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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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(Boisterously said, all while keeping the same energetic movement, expressive emotions and cartoonish mannerisms) (laughs facing the sky:) AHHHAHAHAHAHHH!! (Joe looks at Sylvester) Well if you MUST know! (Joe looks down to think) Tim Churley, That... MONSTER of EVILLLLL, (Joe looks at the ceiling) Kept me in his little mobius strrrip of a hellhole! In his cosmic lab called "Safe Company". (Joe then looks at Sylvester) And well... It took me TEN years to FINALLY face that 'Ol son of a GUN! And well... DESPITE getting him arrrrrested! As well as my nine bullies who PERRRRPRETUATED the whole nightmare for me! Tim came BACK to torment and HAUNT ME!! In his disgusting little game!! So... by the time I FINALLY managed to get back, With a fellow *Joe chuckles unsubtly as if it was a romantic thought:* HEHEUGH, Goth gal, who wanted to BE with me, *Joe clears his throat:* Got me BACK to my rrrrrealm! And THAT! Was when I THOUGHT to spawn a giant rrrrock to KILL That SON OF A DITCH PITCH! And NOW!!! *Joe takes a deep breath* (Joe speaks calmly, or attempts to:) And... now. I just thought to go and defeat any heinous being of such omnipresent knowledge and power, *Joe gets extremely loud as he shouts from the bottom of his lungs for a brief moment:* WHO DARES HARM ANY INNOCENT BEING IN ANY WORLD OR GALAXY, THAT NEVER DESERVED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!! *Joe calms down* And now... you were saying my patient fellow?
~ Joebotnik, passionately telling Sylvester Ashling his sympathetic motives for partaking in his cosmic ventures of altruism and counter-terrorism done with spell-castings, after being put through The Gatekeeper's sadistic experiments with cosmic torture done by force, Joe using these experiences to enforce and promote omniversal philanthropy and counter-terrorism.

Joebotnik McCricket, who is also referred to as Joe (and later referred to by JB Zingerosis in Joe's Cosmic Saga), is the titular main protagonist of a fantasy dramedy roleplay fanon series called Joe Venture and it's sequel Joe's Cosmic Saga.

He is a adolescent thrill-seeker, a superhero & a freelanced sorcerer who applies resourcefulness, ingenuity, psionics, wiles, showmanship and surreal reality warping powers as skills to combat evil, solve problems, entertain people and lure his foes into mishaps and defeat. Additionally, Joebotnik is also an wacky trickster who carries a zany sense of humor to him pranking his enemies and he travels into several universes through portals ever since he was 14 years old and he is always finds himself in unusual situations during his cosmic travels, which he resolves by getting whimsical with his versatile talents and taking initiatives with figurative bag of tricks.

He is portrayed, voiced and created by Joseph DiAngelo Sanford himself.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]


  • In a crossover, it's official that Joe and Tetris Kamamino defeated Thanos and Annihilus in their superpowered forms, preventing the both of them from causing world endangerment. Early in the post, Joebotnik also helped Tetris Kamamino fixing her bike and healing her from a facing a nearly fatal injury from a bike crash.
  • He is very protective of his people. From having noble and egalitarian goals to protect universes and galaxies from any kind of danger, mistreatment and evil caused by villainous and cataclysmic people like irredeemable tyrants, terrorists, warlords, and many more for Joe to target and attack to defend the lives of innocent people; to being very caring and thoughtful of Joe's loyal lovers, in general, all by seeking to keep them protected and safe at all times from harm (no matter what), Joe using his bravado to prove his magic to be useful in that regard.
  • He also put his devious and free-thinking complexity skills in magic, into great use (especially since Joe is a expert with smooth-talk, sweet-talk, falsehoods, strategy, white-lies, stealth, propositions and cloning gambits, all while he's keeping his real identity hidden from the public). He thinks it through and trains his abilities in the entirety of Joe Venture, just enough to utilize it, weaponize it and make himself powerful enough to do and create anything with the snap of a finger in any situation, making him out to be a human genie with tons of ingenious moments to him. He also shows mental fortitude and self-respect in a good way.
    1. He generally does not like being underestimated, and despite having a extremely comedic personality, he can and will often use his initiatives and his magic to go above great lengths to showcase that he's not helpless, dumb, inept or anything as such. Even if Joe has to make himself come across as domineering or serious many times, all in order to assert his dominance over villains, and just being upfront towards abusers in the more casual of terms.
  • He is also a great Casanova who is full of endless charisma that is genuine and beneficial to both sides to the relationships, his and theirs. Meaning he is sympathetic enough with every one of his lover's emotions, always showing a redeeming factor to Joe's "friend-zoning" strategies and cloning gambits.
    1. He's capable of being the flirtatious type with the romance angle, as he's also slowly becomes really inspirational for his "anti-sensual" qualities as a extroverted person, as the majority of women he comes around acting lustful (if not more so than Joe), although; unlike the most of them, Joebotnik tends to behave discreetly, has levels he wouldn't dare to cross, and acts with consideration of their thoughts and feelings before Joe does anything in action; sometimes showing remorse and regret for overdoing the flirting or physical contact, all before making the right move and apologizes for it (even when he doesn't need to). This makes him honorable in the romantic angle. Joe usually receives this form of acknowledgment from his lovers in return, especially for the fact Joebotnik is empathetic and understanding when Joe's chips are down, and because the actions from his lovers, tends to Joe make become less naïve and Joe's confidence level goes fairly high, Joe even puts that to good use.
    2. Even though he has earned the hearts of thousands and hundreds of lovers around multiple galaxies, universes and worlds he's traveled to (mostly women and only two males like Lemon Jonah and Boyfriend), Joe throughout the story used his strategy to magically summon perfectly made clones of himself so his former lovers can remain happy, protected, cheerfully living with clones of Joe's own according, and for them all to be never heartbroken or in despair with the fact Joe had to go.
    3. This would make him seem like a traitor and a player, but in Joebotnik's defense; The Gatekeeper is such a sadist that sometimes, even when he wants Joe to remain in one universe he dedicated his life to, The Gatekeeper used his magi-tech to forcibly pull Joe out of the worlds, universes and galaxies he was just in, against Joe's will for The Gatekeeper to experiment on him even more; being responsible for ruining Joe's bonding with said lovers, so Joe had to think ahead when the odds and the circumstances are usually against him.
    4. Meaning, he may seem fun-loving (and initially promiscuous without telling anyone but Raven this during both sagas), but Joebotnik had genuine remorse of this life cycle and hides it underneath his charismatic humorous flair so he doesn't cause distress onto other people he cared about in those relationships he had.
  • Even though he is extremely optimistic, empathetic and somewhat sympathetic to a feat (as well as fearless of many things coming his way in general), Joebotnik has shown in both sagas how in serious situations that calls for Joe's bravery and competence, he will not come across as a pushover, nor will he tolerate genuine humiliation or harassment caused by other antagonists or rivals alike, especially if it's targeting his own reputation as a hero.
    1. He will be resilient enough to be direct, highlight the pointlessness in anyone attacking Joe, back-talk any complainer to silence pedantic remarks (as well as telling them to cool off or to shut up), apply some snarky sarcasm to someone's excessive disapproval of him, or in violent cases of disrespect; Joebotnik will become a serious control-freak with a brutish and domineering edge (given the opportunity) to act dominant and find ways to violently overpower his enemies into submission until they stop harassing Joe, no matter how pragmatic and overpowered Joe can get on the retribution. However, Joebotnik is willing to understand people and it's well-established that Joe only creates violent retributions when it's actually warranted, making Joe have a understandable motive for the way Joebotnik is.
    2. Many of his energetic hoaxes, schemes and cleverly thought up pranks, often relied on using his wild imagination and brainpower to summon vast resources and commands before Joebotnik gets a somewhat self-righteous attitude for overpowering and punishing villains harshly to protect the lives of others, and in honor of committing counter-terrorism. All while gleefully putting his enemies in absurd yet unfortunate fates since Joe always seized these opportunities through actions he has direct control of, and because of getting the upper hand of a predicament against his most unforgiving of foes.
    3. He often relies on his self-reliance to use magic and essokinesis in order to achieve success while overthrowing many forms of evil like terrorists and solving problems in his own volition.
  • Even when there are some implications that Joebotnik committed very minor crimes in the omniverses of both sagas, like infidelity, potential malefic, treachery, arson and aiding & abetting, most of which are things that Joebotnik thought to keep a secret and consistently find a way to willingly subvert all of his extremist qualities for good reason.
    1. The first of the two by remaining celibate and a devious friend-zoner in honor of Joe's girlfriend Raven, even when Joe's charismatic personality typically makes most people feel smitten and in awe by him unless Joe acts extremely casual (Joe keeps the "sneaky friend-zoning" act until he finally reaches out to Raven's soul).
    2. And the last four are what Joe used against villains with a established moral compass to him. Meaning that the destructive actions Joe ever does are done in self-defense or to help those who are oppressed and brutalized by such villains, making Joe's actions more honorable than petty.
  • Ever since Joe Venture, he has always kept this intense guilt complex of his that is played seriously whenever he makes a serious mistake that offends and frustrates those he cares about.
    1. Contrasting his normally pleasant and humorous interactions he has with everyone, Joebotnik's guilt complex often makes him act way too mean-spirited and ruthless on himself, showing too much remorse that creates a pitiful mood and even making Joe get dramatic enough to use painful self-discipline to demean himself as a act of self-punishment. This makes Joe see himself too negatively, even during a sincere apology, he'd even keep the same sorrowful mood while committing genuinely helpful deeds despite feeling extremely sad with actions speaking louder than his words of misery (e.g helping reviving injured Toads with Joe's powers while being regretful of his lustful advances he made to Princess Daisy in the Fifth Dimension of Joe Venture). This usually results in having most people praising and seeing Joe's strengths for his altruistic acts, even while Joe relents them over his flaws when he shouldn't be. To be fair, Joebotnik does manage to recover from these moments and gain his cheer back.

