protagonist of the Nickelodeon fantasy series The Legend of Korra, the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender.
She is the teenage successor to Avatar Aang who travels to the metropolis of Republic City to begin her airbending training with Aang’s son Tenzin and pursue her dreams while protecting the world. She is the best friend and eventual girlfriend of Asami Sato.
She was voiced by Janet Varney.
Her Good Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- Although she initially started off in Book 1 as immature and hotheaded, this was because she was sheltered her entire childhood by her father and Tenzin (which was for her own good after the Red Lotus tried to kidnap her) which caused her not to properly grow up emotionally. Even then though, Korra matures greatly and goes through a lot of character development throughout the series in Book 2 until Book 4 and beyond, losing nearly almost all of her corrupting qualities as Tenzin even points this out that she had matured greatly from her initial self, becoming incredibly kindhearted person and a true successor to Aang’s legacy.
Book One: Air[]
- She decided to go to Republic City to get learn and master Airbending with Tenzin and make her own path in the world.
- She defeated the Triple Thread Triad and saved local shopkeepers from them and while she caused some property damage, it was unintentional.
- She convinced Tenzin to agree to let her stay in Republic City and agreed to live and train on Air Temple Island.
- She thanked pro-bender Bolin for allowing her to stay in the arena when she got in trouble for coming into the gym, being unaware that she had to pay.
- She acted polite and cheerful towards Bolin’s brother Mako even though he treated her coldly and acted like a jerk to her.
- She cheered the Fire Ferrets (Bolin, Mako, and Hasook) on and congratulated Mako for single handily winning the match although he still acted cold towards her.
- She volunteered herself to join the Fire Ferrets after Hasook quit so the Fire Ferrets could compete in the next match so the Fire Ferrets could still play.
- She figured out her Airbending training of how to “move like a leaf in air” and used this to outsmart the opposing team and win the pro-bending match for the Fire Ferrets and get them into the Championship tournament.
- She apologized to Tenzin for lashing out at him and taking her anger at herself out on him.
- She convinced Mako to let her help look for Bolin after he had disappeared and they searched around the city using Korra’s pet Naga.
- She comforted Mako and assured him that they would rescue Bolin from the Equalists and sympathized with him over his and Bolin’s tragic backstory when she convinced Mako to open up to her about it.
- She successfully figured out that Bolin would be at Amon’s revelation and disguised herself with Mako to infiltrate the hidden event.
- She used her Waterbending to create steam to fog up the arena so Mako could rescue Bolin.
- She saved Mako and Bolin from the Equalist lieutenant and used Naga to let them all escape from the Equalists
- She informed Tenzin and the United Republic Council of Amon’s ability to take away people’s bending.
- She initially and politely refused to join Tarrlok’s task force as she correctly pointed out she needed to work on Airbending and despite being tricked and pressured into join, she did good by defeating several Equalists. Once she arrogantly challenged Amon to a one to one duel and got defeated, only not losing her bending because Amon didn’t want to make her a martyr, she broke down in remorse for her recklessness and admitted that she was scared of Amon, stating she never felt so scared and didn’t know what to do. She also quit Tarrlok’s task force after realizing the corrupt official that he actually was.
- She confessed her romantic feelings towards Mako, but calmly accepted his rejection, and later agreed to go out on a date with Bolin when he asked her.
- She was the voice of reason in the semi-finals and tried to convince Mako and Bolin to put all their personal feelings aside so they could work together as a team and get into the finals. When that failed and Mako and Bolin got knocked out, she single handedly knocked out the entire opposing team and got the Fire Ferrets into the finals.
- After impulsively kissing Mako in the heat of the moment, she felt immense remorse when Bolin saw them and ran away crying, later healing Bolin’s severe shoulder injury after the semi-finals match and apologizing to Bolin for what she did. She also reconciled with Mako after falling out after the kiss and agreed to still be friends with him.
- Although initially jealous of Asami’s relationship with Mako and acting a little cold to her, she later warmed up to Asami, thanking her and her father for sponsoring the Fire Ferrets and apologized to Asami for judging her, which Asami didn’t mind and they became close friends.
- She, with the help of Lin Beifong, convinced the United Republic not to give in to Amon’s threats and shut down the pro-bender arena, and she acted cordial and tried to become friends with Lin Beifong.
- She defeated the Lieutenant and some Equalists.
- She thanked Lin for rescuing her and got the police chief to warm up to her.
- She successfully figured out that Asami’s father Hiroshi Sato was an Equalist and exposed him.
