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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Kelly Quinn is the main protagonist of the Prime Video original series Just Add Magic and one of the overarching protagonists of its limited spin-off series Just Add Magic: Mystery City. She's the unofficial leader of the main protector trio, whose house the cookbook first turned up in. After finding out the recipes were magic and often came with a downside via trying one out, Hannah and Darbie were initially unwilling to take part in any additional recipes, with Hannah in particular wanting to burn the book, but Kelly felt like there was a reason they found the book, and various events relating to the magic went down, and decided they had to keep cooking, thus leading into the series.

She was portrayed by Olivia Sanabia.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • One of her most defining traits is her close and strong friendship with Hannah and Darbie, who Kelly will usually come to aid with either are in trouble or make sure they're okay.
  • Even though she tends to make a lot of mistakes involving the magic, she always realizes when she did make an error and tries to make amend or apologize for it. Sometimes it takes longer than others for her to actually come to terms with it.

Season 1[]

  • She spends the majority of the season caring for her grandmother (who was emotionless, and rarely ever says anything), doing whether she can to cure her, even moreso than her partners. It got to the point where her greatest fear in "Just Add Camping" was being unable to save her grandmother. She cares about her that much.
  • Upon first finding the Cookbook, alongside Hannah and Darbie, she assumes that it was a sign that they were supposed to cook one of the recipes in the book, and does the Shut-em-Up Shortcake for her grandmother's birthday intended to try help make her ill grandmother feel better, not yet knowing about the recipes' magical effects. Sure, Buddy accidentally ruins the cake, by fighting over it with Kelly and making it fall on the floor, (which in hindsight turns out to be a good thing, as it saved the Quinn family from losing their voices) but it's the thought that counts.
  • Despite yelling at her younger brother Buddy for ruining her cake, she recognizes that it was her fault Hannah and Buddy lost their voices (for deciding to do the cake recipe) and apologizes to Buddy for yelling at him and for him being sick, and informs him that she loves him, even when she was angry at him. This was just the selfless act needed to break the spell on both Buddy and Hannah and restore their voices.
  • Although Kelly ended up becoming team captain for the girls' basketball team due to her supporting her teammates during tryouts, she recognized that Charlotte's aggression on and off field served a purpose and was actually beneficial in motivating others into getting the other players to try harder, and asks Charlotte to be captain instead of herself, which was once again, the selfless act needed to break the spell for a downside from a recipe.
  • She agrees to look after the neighbor's dog 'Cowboy' and play with him -- though not without inviting Hannah and Darbie to join in -- as a way to earn money to help out her ill grandmother, and also to afford magic species for potential magic recipes they may need to use to try helping.
  • When her mother accidentally puts herself under a truth spell by eating a Bitter Truth Truffle, she spends the rest of the day with her mother intending to prevent from her getting into trouble with her brutal honestly, but the two of them began genuinely bond as Kelly gets to know her better and they had a great time out.
  • She decides to go to Mama P for some advice about how certain types of magic worked, thinking she was an ally who wanted to aid Becky. Kelly would go through a series of trials, ranging from rearranging magic spices by type, to having to use what she had learned to break spells P put on her, but she was able to complete them.
  • She was willing to pay a very severe price from the Curse-Breaking Candied Stone Fruit if it meant curing her grandma Becky of her curse, despite knowing she could have received the same curse Becky one did, or worse.
  • While she winds up unintentionally assisting Mama P in breaking her curse, and ignores several forms of logic (including her own friend's advice), it's only because Kelly was extremely desperate to cure her grandmother with a spell she found, and she assumed Mama P wanted to help her, unaware of her true intentions. And when she eventually learns P's true endgame, she was not happy about being manipulated.
  • She, Hannah and Darbie would all try to make things right, by creating a new magic recipe using what they knew so far about magic (Last Ditch Layer Cake). Said recipe would end up allowing the people of Saffron Falls to move again, but it would also break all of the curses present in the area, including Grandma Becky's curse, and allowing Ms. Silvers to play piano in public again.