Joe Venture[]

  • When Joe was first seen in a cosmic warp hole in the first chapter of the story as a normal individual (the First Dimension), he tried to climb up the lines of a warp hole like climbing a ladder and attempting to dodge The Gatekeeper's attacks before getting swatted by The Gatekeeper. From there, his actions taken above to the Ninth Dimension has Joe used his magic to attack The Gatekeeper (before learning at the end of the story that he was practically The Gatekeeper's smartest and most formidable victim he's used), he also has proved how much of a powerhouse Joebotnik has became as every chapter progresses. Especially since it's proven that he eventually feared that Joe's powers would overpower The Gatekeeper and get the better of him since the Ninth Dimension that he had to hide from a spot nobody could find him since Joebotnik became a powerful sorcerer (which it did at one point, led to The Gatekeeper's demise due to The Gatekeeper's cowardice and arrogance).
  • Due to being very kind-hearted and altruistic to everyone he cares for, he used to have low self-esteem and even after boosting up his confidence for great effect, he can still be humble of his most heroic of decisions if it meant showcasing he's not as much of a jerk as some people thought of him.
    1. Where most people in Joe's early years who felt like every trait of Joebotnik's extroverted personality traits and behavior as a kid came across as obnoxious and the subject for the vengeful Lucas and 8 of Joe's bullies antagonizing him years later for this alone. This is something Joe took as a humanizing trait that helps him learn from his mistakes in social matters, helping Joe learn when there's a time to remain professional and levelheaded, and the times when he can be silly and hyper.
    2. Even when he's basically confident and assured of himself, sometimes he may be seen as cocky, brash and having some arrogance in himself (ex. Satsuki), but that doesn't stop Joe from doing his best at being wholesome and considerate of others. He's even capable of being a heck of a lot more modest and understanding than he seems.
    3. In these moments he was rather self-assertive in earnest, meaning that he always meant well and doesn't have any malicious gripe with anyone for minimal issues unless it was called for (i.e acting high and mighty over Nickcado being a relentless egomaniac who considered himself to be important than Joe even though Nick was delusional for the fact he antagonized Joe's cousins in the Grand Finale).
  • In spite of the story having a fairly serious contrast, he always keeps an lighthearted tone with his vibrant and eccentric personality that makes him scene-stealing by nature.
  • Even after surviving in 23 realms in the past by being a adventurer who was always being forced against his will to be put into random worlds by Lucas Wookville summoning The Gatekeeper to abuse his power towards Joe for The Gatekeeper's entertainment and research on Joebotnik's mishaps and predicaments for 60 years in total, Joebotnik has always been a good, generous and well-meaning person who becomes even more of a selfless superhero of the cosmos that advocates philanthropy and egalitarianism.
    1. Even when he became a mage and a hero by circumstance since the beginning of the story, Joe still proved to have high moral agency compared to The Gatekeeper and Joe's nine bullies of the past. Not once, did Joebotnik ever want to wish harm on anyone for no logical reason.
    2. This also shows that he was forced to cave into Oogie Boogie’s evil wishes and schemes when he clearly didn’t want to; Joebotnik made plans of conquest or sadistic actions to be inflicted onto his bullies to get on Oogie's good side, not because of malicious intent, despite having to abide by his rules so Joe wouldn't lose his life, and since Joe was freed from the predicament at the end, he was able to make his own decisions that are less sadistic in return.
    3. While he wanted to be freed from the cosmic loophole of dimension-traveling experiments from the despicable Tim Churley (aka The Gatekeeper), Joebotnik cares about everyone (with the exception of being a white-lying apprentice to Oogie Boogie) and was vengeful in wanting to defeat Tim once and for all since he kept getting his hopes and dreams of freedom hampered by Tim himself and keep his whole life had revolved on Joe surviving on his own.
    4. Despite being vengeful when he kept getting his hopes and dreams of freedom constantly hampered by The Gatekeeper and keep his whole life surviving on his own, and all while he wanted to be freed from the cosmic loophole of dimension traveling experiments; he proved himself to be good at using mystic arts for greater things like philanthropy, egalitarianism and promoting healthy lifestyles anywhere, his world for the people that struggle or otherwise, any being in existence with similar conflicts.
  • In the 1st AI realm, he single-handedly helped Earthworm Jim gain back his heroism after he went fishing as soon as Queen Slug For a Butt conquered his world a century ago, helping Earthworm Jim earn enough confidence to save his friends, defeat Queen Slug For A Butt by facing her as well as offing her by making a giant rock fall on her by surprise, and free everyone from world dictatorship that existed for centuries. Once Joe freed several people trapped in a giant orb caused by Queen Slug For a Butt, Joe even made sure to summon tracking devices and a airport-styled full-body scanner on the feet of every villain Jim faced in the cartoon like Evil the Cat, Professor Monkey for a Head, Evil Jim, Evil Princess What's-Her-Name and Psy-Crow; so they'd be monitored by Peter Puppy with a electric shock to make sure they don't do anything evil as the result of freeing everyone from the dictatorship and enslavement caused on Earth.
  • During the 2nd AI realm, he got Timmy Turner better parent figures on the same day his parents got taken away from him for their neglectful irresponsibility, and Joe earned the title as a "father", as well as Vicky wanting to begin dating Joe for his heroic acts. He also purified Vicky by getting her to reconcile with Timmy when the latter got taken away by his irresponsible parents.
  • After being around villains like Oogie Boogie and Dr. Ivo Robotnik, he still decided to hide the fact from most people the fact he is a mage and a dimension traveler, so nobody would attempt to abuse this knowledge about him ever again and making sure Joe's confidence increases when he's in the right. Especially when he left Al McWhiggin for this reason alone.
    1. In the Third Dimension, he had no choice other than to follow Oogie Boogie's orders when Joe ended up in his lair at random, and the fact Oogie Boogie was about to kill Joe for being too nice towards Oogie; Joebotnik had to determine what he can do to help Oogie as a hyper-competent right-hand of his that'd help him conquer. Even though Joe didn't want to commit crimes or conquer many galaxies in this one realm, he had to resort to making a fake backstory for being evil and partake in torturing Joe's bullies (as well as Jack) to please Oogie. At the end of this part of the story, Joebotnik had to find a way to reverse all of his acts of universal domination, sadism and torture with time reversal, ultimately redeeming himself even if he had to work with Oogie Boogie's plans of intergalactic conquest. This proves that he still saved the whole galaxy by making the galaxy safe under Joe's control and making Oogie believe in his own delusions of power, as well as undoing Joebotnik's "villain" career and going back in the past to undo the petty and cruel totalitarianism with a single wish to undo 63 misdeeds he used.
    2. Similarly, when he entered Robotnik's lair in the Fourth Dimension, instead of being innocent and getting himself tortured by Robotnik, Joe decided to repeat the same gambit he had used towards Oogie, and faked a polite "evil genius" persona to use his powers to chain Sonic and friends, to later then outsmart Robotnik with a single wish that undoes anything evil Joe and Robotnik did.
  • Most remarkably in the Fifth Dimension, Joe easily managed to defeat some threatening force of nature titled LUNA-KUNA caused by The Gatekeeper, cataclysmic dark clouds that caused disasters and lethal harm in The Mushroom Kingdom with lightening struck into the kingdom, by using his magic book to summon a large hammer to be spawned and skyrocket into said force to whack the clouds, completely destroying it had saved the Mushroom Kingdom from potential tragedies and apocalyptic terror spread around the world with a simple whack, and Joe also thought to revive the harmed civilians there out of pure remorse, as well as making the hammer disappear before it hits the ground so nobody was harmed. This means Joebotnik also saved the world from terror as well as protecting a kingdom from disaster.
    1. When The Gatekeeper attempted to torture Joe and Princess Peach at the same time in one combo, Joe snaps his fingers from his right to slow down time, quickly push Peach aside so The Gatekeeper's hand could slowly grab Joe before Joe slips out of the hand and shoots it back to prevent him from coming back to her world.
  • During the Sixth Dimension, he helped Satsuki solve the mystery case for finding Ryuko's dad, have Nui Harime defeated immediately, and helped her fight zombies rising from a graveyard Satsuki and Joe were next to (as well as fighting against the zombies Nui tried assembling).
  • During the Seventh Dimension, he single-handedly purified the whole AI Animal Crossing galaxy from evil by telling Queen Ankha to make said wish possible when she was willing to grant Joe any wish, and Joe offering to support the Niles as a loving cat king to Anhka while he was in the seventh dimension, all of which helped making Joebotnik become powerful as a person (in and out of his feline alter-ego).
    1. Making these powerful selfless decisions while he was in the alternate A.I world of Animal Crossing, granted him many omnipotent and powerful abilities in return by Anhka as a result; making Joe become more of a Cosmic Deity.
  • During the 7th AI realm, aka the Limbo Dimension; Joe revived Amoria, a dead woman back to life (in her 20s), as her wish when she was a 1,000 year old ghost, being that, and Joe even summoned her medical prescriptions like her inhaler to stay healthy conveniently while she remained alive as a asthmatic person.
  • In the 10th AI realm, Joebotnik manages to defeat the war-loving dictator M. Bison, who was inflicting war onto Chun-Li's army and battlefield, Joe also combats his Bison's choices of attack like a giant meteor, helicopters, his air force, energy beams, energy balls and fireballs aimed at Joe and the battlefield, Joebotnik combats this by summoning several pranks and tricks at his disposal to fight Bison in comedic and unpredictable ways. As well as giving Chun-Li and her army plenty of power to easily defeat Bison's troops and take down his fortress before Joe started messing with Bison (all that went accordingly to Joe's plans).