- Although initially rivals with the bully/pro-bending champion Tahno, after Amon took Tahno’s bending, she promised him that she would stop Amon for him and reconciled with a changed Tahno, showing her sympathy over the loss of his bending and getting on friendly terms. She later restored Tahno’s Waterbending after Amon’s defeat which inspired Tahno to use his powers for good.
- She invited Asami, Mako, and Bolin to live with her and Tenzin’s family in Air Temple Island following Hiroshi’s arrest.
- She formed the New Team Avatar with Asami, Mako, and Bolin, and patrolled the streets of Republic City, defeating and capturing several Equalists.
- She tried to convince Tarrlok to stop persecuting non-benders and tried to rescue all the innocent non-benders Tarrlok was rounding up before he took her friends as hostages.
- She confronted Tarrlok in his office and asked him to release his friends but refused to be blackmailed into working for him and compared him to Amon, causing Tarrlok to attack her and her to seemingly beat him before he revealed himself as a Bloodbender and kidnapped her.
- She discovered Tarrlok’s true identity as the son of crime lord/Bloodbender Yakone and escaped from him and the Equalists by outsmarting and evading them. She later informed the rest of the heroes of her ordeal.
- She rescued the police from the Equalists with the rest of Team Korra.
- She saved Zuko’s grandson General Iroh of the United Forces from drowning after the Equalists ambushed and destroyed his fleet.
- She decided to stay in Republic City to confront Amon with the additional help of Mako.
- Despite Tarrlok kidnapping her and imprisoning her friends, she sympathized with Tarrlok’s tragic backstory about how he and Amon (real name Noatak) were brothers and abused by Yakone until Noatak ran away and was presumed dead. She offered to free Tarrlok but reluctantly left to confront Amon on Tarrlok’s insistence.
- She begged Amon to not take the bending of the last Airbenders (Tenzin’s family) and freed them from Amon with the help of Mako.
- She saved Mako from Amon with her new Airbending powers after Amon took her the rest of her bending.
- She exposed Amon by knocking him into the ocean, which destroyed his mask and washed out his fake scars, exposing him to the Equalists and the world as a Bloodbender and hypocrite, causing the collapse of the Equalist movement when they realized that Korra was right about who Amon was, thwarting a cultural genocide against all benders as a result.
- She unlocked her spiritual connection and the Avatar State for the first time, restoring all her bending powers, and restoring Lin’s Earthbending which was previously taken by Amon. She also confessed her true feelings and kissed Mako, (following his breakup with Asami this time) and began a relationship with him.
- Following Amon’s defeat, she used her newfound Energybending skills to restore the bending of all the innocent victims of Amon.
Book Two: Spirits[]
- She decided to go to the Southern Water Tribe Glacier Spirits festival to meet her uncle Unalaq and unlike the rest of her family/allies, she believed the best in Unalaq and accept his offer to become her new spiritual trainer after he tamed a dark spirit which no one else could defeat.
- She advocated for peace and tried to deescalate tensions between the Northern and Southern Water Tribes when the former sent troops into the latter. She was disgusted by Varrick’s warmongering and agreed to talk to Unalaq to convince to withdraw troops.
- She rescued Unalaq from being kidnapped by Southern rebels, but first pleaded with them to give Unalaq up and go back home safely without any charges. After she rescued Unalaq, she convinced Unalaq (not really though) to let the men have a free and fair trial instead of sentencing them to life imprisonment.
- Although she was angry and cold towards her father when it was revealed that he is the reason for the South’s spiritual decline and sheltering her from the rest of the world until she was an adult, she hugged her father and reconciled with him when she realized he wasn’t part of the rebellion to start a civil war.
- She discovered that Unalaq was evil all along and he was the one who manipulated her father into breaking the Southern Tribe’s spiritual connection and purposefully framed her father for trying to assassinate him to sentence him to life imprisonment, calling out his actions to really be power-hungry rather than out of unity.
- She freed her father and the Southern rebels from the Northern Water Tribe and told her father the truth about Unalaq and agreed to help him and the South liberate themselves from Unalaq by first convincing President Raiko of the United Republic to intervene.
- She led a peaceful rally in support of the Southern Water Tribe and when the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center was bombed, she tried to convince President Raiko to intervene to support the Southern Water Tribe liberation efforts in the Water Tribe Civil War.
- She tried to go to the Fire Nation to convince them to support the Southern Water Tribe after she failed to convince President Raiko to support their liberation efforts.
