“ | I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me! | „ |
~ Katara asserting to Sokka that she would never abandon Jang Hui and anyone that needed her help. |
Katara is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Zuko) of Avatar: The Last Airbender and a supporting character in its sequel series The Legend of Korra.
She is the younger sister of Sokka and last waterbender of the Southern Water tribe who freed Aang from the iceberg he was trapped in for 100 years and together with him and Sokka went on a quest to save the world from the Fire Nation and make Aang master all the elements. During their journey together, she and Aang would begin to develop feelings for one another.
She is voiced by Mae Whitman in Avatar: The Last Airbender, who also voiced Lois Lane from Superman: The Animated Series as a child and by Eva Marie Saint in The Legend Of Korra.
Her Good Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]
Book One: Water[]
- She broke Aang out of the iceberg he had been trapped in for 100 years despite not knowing him at all and Sokka urging her not to.
- She introduced Aang to her tribe and showed him around.
- She tried to warn Aang not to go into an abandoned Fire Nation ship as it could be booby trapped.
- She defended Aang from her tribe when he accidentally tripped a Fire Nation alarm/flare, and begged her grandmother not to banish him. She was also willing to get banished to leave with Aang until Aang decided to leave to stop the arguing.
- She rescued a child from falling and drowning in the ocean when Zuko attacked.
- She went with Sokka to rescue Aang when he was captured by Zuko.
- She rescued Aang, carried him to safety and defeated 3 Fire Nation soldiers by waterbending.
- She convinced Aang that he could still end the war and not give up as a hero by mastering the four elements.
- She tried to prepare Aang for the possibility that the airbenders may not have survived after 100 years.
- She lied about seeing a Fire Nation helmet to Aang in the Air temple to protect his feelings and prevent him from being devastated.
- She snapped Aang out of the vengeful avatar spirit when he finds out the airbenders were wiped out. She comforts him and tells him that she and Sokka are his new family.
- She stopped Suki from feeding Sokka to the Unagi by apologizing for his sexism.
- She rescued an unconscious Aang from being eaten by the Unagi.
- She saved Aang’s life by waterbending the water out of his lungs.
- She rescued the little girls of Kyoshi while Aang and Sokka were fighting the Firebenders.
- She convinced Aang that they couldn’t stay in one place as they were a danger to all as long as Zuko was chasing them. She assured him that this was the right choice.
- She befriended Haru and inspired him to use earthbending to save a man from dying from a landslide.
- She intentionally got herself arrested by pretending to be an Earthbender so she could rescue Haru when he got captured.
- She refused to leave prison and convinced Aang and Sokka to help her free all the Earthbenders.
- She inspired the Earthbenders to have hope once again and defeat the Prison Rig Warden and to commit themselves to fight to liberate the world from the Fire Nation.
- She cheered Aang up by telling him the burned forest will grow back and that it isn’t his fault that the Fire Nation did this.
- She scolded Sokka for taking advantage of the village Aang saved by telling them how they could repay Team Avatar.
- She tried to convince Aang not to go to the Fire Nation and decided to go with him so he wouldn’t do it alone.
- She saved Sokka from falling to his death.
- She comforted Appa after Team Avatar ran the Fire Nation blockade.
- She taught Aang the waterbending she knows to calm him down and assure him that he will able to learn all bending before Sozin’s Comet arrives.
- While she does get jealous of Aang being a quick learner with regards to waterbending and briefly lashes out, she apologizes right after, and even after that, she apologizes again for that previous moment.
- She refuses to give Aang’s location to Zuko even after being bribed with her mother’s necklace.
- She used waterbending with Aang to get the ship off the beach to escape the Fire Nation and pirates.
- She stops Sokka’s shirt from burning using waterbending.
- She tried to believe the best in Jet and was the last one to turn on him once she found out how much of an extremist he actually was.
- She defeated Jet and saves Aang.
- She defended Aang from a fisherman who hurt Aang's feelings by accusing him of abandoning the world.
- She convinced Aang to open up to her about his backstory and nightmares, supporting him and inspiring him to let go of the past and focus on the future.