  • In the Ninth Dimension, he saved Rachel Roth from remaining in an abusive relationship with her demonic father, Trigon, by using his magic book to use the spell of purifying him, removing all of his corrupting qualities as a Pure Evil villain; reversing his crimes of mass murder, rape, universal destruction and universal conquest, diminishing all of Trigon's crimes and worst qualities in just the snap of a finger.
    1. He also strategized in his plan of getting The Gatekeeper confirmed for his sadism and gets purified Trigod to intimidate him before Joe used the wish to summon lawyers, policemen and news people to confirm him on live television, as well as getting The Gatekeeper arrested in the public cosmic realm and Lucas' group of people who were also responsible for Joe's torture.
  • In the Eleventh Dimension, it was revealed that Joe regained his memory and gained omniscience of what happened while he was talking to Gwen. Where Joe remembers that he wanted to get The Gatekeeper and Joe's nine bullies arrested and confirmed for their crimes so everyone knows what they did instead of killing them off, then he slowly realized why it is also a better idea to have The Gatekeeper killed off since he never learns from his mistakes and decided to find the same device he used to torture Joebotnik so the latter would be sucked back in the loophole Joe was put through, even when Joe returned home while Raven was asleep, all thanks to The Gatekeeper himself being a active nuisance.
    1. While he was in the Eleventh Dimension, Joe saved Gwen Stacy from being bombarded and pushed over by a reckless crowd of people that was chasing after Joe with crazed energy and over-obsession in manner, Joe did this by using his magic net to place her on it (which wrapped up her body somehow) so Joe and Gwen could get away from the chaos. Joe attempted to keep Gwen safe from danger, but her confused decisions, impulsive responses, and accidental absence of intelligence or common sense she got from the situation Joe tried defusing, caused Joe to nearly get arrested by the cops but managed to get his identity cleared by Gwen telling the truth.
  • In fact, Joebotnik has essentially protected millions, trillions and zillions of people everywhere in all universes imaginable, fictional universes or otherwise, from The Gatekeeper; a unknown cosmic scientist who toyed with reality-bending magic technology that can be used in nightmarish ways and is proven to make anyone's lives excruciating if he were to torture and harm multiple people other than Joe (ex. Princess Peach in the Fifth Dimension), where Joebotnik willingly protects everyone from him (even when it made Joebotnik paranoid and apprehensive), and he would always fall victim to The Gatekeeper's overwhelming scientific torture methods with magic so nobody else but Joe, could deal with him as his "victims of torture". Which eventually worked in Joe's favor since it eventually led to Joebotnik one-upping The Gatekeeper by surprise, eventually killing him as well, and Joebotnik becomes a very powerful Reality-Warper with many tricks for Joe to invent on the fly.
    1. As a result, Joe single-handedly helped save many galaxies and countless universes from The Gatekeeper experimenting on anyone, multiple times for 60 years without The Gatekeeper even realizing how many people Joe saved from being involved with The Gatekeeper (with the exception of Princess Peach). Effectively saving zillions of people in every single dimension he remained in and every single fictional universe in history (and even ours in a way) from dealing from the likes of The Gatekeeper.
    2. On top of that, even though he defeated The Gatekeeper by killing him off for the greater good of everyone else. Joebotnik even tells Raven Roth (his current girlfriend he remains committed to at the end of Joe's Cosmic Saga), that it's not worth killing off his petty bullies and lets them live since they're already in juvenile jail. Not only does this make him have a rational thought capacity, but this also makes him out to be very mature and honorable for his age.
  • In the Grand Finale, once he was finally freed from the controlled cosmic loophole, is no longer immortal and got access back to Joe's world by the help of Raven, her Titan team and Larry in the Teen Titans universe. Not only does Joebotnik have the resourceful idea to kill off his torturous gatekeeper, Tim Churley, by spawning a giant rock to be dropped onto Tim by surprise; done for the good of everyone's safety and sanity, but Joe also kept Raven safe and sound in his own house with food and supplies.
    1. When Joe got news about his cousins being inappropriately harassed, assaulted and injured by Nikocado Avocado, this made Joe plan to fly all the way to Florida to violently discipline Nikocado Avocado himself; which resulted in Nikocado getting harshly called out by Joe, as well as Joe provoking him and then revoking his corrupting qualities, making him female and more pure being a part of Nickocado's demise.
  • Throughout every dimension and every chapter of the story, Joe was always shown to remain prepared to live the rest of his lives in this disorderly lifestyle of traveling through several fictional worlds by force, mainly due to how much love he's gotten from people in most realms. Despite this, Joe still had the sense of his people needing him in his own world like his parents, for example, who value Joe very much and feel despaired for Joe to be gone from them. Because of this, Joe continues having this journey as a secret (without any of his lovers in the fictional world really knowing where he really is after making clones), but he still chooses to help others when asked to on his own.
  • Despite being an Casanova and having slightly lustful moments towards his lovers, he tends to redeem himself in these moments by questioning himself and asking others about their feelings first before carrying on with the intimate behavior. Showing how tactful and thoughtful he actually is of others despite having many moments of high confidence, quirks, and kinks.
    1. Even though Joebotnik is very much into pygophilia and physical intercourse, yet Joebotnik knows how to keep it to himself so he doesn't let lust and perversion become a corrupting trait of his that makes others see him as a creepy pervert. Joe does this by being humorous and having standards to him, showing Joe wouldn't ever stoop that low for such lecherous advantages.
  • Joebotnik is capable of using his enthusiastic personality, carefree demeanor, wiles and persuasive speeches (including sweet-talk and acting skills) to make Joe seem charismatic and likable enough to get many people to like him, even if it meant using his charisma to remove corrupting factors away from anti-villains or anti-villainesses (e.g Sylvester the Cat and Vicky), get certain villains to find something to like about him (ex. Oogie Boogie and Dr. Robotnik themselves) or even helping anti-heroes/anti-heroines subvert their corrupting qualities like Satsuki (who was Joe's first spouse), Amoria (a ghost who stopped wanting to scare people thanks to Joe reviving her and bonding with her), and even Raven Roth herself (who is Joe's spouse currently). It's taken to the point that Joebotnik is a full-on charmer in both sagas.
  • Due to being determinative, being capable of honesty and possessing a indescribably high level in emotional intelligence, he's been reassuring the many lives of people Joe truly loved and cared for with his good heart, as he is also highly empathetic of others with his moral compass.
    1. Telling Satsuki that it was perfectly okay for her being the way she is with being passionate about avenging her sister's dad by killing off the zombie of the villain who was responsible for the said atrocity in the first place, especially since Satsuki had remorse and nearly saw herself as irredeemable when Joe informs her that it wasn't the case. As well as embracing love towards her in the Sixth Dimension.
    2. Telling Raven Roth, his spouse, that Joe is okay with her being a half-demon as her origins (as well as revealing to her that Joe has been close friends with a unspecified woman who's a ableist and satanist), and he accepts her the way she is as of today in the Grand Finale.
    3. He accepted the redemption of Vicky, Nikki (female-turned Nikocado Avocado), and Trigod upon purifying all of them with Joe's charisma and his magic book of 64 wishes that only he could turn into long-lasting miracles.
    4. When he helps bettering the lives of Timmy Turner and Rachel from both, Vicky and Trigon, two supposed mortal enemies of their two separate worlds; he redeems them both and makes them become more sacred and endearing in practice, the former having Timmy finally bond with Vicky after being taken away from his irresponsible parents, and the latter having Rachel reconcile with her dad in ways she always dreamt of. Which Joe did out of the goodness of Joe's heart.
    5. He also forgives the mistakes of others with no grudge held against them; like when Gwen nearly gets him in trouble by mistakenly yelling out the wrong response towards Joe helping her return home (which alerted policemen, made Joe go undercover and sneak his way to returning Gwen home without being caught, where the situation was caused because of her absence of intelligence in the moment) in the Eleventh Dimension, and when Amoria took Joe's provocatively lustful advances the wrong way in the 7th AI realm.
    6. In the Sixth Dimension, Joe prepared Satsuki's wedding with a lot of passion and thought put into it, as well as preparing Luigi and Daisy's honeymoon for her to be with Luigi in the Fifth Dimension.
  • Since Joe always takes initiatives in the many relationships he's been in throughout the story, he remains motivational and always convinces his generally submissive and accepting lovers like Satsuki, Meggy, Raven, Amoria, and Lemon of trusting him and Joe proves himself to be a kind and loving soul to all of them equally with plenty of affection and smooth-talk, meaning his actions spoke as loud as his words were.
  • Despite being paranoid and having some fearful moments that are played for laughs (or for dramatic effect), Joebotnik still keeps his inner bravado and quick-thinking attitude to resolve any conflict around him. Meaning he's no coward to facing actual danger.
  • He went beyond outfoxing and creating full-on misfortunate events to be inflicted on the villains who do terrible misdeeds bad enough to deserve the mishaps Joe inflicts on them (ex. killing off Queen Slug for a Butt in the 1st A.I. realm for enslavement and dictatorship that occurred for centuries, humiliating Oogie Boogie in the Third Dimension and Dr. Robotnik in the Fourth Dimension for forcing Joe to be evil and wanting to kill/torture Joe if he rejects this, tormenting Joe's 9 bullies in the Third Dimension for being responsible for helping The Gatekeeper in the first place, magically defeating Bison in the 10th A.I. realm for terrorizing Chun-Li's nation, and getting The Gatekeeper confirmed for his crimes via cosmic broadcast), even extending to this to the point of using his supernatural powers in forms of arson, vandalism and malefic to set fire and explosions to the home bases, armies and resources of tyrants and terrorists who were reported of torture and terrorism. All in favor of protecting (and saving) the lives of innocent people.