- She reconnected herself to the Avatar State and regained her memories by witnessing the first Avatar Wan’s life and discovered he identities of Raava and Vaatu along with Unalaq’s true plan to open the spirit portals to free Vaatu to bring about an age of darkness.
- She complimented Jinora for her advanced spiritual connection and went with her to the Eastern Air Temple Airbending chamber to go into the Spirt World and saved Tenzin’s family from dark spirits by purifying them for the first time.
- She apologized to Tenzin for leaving him to train with Unalaq and for getting angry with him earlier and hugged him, stating she still needed him.
- She crossed into the Spirit World with Jinora and tried to look after Jinora and stop her from getting into danger.
- She tried to look for Jinora when they were separated, turning back into her four year old self because of the dark spirits.
- When she was startled by a young dragonfly spirit and swatted it away, accidentally injuring one of its wings, she felt immediate remorse and apologized, picking up the spirit and after some advice from Iroh, she decided to take the dragon spirit home at Hai-Ryo Peak which might also help her find Jinora.
- She let go of her fear of dark spirits and used her positive mindset to traverse Hai-Ryo Peak, redeeming all the spirits and getting he dragonfly back home where it turned into a large dragon spirit and allowing her to return back to her 18 year old self and restore her confidence.
- She confronted Unalaq but once he revealed a captive Jinora as his hostage agreed to open the Northern Spirit portal to save Jinora’s life.
- Once returning from the Spirit World, she apologized to Tenzin that she couldn’t rescue Jinora and that Jinora was still stuck in the Spirit World even though it wasn’t her fault but Unalaq’s.
- She informed President Raiko and the rest of the heroes about Unalaq’s true plan to release Vaatu during Harmonic Convergence to plunge the world in 10,000 years of darkness that will end all life on the planet.
- Although initially cold to Varrick after he was exposed as a warmonger and terrorist who framed Mako, she admitted that he did some good things and accepted Varrick’s offer to use his battleship to stop Unalaq at the South Pole.
- She tried to reason with Unalaq to stop what he was doing, telling him that freeing Vaatu wouldn’t make him powerful but only make him betray everything good that has happened for the last 10,000 years and vowed to put Vaatu back in his prison if he escapes when Unalaq reject her attempts at reason.
- She tried to convince Desna and Eska to free her and sympathized with them by saying that while she understood that Unalaq was their father, Vaatu had driven him crazy and that they needed to free her to stop them from destroying the world. Although she didn’t convince them right then and there, this would plant the seeds for the twins' eventual redemption.
- Once Bumi rescued them, she had Asami take her severely injured father to Katara for healing.
- She saved the group from dark spirits.
- She formed a plan to have Tenzin and his siblings enter the Spirit World to find Jinora while Mako and Bolin faced Unalaq while she tried to close the spirit portals to prevent Vaatu’s release.
- Once Vaatu was released during Harmonic Convergence, she nearly succeeded in trapping him once again in the Tree of Time and stopping Unalaq before Unalaq attacked her.
- She battled a fused Unalaq and Vaatu now known as the Dark Avatar for the fate of the world before the Dark Avatar tragically destroyed Raava and severed Korra’s connection to the past Avatars.
- She regained her confidence while meditating in the Tree of Time, reminding herself that Raava didn’t define her, but her own spirit did and following Tenzin’s advice, she realized light couldn’t exist without darkness and transformed herself into a giant spirit to battle the Dark Avatar in Republic City.
- She recovered Raava’s spirit with the help of Jinora and killed Unalaq/Vaatu once and for all to save the world. This act makes Korra the most admirable human hero in the basis of scale due to being the only one to stop an omnicidal maniac (technically 2 but both Vaatu and Unalaq fused and became one instead).
- Although she rightfully called out Unalaq for being a hypocrite who cared only about power, she still remorsefully apologized to Desna and Eska for being forced to kill him to save the world and she admitted that Unalaq still brought up some good points like keeping the spirit portals open and she chose to keep the spirit portals open to connect the two worlds and fix Wan’s mistake.
- She ended her relationship with Mako cordially, forgiving him for not telling her about their breakup when she had amnesia and kissing him one final time while admitting that she would always love him, but since they had different goals in life, their relationship just couldn’t work out.
- She announced to the world about peace in the Water Tribes and the beginning of a new age where humans and spirits can interact freely in their now connected worlds.
- In the canonical video game, she defeated Hundun along with his dark spirits, Equalists, and triad henchmen to stop him from killing her and causing worldwide chaos.
Book Three: Change[]
- She tried to convince Mako to live on Air Temple island and stop acting awkward towards her after their breakup.