- She took care of Sokka when he got sick.
- She thanked Aang for making her a replacement necklace after she lost her mother’s necklace to Zuko.
- Although she was hurt by Aang hiding her dad’s letter from her so she and Sokka wouldn’t leave and briefly left Aang to go to travel to her dad’s location, she wasn’t angry at Aang, wishing him the best unlike Sokka and eventually decided with Sokka to go back to Aang and continue to help him even if it meant not seeing her father for a while, telling Aang that he was part of the family now.
- She wasn’t angry at Aang when he accidentally burned her hands when trying to firebend, and discovered she had healing powers via waterbending.
- She helped fight off the Fire Nation attack on the Northern Air Temple and disabled several tanks.
- Although she was angry that Northern Water Tribe was sexist and that women weren’t allowed to learn waterbending for fighting, she told Aang to still train with Master Pakku and not let her get in the way of his training.
- She challenged Master Pakku to a duel, and although she was defeated, she made him realize that women were capable fighters and that she was the granddaughter of his ex-fiancée Kanna. This allowed Pakku to let go of his sexist prejudices and agree to train Katara, with her quickly graduating and becoming a waterbending master.
- She defeated Zuko and rescued Aang from him.
- She tried to revive the Moon Spirit with Iroh.
Book Two: Earth[]
- She comforted Aang after he had a nightmare of him getting into the Avatar State.
- She became Aang’s new waterbending teacher after they left the Northern Water Tribe.
- She was the first and only person against Aang using the Avatar State to win the war, correctly arguing that the Avatar State was dangerous and violent and represented Aang’s pain, which she hated seeing him in.
- She convinced Aang to kiss her so they could escape the Cave of Two Lovers.
- She saved the group of resistance from Fire Nation soldiers by lying to them that Sokka had a contagious disease called pentapox and they were just normal citizens in Omashu.
- Unlike Sokka, she held no animosity towards the Fire Nation governor’s baby son who followed them out of Omashu, cuddling the baby and praising him, defending him from Sokka’s paranoia.
- She saved Sokka from Ty Lee.
- She and Aang urged Sokka to treat the swamp respectively, defeated the swamp monster who was really a human named Hue, and convinced Hue and his friends to free Appa and Momo.
- She was able to get info about an Earthbending tournament where Aang could find his Earthbending teacher and the location of the champion “The Blind Bandit”/Toph Beifong’s house. She also beat up and intimidate two bullies because they have mocked Aang and rudely refused to tell her and her gang before.
- Although Toph’s selfishness and refusal to help the group angered her, she later apologized to Toph for getting angry and told her to have a good night.
- She saved Aang from Azula.
- She offered to heal an unconscious Iroh when Azula injured him even though he and Zuko had tried to capture Aang and the group multiple times, but Zuko angrily refused.
- She advised and convinced Toph not to get angry at Aang for being slow to learn earthbending, telling her that Aang responds best to positive teaching methods.
- She agreed to work with Jiang and her heroic pirates to smuggle medicine into Fire Nation occupied villages and saved the pirates from being killed by Fire Nation soldiers.
- She tried to calm Aang down and stop him from lashing out at Toph and blaming her for Appa’s loss.
- She was the voice of reason and practical/temporary leader of Team Avatar when they were stuck in the Si Wong desert as Aang was angry and the rest were tired/incapacitated. She later snapped Aang out of the Avatar State to stop him from killing the sandbenders who stole Appa and everyone there.
- She used her waterbending to allow the group and the refugee family they were escorting cross the Serpent’s Pass, rescued Aang and defeated the serpent with him.
- She helped the refugee mom give birth.
- She convinced Aang not to give up on Appa and also advised him to bottle up his emotions, hugging him and reassuring him that they will find Appa.
- She saved Ba Sing Se by destroying the Fire Nation drill with Aang.
- She and Toph infiltrated the Earth Kingdom palace to get to the Earth King, and later, she took Toph on a “Girl’s Day” to relax, defending Toph from bullies and being supportive towards her.
- She snapped Jet out of Long Feng’s brainwashing and tried to heal him when he was injured by Long Feng, but sadly, Jet was mortally wounded and died.