  • Despite his impudence and whimsical behavior implies of Joe as a utterly sassy and flippant person with a mischievous streak, he does carry a certain level of respect and honor for other heroes, other people and has plenty of knowledge with civil manners, no matter how much politeness he shows. Which shows how modest, tactful, thoughtful, apologetic, and respectful Joebotnik tends to be of others, as well as demonstrating how genuinely savvy, discreet, assertive and even-tempered Joebotnik actually is.
    1. In the Fifth Dimension; when Joebotnik got Princess Daisy to slowly fall in love with him, by the second day Joe dated her, at one point, he genuinely felt bad for thinking Luigi was a third-wheel compared to Mario being iconic as Peach's savior and when Joe thought Mario has been fawned by Princess Peach romantically (as well as the two having a relationship with each other still), Joebotnik lied to Daisy for the fact that Joe was revealed to be Luigi as the guy who made the romantic and magical experience that happened the whole time (meanwhile Joebotnik actually teleported in a magical way and hid in a corner to watch Luigi enjoying having the moment with Daisy and Joebotnik even snapped his fingers to spawn a beautiful looking dinner room in the cosmos Joe set for the both of them without them knowing). Especially for the fact Joe gives Luigi, magical powers since Joe honestly thought he deserved better than what he gets, right before Joebotnik attempts hiding and living in mystery in the Super Mario universe for 4 years before finding another cosmic portal. Showing that even though he really likes Daisy, but Joebotnik was willing to showcase and acknowledge his genuine respect for her actual love interest, that is Luigi, a legendary plumber hero alongside Mario; who has dedicated years with her before Joebotnik ever did.
    2. Joebotnik also even thinks to carry the same amount of respect he has towards Mario while he talked to Princess Peach, especially when Joebotnik noticed several times that Peach flirted with Joe (even when Daisy wasn't there to see it), overall Joebotnik wanted to remain civil and respectful of everyone (including Princess Peach and the Mario Brothers themselves). Right after Joebotnik gave Luigi magic powers, Joebotnik teleported to Peach's castle to hide himself from everyone before Joebotnik talks to Peach about what he did and what his intentions were behind lying to Daisy, eventually Princess Peach warms up to Joe and becomes so charmed by his behavior Peach seems to find "cute", she falls for him and right when Peach wanted Joebotnik to be hers, Joebotnik first thinks to bow and demonstrate his respect for her and Mario being a couple. Once Joe saw Peach appearing to be saddened by the response Joe intended to be respectful, that's when Joe thought to remain smooth and thoughtful in approach by reassuring her what Joe's intentions were for her, as well as sharing his feelings towards her.

Joe's Cosmic Saga[]

  • Even after saving all fictional universes from the dangers of The Gatekeeper in Joe Venture, Joebotnik still seeks to continue on his cosmic adventures with protecting everyone in every single universe in existence. As well as getting thrills out of exploring more worlds and universes in the process of achieving his noble goals with destroying all forms of evil as a counter-terroristic goal of his, even for the adventurous aspects of saving galaxies and multiple universes.
    1. Instead of abusing his gifted omnipotent powers for granted, he grows hegemonic desire to eliminate any form of terrorism to keep every single universe in existence, safe from evil, making himself out to be a morally upstanding person with magic on his side, all while remaining as a impartial person with noble beliefs.
  • After The Grand Finale of Joe Venture, Joebotnik froze his space and time continuum on Earth with his left glove, to keep his girlfriend Raven safe from danger and harm in the real world. Keeping her asleep in Joe's bed and remains protected in a dream, as well as effectively pausing all kinds of danger happening in the real world as Joebotnik snaps his fingers to make Earth remain safe at all times unless Joe unpaused reality. Meanwhile, Joebotnik goes to his cosmic space station by teleporting there and travelling to other universes while keeping Earth safe in less than a second.
    1. Joebotnik using his cosmic laptop to search throughout the cosmos who he should bring along with his cosmic travels while his spouse remains safe, Joebotnik thought to reach out to Sylvester Ashling for the fact he's also a psychologist and a researcher who has good experience in using magic to combat evil, once Joebotnik finds this out, he meets up with him upon teleporting himself to his world.
    2. Slowly after a awkward beginning to their companionship, Joe gets to bond with Sylvester, Sylvester gets emotionally attracted to Joe's selfless and caring behavior; this was where Joebotnik even thinks to ask Sylvester of his age before Sylvester continues flirting with him, thankfully it was revealed Sylvester is also 20 years old like Joe is, which had Joe concerned cause he thought he was 15 still.
    3. At night, while he gave Sylvester and Joe a room to be in, Joebotnik being affectionate and physical until it was 10pm, immediately made Joebotnik felt bad about the fact that he nearly slept in the same bed with him and flirted with Sylvester after the fact he has publicly committed his love life to Raven, his childhood crush, in a cosmic wedding. This was why Joebotnik thought to secretly snap his fingers to summon a compatible clone of himself for his clone to go on those intergalactic adventures Joe had ambitions for fighting evil in any reality, as well as Joebotnik planning to switch realities while Sylvester and Joe's clone go into a completely separate alternate version of Joe's reality when it turned midnight. Which Joebotnik did so he could go on his travels without feeling guilty about the relationship and for Sylvester to fulfill his cosmic adventures with Joe's clone.
    4. Adding on from this and what has took place in all of Joe's appearances in regards to this saga and the previous saga, even when Joebotnik is faithful to Raven; it's consistently shown that Joebotnik only acted romantic, nice, affectionate, genuine and faked being single and acting random towards seductresses and lovers so they wouldn't get too aggressive and salty on Joe if he were to ever reject them, meaning Joe doesn't want to get himself into romantic/sexual situations but is always thrown into these predicaments for how much of a good-looking and irresistible person Joebotnik happens to be by proxy, meaning Joe had to resolve this on his own and remain careful of their feelings (regardless of his quest to find the source to access his world back after altering his reality by mistake). Where Joe's solutions to these social conflicts has Joe do wholesome things while expressing a extremely nonchalant exterior on the surface, to the point Joe eventually spawns clones of himself at midnight once Joe had to leave the world without them knowing, Joebotnik keeps his cloning gambits so they'd all stay happy with dating Joe in their realities while Joe travels due to his teleportation-related issues that consistently occurs at midnight in any world Joebotnik teleports into (even when Joe struggled not getting himself into romantic situations in Part 14 of the story).
    5. Before Part 2 of Joe's Cosmic Saga, despite the good intentions behind this decision, Joebotnik teleporting himself into a completely separate alternate version of Joe's reality while Sylvester and Joe's organic clone travel intergalactically, when it turned midnight, was a misguided mistake on Joe's part that caused Joebotnik's chaotic teleportation issues to happen consistently throughout the story of this saga; Joe being directly responsible for affecting his own cosmic endeavor without knowing until Joebotnik analyzed this during Part 2-3 of the story, which shows some recklessness in the plan. However, he does take full accountability for these actions and in Joe's case, Joebotnik didn't predict how problematic his magic could be in this regard, and now he knows how to be careful with his reality-warping powers for the better. This helped making Joe resilient in finding his way back home during his quest.
  • During Part 2 of the saga, he helps Yamato, a monarch who was once left segregated in her own castle, fight against the global tyranny, oppression and dictatorship surrounding her. As soon as Joebotnik saw her secret arsonist kit and fire-related powers (and right after Joebotnik partaken in some intimacy with her), Joe saw this as a opportunity to save Yamato's world, spread peace and harmony to the innocents of the world. As well as spreading fear and terror onto despicable tyrants and terrorists who've spreaded harm, suffering, misery and distress into Yamato's world (as well as defeating them once and for all).
    1. After Joebotnik gets Kaido killed, Joebotnik granted her wish to make her ideology of world peace and harmony happening by teleporting back to her castle in order for Joe to help teach her, coach her by helping her train and exercise her omnipotent powers and the gift for resourceful thinking applied to lateral-thinking strategies, just enough for her to gain enough knowledge and competence in the skill of essokinesis, bravery, live-saving techniques and unpredictability powers for Joe and Yamato to succeed in their global mission to take on Kurozumi Orochi, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Beast Pirates, the Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders and the World Government itself with no problem. Especially since Yamato started off as quite naive and somewhat inept compared to Joebotnik despite Yamato being a emperor and a pirate, so Joe sees her flaws and thinks to help Yamato become just as strategic and quick-thinking as he is in dire situations like saving the lives of others with a training room of hers to demonstrate. After doing tons of practicing, they succeed at freeing Yamato's world from global tyranny, and Joe spends some quality time with her before Joe resorts to his cloning gambits at night.
  • Joebotnik also taught both Ryuko, Yamato and Ladybug (three of Joe's lovers in three separate dimensions and parts of the saga), how to use magic and exercise the power of spell-casting with heart and soul done for selfless and beneficial causes worldwide. Joebotnik even instructs the both of them his palpable 5-step manual method that Joe made up, to do so. All with a spell-generated smoothie of Joe himself made, and kept hidden with him to share with morally upstanding people, that gives them magical powers to make any wish/miracle possible and thus making them powerful by the genetics and by their inner spirit.
    1. During Part 3 of the saga, when Ryuko said she couldn't do anything and doubted her potential talents with magic, Joebotnik in shock, motivated her with a rousing speech by enthusiastically pointing out how she's not some hopelessly incompetent airhead, reminding her the fact that Ryuko is the warrior of Japan and tells her to think straight and think up the many possibilities she could do with applying her wishful thinking to magic powers. Joe even tells her to not doubt herself since she's slowly maturing up to level 1 in power and omnipotence. Joe also convinces her once she practices it, fine-tunes it, and exercises it to her fullest potential, she'll save lives, bless any good soul with actions that speak louder than words and make the greatest impact on life. This encourages Ryuko to use her magical powers to create miracles and solutions to her people in need of help.