- She saved all the residents of a collapsing apartment from spirit vines including getting a young boy to safety.
- She convinced a new Airbender named Daw to come down from the top of a tower by sympathizing with him and convinced him to go to the Air Temple island to get trained by Tenzin.
- She agreed to help Tenzin rebuild the Air Nation by recruiting the new Airbenders.
- She and Bolin convinced Mako to join the team’s journey to Ba Sing Se to recruit new Airbenders as she again wanted to get back on friendly and relaxed terms with him when he was acting stoic and awkward.
- She tried to convince different new Airbenders to join/rebuild the Air Nation, but realized that she couldn’t force them to join and it had to be the individual’s own choice.
- She took the young thief Kai into the group to save him from going to prison and convince the rest of the heroes to accept him in, believing that she could give the new Airbender the guidance he needed.
- She was excited to meet the Earth Queen and acted polite towards her and apologized to her about Aang and Zuko convincing her father Kuei to cede Earth Kingdom land to form the United Republic, even though that wasn’t the reason the Earth Kingdom was in ruin, but rather due to Earth Queen Hou-Ting herself.
- She initially accepted a deal to get the Earth Queen tax revenue from a vault so the Earth Queen would tell her where the new Airbenders are, but once she realized Hou-Ting’s true authoritarian and spoiled nature along with the fact that the monarch betrayed the deal, she called out the Earth Queen for extorting her citizens and sympathized with the thieves as it was the people’s money, not the Earth Queen’s.
- She assured Jinora that they would find Kai when the Earth Queen and the Dai Li kidnapped him and gave Jinora advice to focus and pursue her romantic feelings towards Kai.
- She refused to go back to Republic City when the criminal organization that tried to kidnap her, the Red Lotus, were released as she had to rescue the new Airbenders first before leaving and refused to abandon them.
- She freed the new Airbenders from prison.
- She fought off the Dai Li when they and the Earth Queen confronted her and argued with the Earth Queen that the new Airbenders should have the freedom to choose what they want to be and were not the Earth Queen’s slaves.
- She bought time for the new Airbenders to escape on Asami’s airship and once Mako, Bolin, Kai, and Jinora were out, she used her Airbending to propel them all onto the airship and escape from the Earth Queen.
- She wished Tenzin good luck when he and the new Airbenders decided to go to the Northern Air Temple so Tenzin could train them and she hugged her teacher just before he left and promised to send more recruits to him.
- She tried to get Lin to ease up and relax on their journey and even though she was disappointed that Lin refused to go with Team Korra to Zaofu, she agreed to hide the fact that Lin had come with them on Lin’s request.
- She apologized for lying to Suyin and Aiwei about for lying that Team Avatar were the only people that came to Zaofu, saying Lin had come with them and proceeded to shockingly discover from Suyin that Lin and Suyin were sisters.
- She met Suyin’s family and greeted them warmly before agreeing to train Suyin’s youngest daughter/the new Airbender some basic Airbending moves although she tried to convince Suyin that Opal going to the Northern Air Temple to train with Tenzin would be better if Opal wanted to of course. She later complimented Opal’s quick learning, calling her a natural
- She apologized to Suyin for Lin’s jerkish behavior and discovered what had happened between the two sisters, making it her mission to get them to reconcile.
- She convinced Opal to try and talk to Lin, and when Lin lashed out at Opal and caused her to run away crying, Korra called out Lin for taking out her anger at Opal when she asked her to do it and for treating her own family horribly.
- She enthusiastically agreed to learn Metalbending when Suyin offered to train her in the skill and quickly perfected the bending form, becoming the first Metalbending Avatar in history.
- She visited Lin to suggest that she apologize to Opal and got worried about Lin when she looked very sick and in bad condition and tried to help only for Lin to brush her off and walk away.
- She caught Lin when she passed out of exhaustion before her head slammed into the ground after Lin’s physical fight with Suyin and was later pleased that Lin apologized to Opal for lashing out at her and reconciled with Suyin. While she did nothing to stop the fight, she at least questioned if she should intervene.
- She gave Tenzin advice on how to deal with the new Airbenders by advising him to take a break and suggesting that Bumi or his own kids could have some insight Tenzin was overlooking and accept Tenzin’s compliment, saying as the Avatar conflict resolution was part of her job.
- She joined her friends and Suyin’s family to celebrate Opal’s farewell party when she decided to join the Air Nation and leave to train with Tenzin and raised a glass in Opal’s honor. She later comforted Bolin who was upset that Opal had to leave just when they had romantic feelings for each other.