Season 2A[]

  • Upon traveling to a past Halloween and seeing that the other kids were scared of Ms. Silvers, thinking she was a witch (like she, Hannah and Darbie themselves once did) and nearly TPing her house, she scares the kids off, and says to Hannah and Darbie that she felt bad for Silvers' mistreatment as she now knows she was just a misunderstood loner with a good heart.
  • When her grandmother Becky shows concern about the possibility of Chuck being back in Saffron Falls and intending to bring harm to others, Kelly tries to help settle her fears by doing a "Settle the Beef Sandwich" recipe. And despite Becky being rightfully upset over Kelly using magic despite her asking Kelly not to, she understands that Kelly had good intentions.
  • She calls out Becky, Ida and Gina for refusing to forgive each other (mainly due to the events leading to Chuck's disappearance), stating none of them would ever be happy until they were able to make up.
  • Upon actually meeting Chuck in person for the first time, finding out he had amnesia, and him explaining that he was poor and slept in the playground, she, Hannah and Darbie were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, and give up a makeover to help him adjust to the current era.
  • She would later re-encounter Chuck in her house's attic, after finding out he had officially regained his memories, including those about the cookbook and the Traveler, and she'd sternly tell Chuck to stay away from her family and the cookbook.
  • Despite clearly not liking Mama P after finding out she had deceived Kelly for her own goals, Kelly still shows sympathy for Mama P's father losing his job and the family falling apart due to him being unable to find work.
  • She gets nervous about the possibility of Chuck trying to get her father fired from his job (due to actions he did in the past) and gives her father a Lemon Lie-m Mint so he could see through Chuck's lies and deceptions, just to be safe.
  • She, Hannah and Darbie would try to help out Jake with his broken-down food bike, using a spell (Chicken N-Fix-Its) that would make them expert repair-girls, and they'd quickly fix and even improve his food bike. Although, they'd also have to repair Mama P's reputation -- due to her massive rant in the Season 1 finale-- in order for Jake to officially be able to sell his food.
  • While under the fix-it spell, she'd encounter Chuck during the grand re-opening of Mama P's restaurant and find out he was "broken". She'd tell him he'd been hurt, but could be fixed. This would pay-off in a big way in the mid-season finale, during the big climax.
  • She helps out her mother in preparation for her mayor's speech and gives her some helpful advice (such as having some water for a dry throat)
  • She takes advantage of her invisibility (after-effect of another magic spell) to place the odds of a rigged spinner in Darbie's favor, so she could get free donuts for a year.
  • When she hears about Hannah having an appointment with a new student mentor for Fox Canyon, Kelly allows Hannah to go to the appointment as she knows how much the new school meant to her, telling her, she and Darbie had things covered.
  • She compliments Darbie on a job well done with the heist to take back Chuck's cookbook, and when Darbie she was back to being indecisive after her 'strong-will' wears off, Kelly reminds Darbie that the spell didn't actually make Darbie strong-willed, rather it made her believe in herself and that she had the capably all this time.
  • Even when she starts overusing the magic (as stated in "Preventions"), she still mostly uses it to help others (making her father a better negotiator for his business, giving Darbie one-on-one time with her father, trying to help her mother get theater tickets for her husband, and maybe others)
    • And she would admit that she did have a problem and that she nearly forgot who she was without magic. But she still thanks Hannah and Darbie for taking away the book and giving her a much-needed wake-up call.
  • Upon finding out Chuck had somehow possessed Jake and took over his life, she, Hannah, and Darbie were clearly upset at themselves for not thinking about how their best friend was under his control, with Kelly even saying they were all bad friends for not noticing. And she spent nearly an episode trying to find way to remove Chuck from Jake's body and bring Jake back to his normal self.
    • She'd ultimately use Gina Silver's morbium to save Jake from having his body hijacked by Chuck.
  • She and Darbie take care of Hannah when the latter isn't feeling well -- helping her lie down -- and was slowly ending up in the cookbook as a drawing. They also look into how Rose got into the cookbook in the first place and try to cook a spell that would counter the effects of Hannah's spell and save her.
  • Upon learning the truth about Chuck's plan and how his sister Rose getting imprisoned in the book was an accident he was trying to resolve, she shows sympathy for Chuck's plight, but still refuses to allow Chuck to use Hannah as an attempted replacement for Rose.
  • As previously mentioned, Kelly noticing that Chuck was "broken" while under the fix-it spell, would come back around during the mid-season climax, as she states that she saw there was good in Chuck, and has him remember fond memories with his sister prior to the incident, reminding him that he loved his sister. This actually makes Chuck cry as he had known what he had done, and he actually backs out of his plan. She was willing to partially forgive him due to his good intentions. Thankfully, the magic's somehow able to reverse itself and Hannah and Rose are both freed from the cookbook.