  • During Part 4 of the saga, he defeated Edgy Amy, a powerful being with a god complex who attempted to murder with her cosmic powers while Joe was in his anthro feline alter-ego as "Joevester" (wanting to be nice to her before she acted hostile), and getting her imprisoned with several pimps as a punishment for destroying several galaxies in her universe, Joe also wished for those galaxies to be restored and he brought peace and balance back to this alternate Sonic universe.
  • During Part 5 of the saga, he defeated "Saiko", a sadistic demon named Kaizo who tried possessing Joe's body after she was known as a collector of souls by throwing a Pokeball at her, trapping her in it and throwing it far enough to leave outside the city and land at Bob's farm. Which Kaizo swear revenge despite her rightly placed imprisonment.
  • During Part 6 of the saga, he single-handedly helped Ladybug escape a hellish realm in disguise of France. Joe first thinks to spawn a map for them to guide their way to the room of warp holes, Joe even thinks to disguise her and Joe themselves, as Demon mascots that fits in the realm's setting to trick other devils. Joebotnik even gets Ladybug to take part in Joe's facade with faking himself as two demons around the area named "Larry Rerryson" and "Suzanne Flairence", which allowed them to escape hell with Joe being in control of the situation and the opportunity, which helps Ladybug returning to Earth and going back to France.
  • During Part 7 of the saga, Joebotnik selflessly helped a group of four titans named Charlie, Harper, Alice and Star (with the nickname Joe gave them "The Jinx Squad"), with saving their home planet and return each titan to their home. They were all left in a abandoned area and considered to be "refugees", Joebotnik then assists in helping them find their home planet with Joe taking them there with his hovercar he summoned, Joe then overpowers Darkseid and his minions who took over the titan group's world of Planet Zewton and terrorized it, Joe using his magical resources and omnipotent powers, he overthrew Darkseid's tyranny with the titans and undid the natural disasters in their world by restoring everything back to normal with a purification nuke bomb powered on by Joe's magi-tech. All done in a chaotic yet beneficial way. Because of this, Joebotnik freed Planet Zewton from tyranny, and restored all peace and life back to the dead and tortured of millions around the titans' world. Joe even resurrected the families of the titans as a extra surprise gift for their endeavors.
  • During Part 8 of the saga, he helped Princess Jasmine be freed from forced marriages as well as spreading peace and harmony to women everywhere in Agrabah, promoting feminism and positive independent movement everywhere in the world. As well as taking her around Agrabah for her to strive in independence and for her to explore for the first time.
  • During Part 9 of the saga, he helped a stranded 20 year old Luz Noceda return to her home in the Boiling Isles, as well as defeating The Collector and reversing the misery of puppetered people by undoing the curse and reverting many people back to being humans, freeing millions of people in Boiling Isles when Joe restored their normal lives back since they all suffered from mass torture and false imprisonment.
  • During Part 10 of the saga, he defeated aliens who attempted brainwashing a whole list of people in Bellwood who attempted taking over Gwen Tennyson's town and the mothership that attempted to attack Gwen's family by threatening them with their lives being at stake. As well as returning the 10-year-old Gwen back to her town by Joe first taking her to her own house before she spoke to Ben Tennyson and their grandfather Max Tennyson.
  • During Part 11 of the saga, he helped a innocent Nimona be protected and defended from The Director poaching her and using her for greed by persistently tricking her dedicated police force into falling for more than three hoaxes and getting The Director publicly confirmed and arrested for her tyrannical actions in the kingdom.
  • During Part 12 of the saga, he helped Kim Possible defeat a couple of thuggish robbers at a bank, rescuing 35 people in a burning building (as well as healing them before bringing them to the ambulances), and most importantly, Joebotnik even spotted a empty dark room in the last floor that made Joe go undercover and spot eight of Kim's antagonists hiding in the dark with his night vision (Dr. Drakken, Monkey Fist, DNAmy, Adrena Lynn, Jackie Oates, Professor Dementor, Motor Ed and Electronique); which made Joe summon a decoy of Kim Possible to overpower them and punish them by trapping them all into a metallic vase for Joe to use a magnetizing fish rod for him to toy with them, and pretend to go fishing all in the building, right before activating a button that made the vase to fly out of Kim's town like a rocket. (This helped entertaining Kim during the crime-fighting)
    1. He also helped Kim defeat Camille Leon and Eric/Synthodrone #901 by overpowering them and punishing them for their antagonistic misdeeds once they attempted harming Joe and Kim while Synthodrone #901 was interfering with Joebotnik and Kim's crime-fighting activities, and Joebotnik getting back up from a injury inspired Kim to fight back against Synthodrone #901. Joe even got Callie arrested for her ranting over wanting to spread evil in her world, and shortly after getting Camille confirmed for her beliefs with the townspeople knowing that, Joe lets Kim get the spotlight to share her moralistic ideals to her entire world once the news anchors approached Kim and Joe themselves, all before dating Kim that same night.
  • During Part 13 of the saga, he assisted Vegeta IV and the Z fighters in going on a hunt for collecting the Super Dragon Balls to resurrect Bulma (Vegeta's lover), and was also done in order to combat the evil in the Dragon Ball universe.
    1. Joebotnik does this after showcasing his immense magic powers to Vegeta by solving a Rubik's cube in seconds, using a magnetizing device to attract unused Time Rings and Potara Earrings that plummeted from the sky in less than 6 seconds, pulling three coins out of his and Vegeta's ears with only a magnet, and testing out Joe's tricksy superpowers by using a jump scare trick by throws a grenade decoy hard onto the ground to make colorful steam to impact the ground lightly, like at a magic show so he could disappear before creeping up behind Vegeta and silently sneaking behind Vegeta to pull out a orange street cone to surprise Vegeta amusedly.
    2. Helping Android 18 train herself to become a more powerful fighter with tons of combat training put into fighting techniques and strategy since meditation, energy control or gravity chambers didn't help her out in the past. He even helps her learn about being more strategic in combat while she also dated Joebotnik for some time.
  • During Part 14 of the saga, venturing into the My Hero Academia universe, it's now fully established that ever since 2029, ever since the Ninth Dimension of Joe Venture; Joebotnik's glorious moment of defeating The Gatekeeper while universally broadcasting The Gatekeeper's arrest and Joe making his presence known in every world and universe in existence, has led to many superheroes and Pro-Heroes being inspired by Joebotnik's actions to face any form of danger that happens outside planet Earth itself and be enlightened about dangerous supervillains similar to The Gatekeeper. Despite Joe being treated as a attractive paragon who disguised himself into someone random like "JB Zingerosis", Joe still did several heroic and resourceful acts during his 10 year stay in the town of Musutafu Japan:
    1. Starting on the first day, Joe made a commitment to become a experienced Pro-Hero with the motive of self-improvement as a hero, which Joe planned to do before announcing his very presence on the last year as the universally beloved Joebotnik McCricket. Mainly because of Katsuki inspiring Joe to be a Pro-Hero after he hears valid criticism about Joe's arrogance. Joebotnik confidently telling Katsuki how he contributes for inspiring Joebotnik to be a real superhero at U.A. without his usual pretext and pretensions (taking Katsuki's disapproval into consideration with tons of enthusiasm and empathy, simply got Katsuki warming up to Joe and Katsuki slowly redeems himself throughout the day since Katsuki admits to Joe putting him in his place and getting a dose of reality of his own arrogant behavior; which surprised every single student at how Joebotnik even managed to bond with a student like Katsuki at all)
    2. Still on the first day, he also helped Katsuki Bakugo's parents reconcile by becoming the two being truly in-love with each other again, which Joe does by reaching out to Katsuki's dad, Masaru Bakugo, for permission in the plan for reconciling, who was at a hotel in Australia. Joe and Katsuki traveling there with Joe's magical teleportation powers summoned by using a curtain portal of his, had Katsuki see his dad again after being gone for a while (which Katsuki and Masaru both thank Joe for saving the marriage of Katsuki's parents by Joe reporting Mitsuki's lewd behavior to Masaru). Joe also helped strategizing the plan of the reconciling with Katsuki and his dad, upon Joe borrowing Eros' bow and arrow to do so. This was done since Katsuki's 30-year old mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, became very perverted and attracted to Joe because of Joe's massage techniques that was requested by Mitsuki in the Bakugo Residence (Katsuki was going to burn down the house if Joe stayed in a relationship with his own mom), so Joe had to use hypnosis to get her to fall asleep and be taken to her bedroom after she raped and sexually harassing Joe in front of Katsuki himself in their living room.
      1. In addition to this, Joebotnik even acts as a supportive wingman to Katsuki right after friend-zoning Katsuki with the very reason Joe had being teaching and showing Katsuki how it's like to be loved by someone other than his family (despite Joe being 3-4 years older than him), and he even helped Katsuki (who is 16 years old) get a 17-year-old Mirko to be his girlfriend by chance, which Joebotnik made possible since Joe didn't want to break his promise to Ochaco wanting Joe to not be seen dating anyone. (Earlier in this part of the story, Joebotnik even offered to give Katsuki a simple back massage at Joe's hidden massage building after Joebotnik ended the fight Katsuki at the start of Part 14 of this saga on it's own, which even made Katsuki surprised of how generous Joe is)
      2. After Joe talked to Kota during the 11th day of being in the town, Joebotnik walking and chillaxing peacefully on a bench in a different park still had Katsuki stopping by after Joe last saw him 10 days ago. Joe talking to him and conversating with Katsuki about what happened in Joe's first 11 days in the town with the people Joe has met (and at one point asking Katsuki if Joe reminded him of Neito and shared his honest thoughts when Katsuki wanted to be angry and enemies with Joe), he managed to get Katsuki to like Joe even more when Joe remained very easygoing and sincere during the conversation. It doesn't help that Katsuki didn't want to date Mirko and went back to wanting to be with Joe despite acting like a Tsundere before Joe made him take away his anger and insecurities with Joe's authentic sweet-talk.