- After the failed Red Lotus kidnapping, she figured out that someone had to have let the Red Lotus into Zaofu, meaning there was a traitor in Zaofu.
- She along with the rest of Team Korra exposed Aiwei as the true traitor and she saved her friends from being blown up by Aiwei’s bomb before informing Lin and Suyin.
- She briefly suspended her Airbending search to hunt down Aiwei and the rest of the Red Lotus and embraced Suyin for buying them enough time to leave from Lin.
- She agreed to Mako’s idea of a stakeout against Aiwei but after a while burst in to discover that he was meditating and that he was meeting with Zaheer in a Spirit World location and quickly went into the Spirit World to confront them.
- Despite everything Aiwei did, she tried to stop Zaheer from giving Aiwei a fate worse than death to no avail.
- She calmly asked Zaheer what his motives and goals were, sympathizing with him for being betrayed by Unalaq who was a former Red Lotus member who was the one who actually suggested kidnapping Korra when she was a toddler before betraying the group when they failed. Although she disagreed with Zaheer’s beliefs in eliminating all governments as that would cause chaos, she understood Zaheer’s dissatisfaction and instead tried to redeem him so he could use his newfound Airbending powers for good and only got stern after Zaheer rejected redemption and asked him for what the Red Lotus planned to do when they captured her before Zaheer vanished.
- After being captured by Earth Kingdom forces, she tried to convince the captain of the danger that Zaheer and the Red Lotus pose to the Earth Queen along with other world leaders and release her so she could stop them, despite everything Earth Queen did to her like ordering her capture in the first place.
- She took control of the Earth Kingdom airship with Asami once they freed themselves from imprisonment.
- Although initially/understandably being angry at her Earth Kingdom captors for kidnapping her and their gratefulness towards being rescued, she convince them to work with her and Asami to escape the Si Wong desert and saved the group from a Sandshark. She then apologized to the captain for accidentally getting them stranded in the first place to which the captain told her it wasn’t her fault and decided to let them go since she saved them.
- She apologized to Lin for going after Zaheer when she said not to (although Korra was right) and warmly embraced her father and greeted former Firelord Zuko.
- She took no joy when Zaheer revealed over the radio that he killed the Earth Queen, instead realizing this was only the beginning for the Red Lotus.
- She hugged Mako and Bolin when they met up once again and greeted their grandmother once introduced to her.
- She listened to Iroh’s advice and asked Zuko what Aang would do if someone like Zaheer threatened to wipe out the rebuilding Air Nation unless Korra surrender, and once he responded that Aang cared for all nations and knew the world needed the Avatar in its times of need, she thanked Zuko for the advice and bid the former Firelord farewell when he went back to the Fire Nation.
- She went to Zaofu and warned Tenzin about Zaheer’s plot and told Tenzin to evacuate the Northern Air Temple although unfortunately Zaheer had just arrived .
- She decided to surrender to Zaheer to stop him from wiping out the Air Nation and so Zaheer could release them, being willing to sacrifice her own life to ensure the survival of the Air Nation, lovingly embracing her friends and father before doing so.
- Once Mako told her that Zaheer double-crossed them and the Air Nomads weren’t here, she freed herself and fought Zaheer with her father, crying in horror as Zaheer seemingly killed him and fighting off Zaheer before ultimately being captured by him.
- She fought off the painful Metalbending poison Zaheer gave her and freed herself from the Red Lotus before going after Zaheer.
- She battled Zaheer and with the help of the new Airbenders, she defeated the terrorist leader once and for all.
- Once purged of the poison and snapped out of the Avatar State, she hugged her father who turned out to still be alive.
- She attended Jinora’s Airbending master ceremony two weeks after Zaheer’s defeat despite still being severely debilitated and confined to a wheelchair from Zaheer’s poison.
Book Four: Balance[]
- She read the letters Asami, Bolin, and Mako sent to her while away in the Southern Water Tribe recovering and apologized to Katara for snapping at her when she was frustrated with her slow physical therapy.
- She continued training and eventually made a full physical recovery, writing back to Asami told Asami not to tell Bolin and Mako about this as to not hurt their feelings as she felt Asami was the only one who could understand her.
- She agreed to let an fisherman take a picture of her like he did of Avatar Aang before.
- She decided to go back to Republic City but once she realized she wasn’t ready, she instead embarked on a worldwide journey to find herself again, disguising herself as an Earthbender and cutting her hair, while writing letters lying that she was in Republic City to her family to ensure they wouldn’t worry about her.