Season 2B[]

  • She'd become a part-time employee at Mama P's under Jake, so she could afford enough money for a school trip to Washington.
  • When she notices the book had mysteriously disappeared, and was in the possession of RJ White, she worries about him using the book for selfish purposes. (i.e.: buying the winning lottery ticket, winning the Trifecta).
  • When Darbie complains how Oren -- her set design instructor -- belittled her and had no faith in her building skills, Kelly advises her to tell him that she fixed all the cabinets in her house. (Granted, she was under a fixing spell, but still.)
  • She, Hannah, Darbie and Jake would spy on RJ White to make sure he wasn't using the cookbook's magic for any harm, even intercepting a cupcake he made for his girlfriend. (Though she loses points for being a stalker to a stranger with very little proof he was actually harming anyone, and sending Jake to spy on him) Then when she finds out about RJ's intentions, she and the others would try to trick RJ into doing a spell to give the book back to them.
  • It was mentioned that she took part in a canned food drive at school, which she really enjoyed.
  • She convinced her mother's campaign manager to give her mother another chance, and not turn away just because of actions she did. She'd even inspire the manager to take a new route on her campaign.
  • Even though she, Hannah and Darbie are clearly upset with RJ for misusing the book's power, she and the others were still willing to listen to RJ's warning about how they were in danger, and was shown to be scared when he loses his knowledge and memories of magic mid-sentence.
  • She personally offers to go undercover at Saphron (where Noelle Jasper worked) and get a job as a server (as she was the only one with experience) so she could secretly look through her place and make sure she wasn't spelling anyone.
  • She was shown to feel bad for harming her mother's reputation when Adam Lever posts an article on his official campaign website highlighting herself as an attempt to demonize Terri, although Terri would state it wasn't Kelly's fault and that Adam was playing dirty.
  • When an extraction spell on Mama P goes wrong and her mother (while under P's deceptive and competitive personality) plots to win the mayor election by unethical means, Kelly immediately get her mother to hug her, so she'd be affected by P's personality instead of her mother.
  • She encouraged Darbie to take on the role of being the new head of the crew when the previous head had to quit, and advises Hannah not to over-study for an upcoming quiz or worry too much.
  • Upon receiving a voicemail from her grandmother Becky where the latter tries to warn Kelly about a mysterious box involving magic, only to lose her magic-related memories mid-sentence, Kelly clearly shows great concern and desperately tries to find out just what the box was for.
  • With Gina Silvers being the last OC with magic-related memories remaining, she and the other girls try to keep her safe from the potential threat, by using a cloning spell so the culprit would spell the wrong Silvers.
  • She offers to help her mother out when Adam Lever posts a false article to harm her reputation, and was rightfully upset at all the terrible stuff Lever said about her, although when one of Silvers' clones advises Kelly not to let his comments about her mother get to her and that Lever's comments were more of a reflection of him, Kelly was willing to take Silvers' advice and put aside her bitter feelings of Adam Lever. She'd even use Gina's advice as part of her speech for her mother's mayor campaign, which would inspire a good number of people.
  • Upon finding out about some of Adam Lever's callous and selfish deeds, she'd be absolutely repulsed by his actions and try to make sure her mother won the mayor debate, even being willing to use the Bitter Truth Truffles on Lever so he'd reveal his true nature. (Which mostly went well, until near the ending when Adam used a dirty secret against her.)
  • She convinces her mother to stay in the running, and convince everyone she was a more honorable and worthy candidate than Adam, when she nearly loses hope due to a dark incident being made public.
  • She cleared Buddy's name when their mother accused him of scratching the table, thanks to her newly-gained detective skills allowing her to piece together the truth.
  • Upon discovering Caroline was the mastermind behind people losing magic and was in disguise, she uses a detective spell to find some clues to try figuring out who Caroline was posing as.
  • While Kelly was upset with Mama P due to her selling out Terri in her mayor election and having Adam Lever nearly win, she was able to put her grudge against her aside, and convince her to make amends and use her tactics of deception and manipulation for a non-selfish cause.
  • She, Hannah and Darbie are able to restore the magic spice garden, and save magic from Caroline Palmer, despite knowing there would be a strong price to pay with the spell they were using.