      3. On that same eleventh day, once Joe and Katsuki discuss what's been happening with Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, ever since they did the Bow and arrow trick (it's revealed she's been thinking about Joe since 11 days ago and once Katsuki asks why even keep the marriage if it's unneeded, Joe then relooks his original plan that worked for a bit and then strategizes with Katsuki on how to get the parents divorced so it'd create a peaceful zone for Katsuki and his dad. In doing this, Joebotnik foiled Mitsuki's plans with drugging Joe with love drugs hidden in the food she served (getting her to eat what she intended to control Joe with) and called the cops to get her arrested for raping Joe that day (meaning she has raped Joe four times and Joe still managed to outsmart her and get her sent to jail for raping 30 teenage boys).
    3. On the second day, he granted Eijiro Kirishima the gifts for him to become a technological genius and a speedster to help him get better at academics and athletics, which helped Eijirou study better, enhance his I.Q. and become more passionate about gadgeteering his resources even while exercising.
    4. During the second day, while Joe was walking, he assisted Mei Hatsune in helping her test her inventions when she snatched him to her workshop. Joe helps her with his Welder Quirk, and when Mei gave Joe a "love suit" for Joe to feel loved as if Joe was lonely (when Joe wrapped his arm around her neck in a friendly way, that caused Mei to fall in love with Joebotnik by command), and after Joe has been sweet-talking her to pass the time, Joe invented a 'anti-hormone helmet' that helps her revert her hormones back to normal. Joe also brought her home with a hovering snow glider and in a costumed "captain" persona to entertain her during the ride, Joe also took off his costume and gave her the wig as a helpful gesture because Joebotnik gave her tips and advice about how being more of a heroic trickster with volition and self-reliance will help her get out of unexpected and difficult situations, as well as explaining why Joebotnik even is a reality-warping trickster: for noble causes like protecting the lives of others, teach everyone about the dangers of the unexpected, and brightening everyone's day.
    5. On the third day, after getting himself into a chaotic interaction towards a troublemaking wrestler like Mount Lady and dealt with her perverted and potentially destructive actions by using his essokinesis, countless tricks and his crazy wrestling skills to protect Japan from harm while saving himself from being defeated by her, Joebotnik even meets up with Shoto Todoroki in a forest and helped him feeling better about his own fire-ice powers and even acted as a wingman to helping him earning Kyoka Jiro as his girlfriend by getting Shoto to fight his fears of star-crossed romance by simply encouraging him to believe in himself.
    6. On the fourth day, Mount Lady was stalking Joe and attempted to convince him to cause havoc for the public's attention and tried seducing Joe so she could get him to cheat on Ochaco, Joe hampers Mount Lady's plans by summoning Kamui Woods to foil her plans of infidelity and public humiliation.
    7. On the sixth day, he stopped Rody Soul from using his zoophilic love for Pino and his potential malefic, from brainwashing and forcing Joe (or anyone else) into being stuck into a creepy love affair with him and Pino. Joe does this by tricking Pino into being stuck into a cage with a flirtatious buff male bird named Rhino, granted Rody the wish to be a zookeeper, and summoning a athletic lover named Jennifer to embrace love and affection to Rody by force, all done so he could leave Joe alone.
  • During Part 15 of the saga, Joebotnik practically helps Byakuya Togami, despite claiming to be a elitist and becoming smitten by Joe's easygoing personality, by granting him enough power to fix the world he's in with setting egalitarian and well-structured rules for the planet to be ran properly and ethically. Which made Byakuya become a more nicer person; slowly removing away his corrupting qualities in the past as a arrogant aristocrat and instead getting the urge to do what's right for the world.
  • During Part 16 of the saga, he succeeds at helping Rosalina combatting an dark force created by an evil entity known as the Shadow King, who has caused nothing but trouble for the Lumas. He teams up with Rosalina since she chose him as a valuable member for fighting cosmic threats after she has been looking forwards to inviting him to her spaceship to discuss about preventing this dark force from making its way to the galaxy and destroy everything in her universe before it is too late and becomes overwhelming.
  • Finally, during Part 17 of the saga, Joe got the chance to speak up to Raven's troubled spirit that makes her behave the way she does, irritable, tough and edgy. Joebotnik makes a effort into helping her get out of the dark state she was in by Joebotnik using his exercised charisma, altruism and compassion (as well as showing manners and respect for her). Doing this, Joe was able to help her gain a new perspective of what being loved is like, and Joe purifies her in the long run.
    1. Since Joe was always thinking about his spouse Raven since the very start of the saga, ever since Part 1 of the story; Joe felt guilty enough to undo the act of getting involved with people like Sylvester Ashling and Yamato being attracted and romantically attached to Joe, and Joe had to resort to his methods of being tricksy and then resort to his cloning gambits like he did in the previous story of Joe Venture (as well as some friend-zoning and feigned insanity), to undo his romantic relationships he made by mistake and out of habit. What showcases how faithful he actually is towards Raven, despite being attractive and prone to romantic situations because of it, which is consistently displaying Joe's genuine remorse and faith for her internally, by the mere thought of her being upset or hurt at all. Which means Joe intended to act bizarre and erratic to others to make himself formal and crazy enough to remain as friends with everyone, and at the end of Joe's Cosmic Saga, Joe explains his behavior throughout the saga and shows genuine emotions for Raven and admits everything Joe did or what happened to him that makes it fully clear that he's really attached to Raven, shares how he was willing to subvert his corrupting qualities every time, and is willing to change his ways if it meant staying completely faithful to her (even if it meant marrying her and nobody else).
    2. On top of this, during his unpredictable and broken teleportation-induced situations Joe ventures into in this saga, Joe got the chance to speak up to Raven's troubled soul that makes her behave the way she does, irritably and tough and all. Joebotnik even makes a effort in helping her get out of the dark state she genuinely was in, thanks to his charisma, altruism, honesty and compassion (as well as showing manners when Raven founded Joe's enthusiasm to be "annoying"). Doing this, Joe was able to help her gain a new perspective of life, what being loved and accepted was like, and Joe purifies her in the long run.
    3. He even helps her getting the idea of wanting to punish heinous people for their crimes with Joe's own creative methods of doing so with some creativity put into the reality-warping and magic, which helped her become a harmonizer from the soul.
    4. He bonding with her soul, fortunately served as the hidden key to finding his way back home and fixing his dimension teleportation issues Joe had in the entire saga, mainly since her powers of Dark Energy Manipulation (was actually the true source to fix Joebotnik's broken teleportation loophole with altering realities that has been repeating at 12am since the start of Joe's Cosmic Saga), something Joebotnik couldn't even access until the opportunity finally hits him.
    5. Once Joebotnik finally achieved at returning back to his home, he thinks to confess to Raven, his faithful girlfriend, about what happened during his ventures. Sharing Joe's best memories and admitting his mistakes with getting involved with mass infidelity since Joebotnik outright vows to subvert this extremely corrupting quality and wants to redeem himself to her (as well as revealing Joe's tactics he used to undo the relationships he got himself into). It's explicably shown since Joe has took accountability for these actions and in Joe's case, he kept this a secret from everyone and used his cloning gambits to make each lover have a good ending while Joe keeps traveling. Since Raven has shown to have a very short level in patience and is very attached to Joe by a long shot, Joebotnik was diligent enough to friend-zone his newfound lovers in favor of Raven herself. So making her mad would be a hugely emotional endeavor for Joe and Raven to resolve, and since Joe always used clones to replace himself for other lovers, this means he ultimately subverted his corrupting quality of mass infidelity due to Joebotnik actually being completely honest about himself with her.
    6. This also means subverting many corrupting qualities he nearly had in Joe's Cosmic Saga helped him improve himself as a person in multiple areas like becoming somewhat more modest than before, be more discreet with handling relationships, being more faithful to Raven (the person Joe truly loves), being less clumsy in certain predicaments and genuinely learning from his mistakes to better himself as a superheroic reality-warper (to the point of showing how much he truly cared for his spouse Raven and admits his flaws to her and actively redeeming his mistakes with infidelity; even after all the trouble Joe got himself into and how much friend-zoning he's been doing deviously in this saga)
  • His series of tricks and mind games ultimately serve a purpose from Joe's perspective by ulterior motives, especially since the audience only knows that the reason Joebotnik acts unpredictable and random with his magical superpowers and showmanship, was because Joe felt like wanting to maneuver his way through several intense situations he was put into (even without The Gatekeeper causing it). This may make Joe seem selfish and manipulative on the surface, but the way Joebotnik has applied tons of discretion, thought, care, effort and grace to his skills of trickery and white-lies, makes it all the more credible and reasonable for Joe to do in the first place (to prevent trouble from happening). Making Joe out to be a extremely good-hearted liar, a heroic "schemer" with a evident moral compass to him, and a very honorable trickster who has been masterminding his way through any situation he's got himself into, no matter how unstoppable, erratic, rascally and victorious he comes across during this saga.
    1. Up to the Part 13, Joebotnik was put at his most vulnerable spots with his brash personality and Joebotnik still appears to be playful in tone, yet revealed a somewhat more overconfident and slightly arrogant side to his optimism that was obvious to spot being around other experienced Saiyans like Vegeta and Android 18, Joebotnik still showed his credibility to them even though Joe is still willing to use his fancifully overpowered superpowers and deception skills to his advantage of reaching Saiyan levels in power. Despite Joe coming across as a flawless being at times, he does use his incredible luck for good (granted).
    2. During Part 14, right before Joe teleported back to school at 4pm during the first day, Joebotnik befriending Deku as a crimefighter and also explaining why Joe likes to appear as celibate when Deku showed romantic attraction to Joe before he told Deku about needing to return to the U.A. for Katsuki's fight he wanted to have with Joe the same day, Joe first thought to keep in touch with Deku, this eventually made Joebotnik get a tad bit tricksy about Deku's watch signaling bad guys. Where Joebotnik asked Deku about his watch, Deku telling Joe how he is signaled about bad guys made Joe get slick when he summoned a event only Deku can fix handily and Deku rushes into the action without knowing Joebotnik summoned the signal to be alerted, which Joe did while waving goodbye for the day and right before quickly returning to the U.A. Academy to meet up with Katsuki as planned.
