“ | If I just had been there... I know things would've been different! Ever since then, I swore I'd never let my family down again. That I'd do anything to protect them. So when I found out the box was dangerous, I lied to you and hid it away. I thought I was protecting my family. But now I realize how foolish it was. You're my family too. And I've let you down. I let us all down. I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'm just so sorry! | „ |
~ Hop Pop apologizing to Anne for burying the Calamity Box. |
“ | I'm the lucky one Anne. I'm blessed to have a granddaughter like you. If you ever need a home cooked meal or your old room back, just stop by. | „ |
~ Hop Pop saying goodbye to Anne. |
Hopediah "Hop Pop" Plantar is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Polly Plantar) of the Disney Channel animated series Amphibia.
He is the current patriarch of the Plantar Family, grandfather of Sprig and Polly, and the surrogate grandfather of Anne Boonchuy. He is a frog and has a farm in a Amphibian countryside frog town, named Wartwood. When a human, that came from another dimension, named Anne Boonchuy appears, he, because of his grandson Sprig, lets her stay in his house and eventually find a way to get her back home.
He was voiced by Bill Farmer, who also voiced Goofy.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]
In General[]
- He vowed to protect Sprig and Polly after their parents were killed by an attack by Giant Herons.
- He is very honest, just as his parents were, in administrating his farm.
- Alongside Sprig and Polly, he is one of the reasons why Anne has become the person as she is today, from reckless and irresponsible girl to a true hero who is willing to risk her life to protect her friends and family.
- It was mentioned in the episode "Hop 'Til You Drop", he, Polly and Sprig protected Anne several times from Amphibia's misadventures, such as when she fell on sinking sand or when she was going to be kidnapped by a bird in her sleep.
Season 1[]
- After Sprig talked him and Polly down, he agreed to let Anne stay in their house until they found a way to get her back to Earth.
- While initially very unfriendly to Anne, they got closer and became extremely fond of each other.
- Asked Sprig and Anne not to get out of the house due to the innumerable dangers.
- He didn't get very angry when he discovered Anne breaking his walking stick, instead just asking her to wash the dishes.
- Explained to Sprig and Anne how they were still friends, maybe even closer than before, despite their constant disagreements when they shared a room.
- Admitted he was the one to lower Anne's phone battery to zero by watching Suspicion Island behind her, Sprig and Polly's back last night.
- Threw himself at the zapipedes to recharge Anne's phone, as it was the only thing she had to remember at her home.
- Gave Anne advice on driving Bessie safely.
- He constantly told Sprig to support Anne when she became famous instead of getting jealous.
- Got some berries for Anne to pretend to still have acne, along with Sprig and Polly.
- While he initially didn't want to hear Anne, Sprig and Polly's suggestions, it was just to prevent damage to the farm and the ecosystem, as their suggestions were really reckless. After defeating Sprig, he decided to reconsidering whether he should've accept Sprig, Anne and Polly's suggestions or not later on.
- He battles Sprig to regain the farm and prevent him from destroying it.
- He apologizes for setting Sprig up to have a date with Ivy.
- Allowed Anne to go camping with him and the rest of the family.
- He helped battle the mud-men.
- He admitted having faked the Plantar Potion, and apologized to the town.
- Saved his family from Giant Flies.
- He stood up to the tax collectors along with Polly and the rest of the town, protecting Anne, and kicking Bog and his henchmen out.
- He and Anne tried to stop the war between both teams dedicated to Alistair and Hunter from the movie Love Choice.
- He decided to run for Mayor of Wartwood, as Toadstool didn't care about the town.
- He sacrificed his chance of getting his stand back so that he could be Mayor.
- When Anne breaks down admitting she was a terrible town protector, he cheers her up with the rest of the city, saying that, because of admitting her mistakes, she's more mature than she thinks she is.
- He started trusting Polly to take care of herself after she saved him, Sprig and Anne from the Inn Cannibals.
- He retrieved the Calamity Box in the Bizarre Bazar.