- She sacrificed her chance to see her dad again so Sokka could go instead and she helped the Earth King plan an invasion of the Fire Nation.
- She tried to joke and ease the tension with the Earth Kingdom generals and took the invasion plan scroll to take to the Earth King.
- She connected with Zuko when they were imprisoned together, apologized to him for treating him harshly earlier and offered to heal his scar.
- She rescued Aang from Azula and the once again evil Zuko.
- She revived Aang after he was killed by Azula, tearfully embracing him when he awoke.
Book Three: Fire[]
- She tended to an unconscious Aang for weeks, and once he woke up again, she informed him of everything that had happened and how he grew hair along with reuniting him with the rest of Team Avatar and introducing her dad before taking him back for healing.
- She saved a Fire Nation village from a meteorite by using her waterbending to douse the flames.
- She pretended to be the Painted Lady deity to heal all the sick people in a small polluted Fire Nation fish village called Jang Hui and inspire them to have hope.
- She saved Jang Hui by destroying the polluting factory and saved them from the Fire Nation soldiers killing them all in retaliation. When exposed as a waterbender, she didn’t get mad at the villagers' prejudice and ungratefulness, even apologizing for pretending to be the Painted Lady and convincing the villagers to stand up for themselves and let go of their prejudice.
- She was the one who cheered Sokka up when he was feeling upset for being the only non-bender in Team Avatar by taking him shopping, and after Sokka discovered and bought a sword made by the legendary swordmaster Piandao, she convinced Sokka to go to and train with Piandao.
- Although she had a point that Toph scamming people was dangerous and wrong even if it was necessary to get food and supplies, she apologized to Toph for lashing out and acting bossy and agreed to help Toph pull one last scam to cheer her up and get enough money to buy food, However, once they are imprisoned, she feels remorse and knew it was wrong all along.
- She broke herself and Toph out of prison and agreed to write a letter to Toph’s parents based on Toph’s speech since Toph was blind and couldn’t write.
- She tried to get Sokka to stop snooping around Hama’s house and be grateful that Hama decided to host Team Avatar at her house for food and warmth.
- She trained under Hama when Hama was teaching her useful (and moral) waterbending techniques, but refused to bloodbend and realized Hama was the one kidnapping all the Fire Nation civilians by taking control of the blood in their bodies, creating the dark art of bloodbending.
- Although she bloodbent Hama, she only did it to save Sokka and Aang’s life and defeat Hama. She immediately broke down in tears when as a last act of spite, Hama taunted her about using the dark art.
- She convinced Aang to relax and get some sleep when he was having nightmares about the upcoming Invasion of the Fire Nation and was severely sleep deprived as a result. She reassured him that he was ready to face Ozai and restored his confidence. She ended up making a bed with the rest of Team Avatar using sheep wool so Aang could finally get some good sleep.
- She used waterbending to control the buoyancy of the Water Tribe’s/Mechanist’s submarines on the day of the Invasion of the Fire Nation and solar eclipse.
- She fought off Fire Nation soldiers and healed her father when he was injured. She stay behind to lead the invasion and carry her father while Sokka, Toph and Aang went to confront Ozai.
- Despite severely hating Zuko even if he was redeemed, she saved him from falling to his death.
- Despite hating Yon Rha for killing her mother, she ultimately decided not to kill him (albeit perhaps not for the right reasons).
- She forgave Zuko fully and hugged him, letting go of any hatred she had towards him.
- She went with Zuko to confront Azula and have Zuko reclaim his rightful place as Firelord.
- She defeated Azula and healed Zuko, tearfully hugging him for nearly sacrificing himself to save her from Azula.
- Despite Azula previously killing Aang and nearly killing Zuko, she felt some sympathy for Azula when Azula had a mental breakdown and started crying.
- She hugged and passionately kissed Aang at the end of the series after the victory and celebration of Team Avatar, beginning her relationship with him.
Sequel comics[]
- She helped relocate Fire Nation colonists back to their home and give the Earth Kingdom their home back.