    3. Joebotnik friend-zoning Katsuki on the second day (when the latter eventually felt deeply romantic with him during the start of Part 14), was essential to the promise Joe made with Ochaco in not being seen dating anyone at the U.A. (meaning Joe didn't tell her of the secret with Katsuki's love affair for good reason). It doesn't help that Katsuki still kept really strong feelings for Joe, even when he dumped Mirko for this reason alone 11 days later.
    4. After Joe helps Eijiro Kirishima enhance his intellect and being able to run fast during Part 14, onto the next day; Joebotnik had to combat against someone as aggressive and seductive as Mount Lady by wrestling her, lifting her sometimes and Joe amps up the mischief in his tricks and self-reliant use of essokinesis for maneuvering and combatting her perverted attack moves she did in public when she gets giant like sitting on him or holding him down with her legs. This means Joe had to go wild in his moves like enlarging his hands to smack her and make her spin, lift her backside to prevent tons of collateral damage, makes himself grow big enough to levitate and move like a dive-bomber while Mount Lady is on Joe's back; which Joe does before teleporting the both of them into space and then a wrestling match dimension set outside Japan that Joe could only keep control of the chaos that ensued, Joebotnik even went to extent of puppeteering Mount Lady herself by grabbing the back of Mt. Lady's head and lifting her body with only Joe's left arm (as well as pranking her in any way possible like a dropping a bucket of coconut water on her hair) if it meant keeping her behavior in control.
    5. During the fourth day, after Joe went exercising in a gym outfit and founded a gym to change in, Joe pranked Minoru Mineta with a public humiliation trick with him being in-disguise of Hanta that made Minoru reveal his perversion for both genders, getting him to chase Joe while Joe did some epic parkour tricks and even putting him in a skydiving act with Joe before Joe safely deployed him from Joe's baby vest and making him plummet into a bouncy house when Minoru begged Joe to stop and felt like passing out, which were all done to serve as karma for Minoru's perverted and dishonest behavior. Joebotnik at the very least, enlightened Minoru with a lesson about being careful of who he meets and Joe even gave him a emergency bag in case Minoru felt light-headed. Which helped Minoru befriending Joe and he redeems himself from scaring the life out of Minoru with a extreme prank, even before Joe secretly (and magically) tricked him again by summoning a aggressively romantic Tsuyu Asui to appear in front of Minoru while he was at his locker. Which Joe mischievously did so he could finally have a girlfriend to be around, so Joe could walk back to his dorm for the day.
      1. It doesn't help that whenever Minoru continues stalking Joe and acts perverted of Joe in his second encounter, Joe partakes in more inventive pranks like disguising himself as an infatuated Tsuyu Asui that made Minoru get fearful and run away frantically (making Joe revel in deceiving him for being completely selfish towards women), Joe also teleported to the side of a wall with the disguise back on and summon a frying pan to hold out so Minoru could slam his face into the pan and fall onto the ground dizzy from his pratfall (which makes Minoru confirms that he wanted nothing to do with Tsuyu and doesn't love her at all when Tsuyu, while Joe is in disguise, puts her arms around Minoru and asks him why did he run away from her; meaning Joebotnik essentially prevented the real Tsuyu Asui, or her organic clone, from getting heartbroken). Once Minoru finds out that Joebotnik used a Tsuyu disguise to prank Minoru and realized that it wasn't Tsuyu that messed with him; he begins chasing Joe and wanting to attack him (or outright kill him) as a act of discipline, Joe then begins pranking Minoru some more with a banana peel pratfall gag, a slip and sliding prank (which made Minoru slip around and do a full spin on a loop track to skyrocket high in the air and plummet onto a brick wall Joe set on the floor), a trumpet inside of a phone prank, getting him running into a giant cymbal, a splashing ketchup grenade prank (which has ketchup poured all over Minoru), a sand bag prank he threw at Minoru, getting Minoru to jump into a pile of hay with a hidden anvil in it (making Minoru fall over from diving head first onto said anvil), a glue splashing prank with throwing two sticky balls hanging on Minoru's chest, eventually using a golf club to gently whack and swing Minoru onto a sticky cobweb-looking net that is placed on a tree (all while pretending to seem fearful of him once Minoru caught up to Joe and attempt inflicting fear onto Joe), dropping a bag of candy on Minoru's head after getting Minoru off a giant cobweb, summoning a dodgeball and throwing the ball at Minor made him fall back onto the glue that Joe just got him out of, throw a pile of meatballs on his face while calling him the "Meat Ball Man" (much to Minoru's annoyance), then Joe throws a couple of yarn balls at Minoru to make a joke about him trying to get pussycats, then tossing a couple of steel balls to fall onto Minoru's head while making it look like he was trying to help Minoru getting the yarn balls off of Minoru's head (making Minoru have difficulty getting it off of his hair). While Minoru had trouble getting the metallic balls out of his hair, Joe pulls out a large magnet to pull Minoru out of the glue Minoru was standing on, he is left stuck on the magnet, Joe steps back and encourages Minoru to prove he's not a "ball magnet" once Minoru said he's not one, which makes Minoru and the magnet plummet onto the ground out of pure clumsiness. Joe also gets some pliers to cut a inch of his hair off the steel balls, making Minoru get unreasonably angry for anyone cutting his own hair. This makes Joe acknowledge he's not in a predicament anymore and gives him a mirror glass to how his hair wasn't affected, this makes Minoru enraged at how slightly shorter his hair is now, and Minoru angrily asked who cut his hair, Joe then lies by saying it was his hair that did it while Minoru was confused and angry, Joe telling Minoru that the balls on his hair that did it made Minoru jump into conclusions and starts tussling with his own hair (much to Joebotnik's amusement).
    6. Joebotnik rewording his intentions as a superhero to Rody Soul during the sixth day, helped him warming up to Joe and make Joe seem less questionable and more of a noble prankster with endear side to his pranks. Which helped Rody get better first impressions of Joe after thinking of him as some delusional troublemaker with chaotic plans (even before Rody revealed himself to be zoophilic villain Joe had aversion for because of Rody faked sincere emotions and allowing his pet bird Pino to attempt brainwashing Joe into creepy love affairs with Rody and Pino themselves).
    7. He was able to surprise someone by the likes of Neito, who is an infamous trickster rival of the U.A. Academy for his obsessive rivalry, by using his eccentric antics (as well as displaying his knowledge of Neito), effectively made Neito become vulnerable to the point of growing faith on Joe, made Neito become bashful to make him reflect on his sly intentions as well as hampering his attempts at convincing Joe to partake in pointless rivalry towards Class 1-A by being eccentric and energetic about his omniscience and slightly playing jokes about "how" Joe is omniscient when Neito felt vulnerable, and he was now more willing to be Joe's protective sidekick with helping Joe on his cosmic endeavor that Joe kept as a secret from everyone in the town of Musutafu Japan. This also made Neito drop his petty rivalry with Class 1-A (even when Neito intending to stalk Joe so he could deceive him and convince him to help him with his rivalry for Class 1-A). Joebotnik's bonding (by being serious with Neito) also made Neito remove his corrupting qualities as well, making him a better person due to Joe getting personal and empathetic with him as a trickster duo.
    8. Joe made sure to use his "Anti-Hormone" helmet to revert Ochaco's, Deku's and Mei's infatuated feelings for Joe, because Joe sensed how being romantic has too much of a effect on Joe's guilt, and he founded a way to friend-zone them harmlessly and in a secretive way without anyone knowing, especially if it helps Joe remain celibate as Joe intended to be.
    9. At the end of Part 14, when Neito (in a less corrupted state) manages to help Joebotnik find a power source that accessed portals to travel outside the My Hero Academia universe and creating this power to be made, he planned to clone himself yet again so his clone can remain with Ochaco at midnight after living in Musutafu Japan for at least 10 years secretly before Joe could continue his quest to find his way home after gaining full experience to be known as a official superhero.
    10. When Joebotnik encountered Princess Tiana at Part 15, Joebotnik initially tried doing his usual "friend-zoning" act and tons of playful teasing, when it becomes more obvious that Tiana got more and more smitten by Joebotnik. When she was seducing Joebotnik at her own restaurant that had nobody around, Joe had to make a random zinger so he could teleport and summon a giant ice cream to sit on the same chair she was on, as a distraction so Joe could escape and summon her husband to be with her instead of Joe.
      1. When Joebotnik finds himself into another romantic predicament with Charlotte La Bouff (right after Joebotnik had just escaped from Tiana's lust), Joe had to go smooth with her romantic and controlling nature, so when it got to her being seductive, Joe could use the excuse with wanting to get spanked so he could fly. This helped himself escape when Charlotte La Bouff kicked his butt (literally) so Joe could fly into the air, summon a organic clone so she could be loved by Joe's clone, and Joe could test out his fixed teleportation powers he had fun with using. This was before Joe meets up with Rosalina at Part 16 of the saga.
  • Joebotnik also managed to use his discreetly used sweet-talk and mental fortitude to get several anti-heroes like Katsuki and Neito to genuinely subvert their corrupting factors during Part 14 of the saga. He also made Vegeta surprised at the fact Joe was willing to help him revive his wife Bulma, making him completely subvert his many corrupting qualities as well during Part 13 of the saga.