- She entered a fighting ring to get rid of the Avatar apparition of herself she kept seeing and despite losing, she thanked the organizer for the cash she got.
- She went out of the bathroom despite needing to heal her wounds so someone else who urgently needed to go could use it.
- She petted a stray dog she found on the street and followed her to the Foggy Swamp until the dog revealed herself to be the light spirit and tried to get her to reveal why she led her to the Foggy swamp before the spirit left.
- She convinced Toph to get her back in fighting shape and tried to hug her (which Toph blocked with an Earth slab) and discovered that Toph came to the Swamp to be connected to the rest of the world like never before.
- She admitted and agreed with Toph that her previous enemies: Amon, Unalaq, and Zaheer all had good points but just took their ideologies too far.
- She realized with the help of Toph that some mercury poison was still in her and that she couldn’t get it out unless she admitted her fears of her previous enemies and reconnected with her friends, family, and herself.
- She tearfully hugged and reunited with Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo, saying that she missed them and agreeing to come back to stop Kuvira.
- She bent all the remaining Metalbending poison out of herself by releasing her fear and hugged Toph for helping her when Toph agreed to allow it.
- She decided to go back to Zaofu instead of Republic City to stop Kuvira, telling Meelo she wasn't going to fight Kuvira but try to reason with her, saying conflict hadn't solved anything in the past.
- She sympathized with Kuvira and realized she had some good points, trying to negotiate a peaceful resolution between Kuvira and Suyin.
- She refused to let Kuvira take Zaofu and tried to negotiate with her to release a captive Suyin and only resorted to challenging Kuvira to a duel when Kuvira refused to listen to reason.
- Once she bested Kuvira, she hesitated, not wanting to kill Kuvira, which unfortunately Kuvira took advantage of.
- She greeted Tenzin and Bumi after coming back to Air temple island along with happily reuniting with Naga.
- She reunited with Asami and Mako, complementing both of them and while she questioned Asami’s decision to reconcile with her criminal father, she wasn’t wrong about being cautious and immediately apologized when Asami got upset at her remark. She also apologized to Mako for not writing to him or Bolin but just Asami when she was away as she felt Asami was the only who understood what she was going through and told Mako that she wanted to hear everything about his life now.
- Despite Prince Wu acting pretty obnoxious towards her, she went to rescue him and successfully defeated his kidnappers and freed him.
- She apologized to Mako for snapping at him when he doubted her Avatar instincts and shared a group hug with him and Asami, telling them there is no where else she wanted to be in except with them by her side.
- She thanked Tenzin and Asami for cheering her up and inspiring her not to lose hope.
- She assured Opal that she would rescue her family from Kuvira after the fall of Zaofu.
- She informed President Raiko and the other world leaders of Kuvira harvesting spirit vine energy to build a superweapon.
- She warmly greeted and hugged Bolin when he escaped from Kuvira, making him feel better about previously working for Kuvirq by telling him that if anyone lost people’s trust, it was her and not Bolin and shared another hug with him when he cheered him up.
- She saved Mako from being captured by vines.
- Despite everything Zaheer did to her like torturing her and nearly killing her painfully, she agreed to work with the imprisoned Zaheer to enter the Spirit World to free captive citizens trapped by the Spirit vines and it’s implied she was now on better terms with him than before.
- She rediscovered Raava and entered into the Avatar state to save Jinora and all the captive citizens from the spirit vines.
- She refused Raiko’s suggestion to create spirit vine superweapons of their own to counter Kuvira, reminding Raiko that Kuvira’s damaging of the spirit vines and environment caused the spirits vines to turn hostile and kidnap people in the first place.
- She tried to convince the spirits to help her defend Republic City from Kuvira but told them that the choice was theirs and reluctantly accepted their refusal to get involved in “human” wars.
- She hugged Suyin after she was freed from Kuvira’s prison and apologized to her for not being able to save Zaofu.
- She suggested cutting the train tracks to stop Kuvira from transporting her weapon and assured President Raiko that she wouldn’t let Kuvira take Republic City.
- She went with the rest of Team Korra to stop Kuvira’s superweapon and once they discovered that Kuvira was actually only two hours instead of two weeks away, she immediately warned Tenzin and Raiko about it.