- She stopped Aang from going into the Avatar State and nearly fighting Zuko.
- She stopped the Battle of Yu Dao by convincing the Earth King to stand down and to seek a peaceful solution with Firelord Zuko.
- She convinced Aang that separation between the nations was an illusion and that he should train his “fangirls” as the first Air Acolytes.
- During Team Avatar's quest to find Zuko and Azula’s mother, Katara constantly restrained Azula to stop her from attacking Zuko and Sokka.
- She protected Misu and Aang from the Mother of Faces and returned to the Mother of Faces with Ursa to restore Ursa’s memories.
- She kissed Aang for believing the best in Azula and that she changed, agreeing with him over Sokka’s skepticism.
- She kept peace between Toph and Aang when tensions arose about Toph’s father and other Earthbenders vandalizing sacred Air Nomad property.
- Despite her skeptical feelings toward her dad’s new girlfriend, she saved her from falling to her death.
Before The Legend of Korra[]
- She stopped Aang from going into the Avatar state to remove the bending of terrorist/bending supremacist Liling, convincing him it wasn’t the right thing to do despite everything Liling did.
- After marrying Aang and having children, she and her husband was supportive towards her daughter Kya for being a lesbian.
- She helped get bloodbending outlawed to ensure that the practice would never become widespread. Unfortunately, Yakone, a psychopathic crime lord used Bloodbending to enforce his reign of terror throughout Republic City until Aang stopped him and took away his bending. This forced Yakone to sire two children, Amon and Tarrlok, that could help him exact his petty revenge on Aang for taking away his criminal empire and bending, but backfired, making Yakone indirectly responsible for the rise of Amon and his Equalists during Korra's time as the Avatar.
- After Aang’s death and Korra being discovered as the new Avatar, she taught Korra waterbending and healing, remaining calm and polite with the impatient and arrogant Avatar.
The Legend of Korra[]
- She was the only one who supported Korra in following her dreams to go to Republic City when not even Korra’s father and Tenzin supported Korra’s dream.
- She convinced Tenzin to spend time with his siblings.
- She helped healed Jinora and keep her from being lost in the Spirit World.
- She decided not to fight in the Water Tribe Civil War and instead devoted her time to treating and healing the sick and injured, including Korra’s father.
- She used therapy and healing to get Korra to walk again after Korra was severely poisoned by Zaheer, treating Korra for over two years and helping her make a full recovery.
What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]
- She has some lethal moments, like giving a redeemed Zuko a death threat if he ever thinks about turning evil again and she sought to kill her mother’s murderer Yon Rha out of revenge. Although she forgives/becomes close friends with Zuko and decides not to kill Yon Rha, she admits to Aang that she still wants to kill Yon Rha, but she thinks she was either too weak to do it or strong enough not to, but she does tell Aang that she didn’t forgive Yon Rha and will never forgive him even if Yon Rha felt remorse for killing her mother.
- Despite her moral objection to the dark art, she bloodbent the Southern Raiders commander into submission when she believed they killed her mother, and only spared them when she discovered she had the wrong person.
- When planning to get revenge on her mother's killer, after Aang asks what she plans to accomplish with this, she scoffs and tells Aang she knew he wouldn't understand, completely ignoring that Aang's entire race had been slaughtered by the Fire Nation and that she herself had to calm him down after he learned the truth of their demise. Then, when Sokka suggests that Aang is right, Katara bitterly replies that he didn't love her the way she did, which hurts Sokka. She's also never shown apologizing to either Aang or Sokka for her rudeness. Though it's possible she did apologize off-screen, it's never confirmed.
- She has a minor arrogant moment when after she decides to sacrifice her chance to see her dad so Sokka could go to see him instead and Sokka kisses her on the cheek and hugs her affectionately, calling her the nicest sister ever, she pushes Sokka back and says he is right, that she is the nicest sister ever.
- Katara is the icon of the Cleanup Template.
External Links[]
- Katara on the Heroes Wiki
- Katara on the Avatar Wiki
- Katara on the Love Exalted Wiki
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Avatar: The Last Airbender The Legend of Korra See Also |