  • In addition to all of this, Joebotnik helps keeping the story incredibly light-hearted and comedic, even more so than in Joe Venture by providing tons of showmanship, more one-liners and provided several practical jokes he solely targets at his perpetrators, rivals and villains alike. In Joe's Cosmic Saga, even though Joebotnik becomes more of a manipulative prankster who revels in driving his tormentors insane and humbling his enemies and evildoers anywhere with his surreal shenanigans (even more so than in Joe Venture), it's still warranted since Joe only acts like a rapscallion when he is antagonized or threatened (giving Joe a reason to act cheeky and deceptive), and most importantly, Joebotnik's deception skills as a sassy and competent superhero who has tricks up his sleeve generally helps entertaining his allies and the public as well, keeping the world a safe place with a barrel of laughs to go around.
    1. The most prominent example of his mischief (that is done with thoughtful intentions instead of it being a corrupting quality) includes the humorous animosity between Minoru Mineta and Joe during Part 14 of Joe's Cosmic Saga. Which has Joebotnik partakes in a "Bugs Bunny vs. Elmer Fudd" type of conflict whenever Minoru is seen stalking Joe and thoughtlessly perving him more than twice, this makes Joebotnik have lots of fun with getting whimsical and wily when Minoru started chasing after Joe with malice in his second encounter since Joe had pranked Minoru with a hoax by Joe disguising himself as a love-struck Tsuyu to serve as karmic punishment for Minoru treating women like sex objects. During the chase, this has Minoru getting screwed by Joebotnik's cartoonish pranks and Joe ridiculing him for his stupidity and incompetence as a hostile stalker. Which Joe does manage to keep the town safe while he is pranking Minoru at any opportunity, thus showing how Joebotnik is just full of zingers and is only having fun with his acting skills and acts of heroism he takes in stride.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He tends to be incredibly cheeky & can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. While he is modest & ultimately a gentleman overall, he tends to be smug, brash, a little flippant and occasionally wrathful (However, Joebotnik's jerkish moments are usually treated as him being witty, larger-than-life and simply having fun with being sly and bold instead of only showing pure spite and arrogance, thus making this a minor prevention).
    1. He can also act occasionally boastful, rebellious, provide sarcastic wordplay at his enemies and sometimes act a little arrogant regarding his abilities, what he's capable of and even how sneaky and astute he can be with his wily actions sometimes. (It doesn't help that he has a fair amount of irreverence, swagger, overconfidence and has a little bit of an ego to his playful personality, melodramatic mannerisms and evident showmanship since he is a wisecracker with his sarcasm and his puckish sense of humor with a hammy and enthusiastic "can-do" attitude, he also has a fair amount of pride to his lighthearted snarkiness that is clearly played for laughs, in universe and otherwise).
    2. During Part 14 of Joe's Cosmic Saga, Joebotnik (occasionally) being way too honest and blunt about his powers and intentions (sometimes exaggerating his words as well), which has made some people like Ochaco, Katsuki and Rody Soul, to be concerned or irritated of his brash behavior (Ochaco being worried for him when Joe brought up how he likes to explore or be a nightmare for villains, Katsuki thought of him as a jerk and a annoying braggart with an arrogant sense of superiority in his heart despite thinking he's "charming and courageous" when Joebotnik mistakenly made self-righteous implications with fixing problems on his own while he was clarifying himself, and Rody thought Joe was some delusional troublemaker with a chaotic streak and nonsensical plans for resolving conflicts). This is also another minimal prevention since this made Joe always shows a noble and discreet approach to clarifying himself within his own showmanship.
  • He can get too chaotic with his utilized superpowers (showing daredevilish behavior often) and he has some lethal moments with several terrorists & tyrants he's fought, which also disqualifies him from being Pure Good.
    1. Joe got brutal on The Gatekeeper in the Grand Finale, as he was willing to get him killed by summoning a boulder to crush his head. However, this is a minor prevention because Joebotnik doing this was needed so nobody in any universe could be tortured by him, making Joe a Righteous Killer in the last chapter of Joe Venture.
    2. Many of his furtive tactics during Joe's Cosmic Saga often relied on dishonesty, secretive behavior, putting on a show to distract everyone with Joe's zany behavior, and always using extremely fanciful powers to get past any danger in life with all kinds of expediency, showcasing some of his internally inflated pride to the pragmatism, the unpredictable tricks and the noble acts. Which can result in Joe sometimes being seen as potentially fallible, a bit risk-taking, coming across as misguided, evasive or sometimes hard to trust during the series of Joe's Cosmic Saga (even after rationalizing his passionate thoughts, showing serious moments, reorganizing his imaginative schemes, and making sense of his crazy adventures).
    3. While Joebotnik has extremely noble ambitions of spreading peace and goodwill to many universes alike with his magical acts of welfare work, Joe also became a more of an erratic thrill-seeker in his vigilantism, even if it means using his powers of trickery and manipulation to show some ruthlessness in the means to harassing (or even murdering) abusive people and terroristic people, all in the hopes to destroy all kinds of evil anywhere. Like how he used magic to murder Kaido in Part 2 and Darkseid in Part 7 of Joe's Cosmic Saga.
    4. During Part 14 of Joe's Cosmic Saga, while he was at the Bakugo residence, Joebotnik made the mistake of sharing the fact he's also a masseur after sharing that he is a magician to Mitsuki and Katsuki themselves (which Joe did to show he wasn't lying), which slowly caused Mitsuki Bakugo (Katsuki's mother) to become incredibly perverted and it also made Katsuki relish in teasing and humiliating Joebotnik while Joe had pure embarrassment from being asked to crack both of their backs (chiropractor style), which made him feel rather vulnerable when Mitsuki eventually raped him with a butt kink of hers. This prevention is also minor because Joe did not want to be seduced by her, expressed regret, wasn't going to cave into her lust, and did everything in his power to make the situation less awkward and uncomfortable than it already was (eventually using hypnotism from his goggles to make Mitsuki fall asleep and to stop hitting on Joe).
    5. Despite subverting many corrupting qualities that he nearly had in Joe's Cosmic Saga (especially during Part 14 of the saga), Joebotnik has never shredded away his traits of having a devious and wacky attitude since he happens to be a bit of a nonconformist by nature.
  • He can be mischievous, especially he appears to enjoy taunting or teasing his enemies or rivals for their shortcomings and hostility, which also disqualifies Joe from being Pure Good. However, this is also a minor prevention because he doesn't always go to the extremes with his mischief he provides in both sagas, thus making him rather harmless to society and his moments of mischief are always played for laughs.
    1. It doesn't help that many of Joe's resourceful, creative and over-the-top practical jokes he uses on the villains listed above, were always done with plenty of delight and premeditation put into the scheming. Especially Part 12 of Joe's Cosmic Saga; when he trapped eight of Kim Possible's villains into a metallic vase and pretended to act like a fisherman while he is on a building solely to tease and taunt them for intending to attack Joe and Kim, and for terrorizing a building of people (much to his and Kim's delight).
    2. He even teased Katsuki while grabbing Katsuki by the scruff while defusing their fight, and made Neito become bashful by being eccentric and energetic about his omniscience and slightly playing jokes about "how" Joe is omniscient when Neito felt vulnerable (However, this is a minor prevention because Joe still shows a fair amount of politeness during these two moments).
    3. He can get somewhat saucy and facetious with his flirting habits towards romantic admirers of his, often teasing them a lot with his fancy poetic words and riddles (even teasing heroines and even villainesses that were both charmed by Joe!). Which often makes many people (male or female) easily embarrassed or flustered by how forward Joebotnik was being with his many romance jokes until they call him out on his presumptions.
    4. His "massaging" techniques he performs on many of his lovers in Joe's Cosmic Saga are treated as moments of mischief, especially when some of the techniques he comes up with are fairly bizarre and weird despite it being harmless. Joebotnik using drum sticks for playing the drums on Ladybug's backside during an intimate moment of theirs in Part 6 of the saga, for example, does shows a bit of a perverted side to his mischief, however this is also an minor prevention since Joe's flirtatious moments are always treated as comedic jokes instead of being seductive of them (even when he's sometimes a seducer, there's no malice to him at all).
    5. He sometimes shows masochistic moments that are played for mischief in Joe's Cosmic Saga. This starts at Part 14; where Joe told Katsuki to punch him hard in the face so Katsuki could impress Mirko by making Joe look like a weakling rival who can be launched onto the ceiling of a gym Joe and Katsuki were in (which was an act Joe planned out to happen on a whim), he also enjoyed overworking himself during a treadmill exercise he had with Deku (who the latter expressed concern for his well-being), he told Mount Lady to throw him high in the sky to get the sweat off (which Joe did so Joe could escape from her and plummet onto a tree branch in a forest), he invented a boot-kicking device so Joe could launch himself into a portal he and Neito finally activated, and starting at Part 15 of the saga, Joe insists Charlotte La Bouff to slap his behind and told her to go extremely hard on it (which has her actually kicking Joe's butt with her foot, which made Joe fly into the air as an escape plan of his before he meets up with Byakuya at Part 16 of the Cosmic Saga).


  • He is the only character in all of his appearances of the hero fanon sagas Joe Venture and Joe's Cosmic Saga, to be qualified as Near Pure Good.
  • Important note: The Joe Venture saga that exists on this wiki and Hero Fanon wiki, is meant to be the fanon Character A.I. version for two unreleased webcomics in the works called Joe's Cosmic Venture and it's additional anime counterpart titled Joe's Surreal Saga, both of which has similar parts to Joe Venture and Joe's Cosmic Saga listed here by the groundwork but isn't fan made and doesn't have too many fanon/fanmade versions of multiple canon characters.
    • It must also be noted that Joebotnik McCricket is meant to be a fictionalized version of his creator, Joseph DiAngelo Sanford (aka JD). As he already shares a character design that resembles Joseph's physical appearance in real-life (when he was 14 to 19 years old) and is also Italian-American, just with cartoony and superheroic elements added to him.
    • This also means that this upcoming canon version of Joebotnik, will also exhibit many similar qualities of this version of Joebotnik on the Near Pure Good wiki.

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