- She refused to surrender to Kuvira when Raiko did and came up with a plan to successfully capture Kuvira’s fiancée/right-hand Baatar Jr. to reveal the weaknesses of the superweapon, but she couldn’t bring herself to hurt Baatar Jr to get him to reveal the info. Instead, she vowed to make sure that she would take Baatar Jr with them to make sure Kuvira never saw him unless he told Kuvira to stand down which successfully convinced him to do it after Baatar Jr. refused redemption and all other methods at getting the info out of him.
- She untied Baatar Jr and promised to reunite him with Kuvira when Kuvira seemingly agreed to surrender before Kuvira decided to use the superweapon to target the warehouse and she told everyone to evacuate before Kuvira destroyed the facility.
- She refused to surrender Republic City, pointing out that Kuvira posed a threat to the world, and told Suyin to get Baatar Jr and the other wounded people to safety, while she and the other benders hold off Kuvira’s mech until Asami reworked the hummingbird mech prototypes to infiltrate the mech.
- She battled Kuvira’s mech and slowed it down before rescuing an injured female Airbender and telling everyone to evacuate when Kuvira went on the offensive.
- She warmed up to a redeemed Hiroshi Sato when he provided help on how to cut through Kuvira’s mech’s armor.
- She bought enough time for Asami and Hiroshi to saw through Kuvira’s mech and sadly looked as Hiroshi was tragically killed by Kuvira.
- She saved Lin, Suyin, Mako, and Bolin from being crushed by he mech’s hand and proceeded to infiltrate Kuvira’s mech with them.
- She ordered Lin and Suyin to take out the superweapon and for Mako and Bolin to cut engine power.
- She dueled Kuvira and defeated her, taking Kuvira to safety when her mech exploded and telling her to surrender to President Raiko before Kuvira escaped.
- She risked her life to save Kuvira when the spirit weapon malfunctioned despite everything Kuvira did. Once the explosion transported them to the Spirit World, she caught Kuvira from falling and sympathized with Kuvira before supporting the wounded villain out of the Spirit World, all of which motivated Kuvira to surrender peacefully and tell her army to stand down.
- She supported Prince Wu’s decision to abdicate the throne and turn the Earth Kingdom into a democracy, vowing to support the now mature prince however she could.
- She thanked Mako for nearly sacrificing himself to destroy Kuvira’s mech and told him that words couldn’t express how much gratitude she had towards him and smiled at him when Mako vowed that he would always be there for her and she didn’t need to say anything.
- As Tenzin states himself, she transformed the world for the better as Avatar in a few years than most did in their entire lifetimes.
- She revealed to Tenzin that going through her immense hardships and recovery from Zaheer’s actions made her understand the true meaning of suffering and made her able to sympathize with even heinous villains like Kuvira.
- She apologized to Asami for being gone for three year even though Asami said there was no need to apologize and offered to take Asami on vacation anywhere in the world before complimenting Asami’s choice of the Republic City Spirit Portal as perfect and beginning her romantic relationship with Asami.
Sequel comics[]
- In the sequel comic Turf Wars, she apologized to Asami when a dark spirit attacked them during their vacation even though it wasn’t her fault and she kissed Asami, mutually agreeing that it was a wonderful vacation before going back into the human world.
- She reveals her relationship with Asami to her parents and although initially getting upset that her parents didn’t agree with her decision to make their relationship public and stormed out, she later realized with Asami’s help that her parents did have a point and felt remorse before later reconciling with them. She also apologized to Asami for accidentally ignoring her feelings on the matter and they vowed to keep each other safe not matter what before returning to Republic City.
- She vowed to keep the Spirit Portals open and protect them from exploitation from evil businessman Wonyong Kuem.
- She apologized to refugees for their poor living conditions following Kuvira’s failed invasion and offered her services, before taking to the podium to give an inspiring speech to the refugees about the new and better future that was ahead.
- She tried to stop the dragon spirit and other spirits from attacking Tokuga and the Triple Thread Triads in anger despite them being criminals, but failed to stop the dragon spirit from deforming Tokuga much to her dismay.
- She rescued Asami from the Triple Thread Triad and kissed her, revealing their relationship to Bolin, Mako, and her other allies.
- She tried to stop Ikki from touching a dead plant spirit before buying enough time for the other heroes to escape from the hostile vines that emerged to attack them.
- She confronted President Raiko to convince him to withdraw the United Forces from the Spirit Portal, trying to reason that his actions would provoke another spirit crisis and lower his election chances (which is was the only thing Raiko cared about) and although she called him out for trying to blame her for his problems and Asami/Tenzin pointed out that it was Korra’s leadership that saved the United Republic from Kuvira when Raiko surrender, she decided to leave and told Asami and Tenzin that it was okay and they didn’t need to defend her.