Season 3[]

  • Even though Kelly spends most of the season poisoned by the aftereffects of a spell, as a "price" for restoring the garden, leading to her wanting the trio to be the permanent protectors, she was more misguided in her methods than truly malevolent, and she still has a number of heroic deeds to her name, thus showing the curse hasn't fully taken away her good traits.
    • When a young Becky (Kelly's future grandmother) time-travels from 1975 to 2014, finds out about her cooking partners Ida and Gina still being in Saffron Falls despite wanting to travel due to the magic tearing them apart and the two cursing each other, and goes back to her own time to fix things, only to alter the timeline and make things differently bad in the future with (stops to breathe)... she, Hannah and Darbie would travel back to her time to inform young Becky about how her actions would lead to Silvers turning evil and Ida being terrified of her, and they'd get Becky to start a new fight in order to restore the timeline to normal. But Kelly would console Becky as the former knew the latter was only doing what she thought was best.
    • She and Hannah would feel bad for their obsession over magic-related mysteries interfering with Darbie and her friendship with Piper, and they'd try to patch things up with her, and take the blame for ruining Piper's experience the escape room, and convince Piper to stay friends with Darbie due to all her admirable traits. Too bad Piper wasn't interested in their apology, and would have to personally experience an aftereffect of a spell and find out the truth about magic in order for Piper for forgive them.
    • She, Hannah and Darbie would slowly restore the damage done by Caroline Palmer restoring some of their allies' knowledge of magic via having them eat an enchanted quiche.
    • She felt bad for her mother's exhibit on Peizer family history getting interfered with and the pie tin being stolen, which would lead the analysts to not trust her with Saffron Falls' history. (Even though she was actually the thief in disguise)
    • While she and Darbie were secretly upset at Hannah's so-called "friend" Leah for being mean to her, Kelly was initially willing to talk things out with Leah so she'd back off prior to Darbie deciding to just spell Leah. And even then, Kelly didn't want to hurt or curse her, and suggested a light-hearted, temporary karma spell, that would have the same bad things happen to Leah that she did towards Hannah.
    • Upon learning the truth about how Hannah and Darbie actually felt about needing a break from magic and how they'd still be great friends with her and love her even without the magic, and that she was poisoned by the aftereffects of a previous spell, Kelly would show great remorse for her actions as her poison wore off and she went back to normal. She'd especially show remorse for successfully manipulating the two into cooking the recipe to be forever tied to the book.
  • Once Kelly was restored to normal, she'd spend the majority of the finale trying to atone herself and apologize for her actions as the Night Bandit, taking full responsibility for everything that happened. Although Hannah and Darbie were quick to forgive her considering she was under the effects of magic poisoning.
  • When her grandma Becky fades away as a effect of keeping the cookbook, Kelly, Hannah and Darbie would desperately try to use a recipe to end their protectorship and save Becky from disappearing forever, even creating a new magic spice for the recipe.
  • She'd give a heartwarming speech to Gina Silvers and her companions in honor of Gina leaving town to be a famous piano player, which could also be seen as a message to the show's fans, thanking them for watching the series and telling them not to fear change.