- She offered to make Jargala stop bothering and trying to extort Asami, and told her that she didn’t protect Asami because she was the Avatar but because she cared about Asami more than anything and embraced her girlfriend.
- She searched Jargala and the Creeping Crystal Triad hideout when she suspected they were the ones that kidnapped Asami and left once she realized they were innocent.
- She tried to convince Tokuga to surrender and told him that she was trying to save him from being disfigured before demanding he release Asami but reluctantly letting him get away when he threatened to kill Asami.
- She hugged and thanked Mako for giving her advice and being understanding.
- She made a deal with Jargala and the Creeping Crystal Triad that if Jargala gave her secret passages throughout Republic City that she would lead Jargala to her rival/Asami’s kidnapper Tokuga.
- She chased down Tokuga and saved Asami from being poisoned by him.
- She told Asami that she loved her which Asami reciprocated during Zhu Li’s presidential victory speech.
- In the Ruins of the Empire comics, she went with Prince Wu as a symbol of peace during the Earth Kingdom’s transition to a democracy.
- She asked an imprisoned Kuvira for advice on how to deal with the Earth Empire remnant leader Commander Guan.
- She convinced the rest of the heroes to let Kuvira come with them, arguing that Kuvira wanted to redeem herself and reminded them of Kuvira’s past heroism, but told Kuvira that she wouldn’t hesitate to stop Kuvira if she stepped out of line.
- She convinced Asami to not lock Kuvira up in a cell and agreed with Kuvira to let her change into better clothes to negotiate with Commander Guan.
- She comforted King Wu that the first election of the Earth Kingdom wouldn’t be perfect and that the United Republic also took a long time to sort itself out too.
- She tried to stop Kuvira from strangling Commander Guan and when Asami did, she had Kuvira taken back and locked up to prevent any more reckless outbursts from Kuvira.
- She informed the rest of Team Korra about Commander Guan’s plan to run in the election to “legally” restore the Earth Empire to power and optimistically suggested convincing Toph to run despite the other’s skepticism.
- She convinced Toph to run in the Earth Nation presidential election to stop Commander Guan and registered her for the election.
- She reluctantly/remorsefully defeated a brainwashed Asami and convinced Baatar Jr. to help her free Asami from her conditioning, understanding why he didn’t want to work with Kuvira but convinced him to do it for the greater good.
- She volunteered to be the test subject for the anti-brainwashing experiment but when Kuvira did and freed Asami, she comforted Asami and hugged her, reassuring Asami that none of her brainwashed actions were her fault.
- She informed Asami that Kuvira was the one who saved her from brainwashing and refused to believe Kuvira had turned evil again when she seemingly escaped.
- She defeated a brainwashed Mako and Bolin to save Kuvira and freed the brothers and Wu from their brainwashing.
- After Kuvira took full responsibility for her crimes by pleading guilty, she told Kuvira she respected her for everything she said and told Kuvira that she believed that she had redeemed herself.
What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]
- Although she loses almost all of her jerkish traits and nearly always apologizes, she still has a few unsubverted jerkish moments left like intimidating the Equalist protestor for lazy reasons and pushing the cowardly Grand Secretariat Gun out of the way when she confronts the Earth Queen (although the latter moment is played for laughs).
- She has a lethal moment, when she threatened to kill judge Hotah by feeding him to Naga when he sentenced her innocent father to death and later (on Unalaq’s advice) life imprisonment although she did end up letting Hotah go once forcing out important information from him that Unalaq was evil all along and was the one who got her father banished and rigged the trial. Although, Hotah doubtlessly deserved what he got.
- While subverting her previous arrogance, she has an arrogant moment in Turf Wars where after discovering Jargala was innocent of kidnapping Asami and Jargala ordered them to leave before she and the Creeping Crystal Triad made them leave, Korra left but not before taunting Jargala that she would like to see Jargala try to force them out.
- She is, so far, one of the four characters in the Avatar series to be Near Pure Good, alongside Katara, Sokka and Suyin Beifong.
- Alongside Sokka and Suyin Beifong, she is one of the few heroes in the Avatar franchise to actually kill someone. Ironically, they are all Near Pure Good. It is still excusable and hardly counts against them since Combustion Man, P'li, and especially Unalaq were dangerous adversaries.
External Links[]
- Korra on the Heroes Wiki
- Korra on the Avatar Wiki
- Korra on the Shonen Heroes Wiki
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Avatar: The Last Airbender The Legend of Korra See Also |