Mystery City[]

  • In "New Protectors", Kelly, Hannah and Darbie, would explain to Zoe that she was the next protector, alongside her two closest friends, Leo Sellitti and Ish Gupta. They'd also provide the trio with magic spices that would help the trio cook magic recipes, seeds from each of the families to grow new ones in Ish's rooftop garden, and a spice chart.
    • And when Zoe uses the Make It Hot Dogs recipes to improve the weather and make a blizzard go away -- but also accidently made everyone in town super aggressive, including her mother and her boyfriend -- they try to instruct Zoe on a way to break the recipe, only for Kelly's phone to die midway. Then they'd rush to Zoe's place to be there in person, intending to help the new trio cook to reverse spell's effects, only to realize that Zoe, Ish and Leo already did.
  • After K, H and D are tipped off by Chuck Hankins about the pocket watch from his time period and the Sourd'Au starter in Bay City that Ian Maddox hid, and the trio explains to him that Zoe, Ish and Leo were the new protectors, the three of them would travel to Bay City, give Zoe, Ish and Leo the watch, and aid them in solving the mystery by joining them in going to Unity Station.
  • Both of the trios attempted to destroy the Sourd'Au starter in boiling water so nobody could use it harm or endanger anyone again, even though their attempt completely fails.
  • After Pierce and Cody Hamilton attract some gold with the Sourd'Au recipe and accidently endanger Bay City by causing the power to go out, electronics to stop working, and buildings to collapse (due to gold being common in wires, pipes, microchips and even electronics and buildings), both protector trios would cook multiple spells to teleport into houses and buildings, freeze time to take back the starter, and telepathically move metal to fix damage caused by the starter, allowing Zoe, Ish and Leo to teleport their neighbors and the restaurant customers out of the buildings and subways to safety while time's frozen, and Leo to telepathically fix the damage from the collapsing buildings.
  • After regaining the Sourd'Au starter, they six of them decided to repurpose it so that instead of stealing riches, it shared riches: in this case, it would share magic.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Even though she's firmly on the good side, Kelly still shows to being selfish and jerkish numerous times.
    • Unlike Hannah and Darbie, Kelly is willing to cross a number of lines to get what she wants and try a couple of dangerous magic risks without her companions' knowledge. However, this is minor, since she always fixes her mistakes.
    • Her occasional desperation can often blind her to logic and reason, and leading her to trust the wrong people.
    • She's not the best boss towards Hannah and Darbie, as she often yells when they mess up, or address some of her faults, and she doesn't always treat them as equals or respect their opinions (especially in Darbie's case, whom she sometimes views as childish or a klutz), despite the three of them sharing the cookbook's power, and not just her. She's also got a tendency to be a serious control freak toward her friends and those around her, or assume her opinion was superior to her peers and refusing to acknowledge when she's screwed up several times. This caused many problems.
    • She can be over-reliant on magic for even the simple things, using up the spices meant for the essential stuff without her partners' knowledge. It got to the point where Hannah, Darbie and the others had to temporarily hide the Cookbook from her.
    • She's not always a good older sister to Buddy, often ignoring him and treating him like a pest, even when he doesn't mean any harm. And while she does care for him ultimately, she never subverts this trait.


            JustAddMagicLogo Near Pure Goods

The Girls
Kelly Quinn | Hannah Parker-Kent | Darbie O'Brien
The OCs
Becky Quinn | Gina Silvers
Zoe Walters

External Links[]