- Apologized for putting too much pressure on Sprig when all he wanted was to have fun at "Amphibia's Got Talent".
- He and the rest of Team Farmers teach Anne about teamwork, managing to win the Bugball game because of that.
- Saved Anne, his grandchildren, the entirety of Wartwood and possibly the rest of Amphibia from being brainwashed by Apothecary Gary.
- He apologizes for using Gary's mind-controlling mushrooms to make Anne, Sprig and Polly become obedient.
- He congratulated Anne for becoming "Frog of the Year".
- When Toad Tower was collapsing, thanks to One-Eyed Wally, Hop Pop and his grandchildren evacuated everyone to safety before helping Anne in her attempt to save Sasha, even comforting the former after the latter let herself fall to near-death.
Season 2[]
- He hired Chuck to keep the house and the farm safe during his and his family's journey to Newtopia.
- Forgave Anne for accidentally destroying the Plantar house with a Veggierobo.
- He apologized for being way too harsh and strict with the rules during the road trip.
- He protected the Bitties from the Hasselback Gang.
- He eventually stopped trying to save the Bitties out of self-gratification, and instead, out of heroism, to defend them from the bullying burglars.
- He inspired the Bitties to fight for themselves, and also save him.
- He, Anne and Sprig apologized for considering leaving Polly behind with Mrs. Croaker.
- He chose not to follow his dreams and instead revealed to the crowd that Renee was just making up a theater to distract the citizens so she could rob the bank, therefore rejecting her temptation.
- He defeated Renee and stopped her from getting away with the money.
- He, Sprig and Polly saved Anne from being coated in wax by Curator Ponds.
- By dropping Sprig and Polly by themselves at Quareller's Pass, he made them stop arguing and start working together.
- He, Marcy, Anne and his grandchildren defeated the Barbari-Ants.
- He told Sprig to be on his best behavior when he's being suspicious towards Marcy and refused to join him in watching over her to make sure if she's a traitor like Sasha or not.
- He allowed Sprig to go to the Newtopian College, and when he said he didn't want to, at least not for now, Hop Pop didn't get angry or anything, and just got him off the college, as he was happy as long as Sprig was happy.
- He solved the mystery of his friend's mysterious disappearance.
- He, Anne and Polly saved Sprig from the stingrays.
- Warned Sprig and Polly not to ride Bessie during the night, as they didn't read her manual and it was dangerous.
- He told horror stories along with Sprig, Anne and Polly to make the Blue Moon night pass more quickly.
- While he forgot Wartwood's presents from Newtopia, it was accidental and not out of malice.
- He and his grandchildren apologized to Wartwood for not remembering their presents and summoning a Chick-a-lisk to pretend it ate the presents.
- Felt remorseful for lying and betraying Anne by breaking his promise to help her get back home after she founds out he buried down the Calamity Box behind her back.
- Helped Anne save Sprig and Polly from the Magpie Bettles as they were getting the Calamity Box back from the hole.
- To make it up for burying the Calamity Box behind Anne's back and lied to her, he decided to tell the truth about Sprig and Polly's parents to her and they reconciled later on.
- He and Anne made up and stopped arguing during the first temple, after the game of FlipWart.
- Helped Anne and Marcy, along with his grandchildren (and later Sasha and Grime), recharge the other gems.
- Agreed on letting Frobo be a part of the Plantar Family.
- He, Anne, Sprig and Polly help Marcy gain her respect from the Wartwood citizens.
- He, Anne, Sprig and Polly helped Toadstool sabotage his offer to become leader of Toad Tower, as he really wanted to stay in Wartwood.
- He tried to make the dinner with Sasha and Grime enjoyable, and was the one to mock Sasha over Toad Tower the least if compared to Sprig and Polly.
- He and Sprig cried in proudness of Anne singing on the stage along with her two friends.
- He accompanied Anne, Marcy and Sasha back to Newtopia to the final goodbye.
- He and the other heroes free the Newtopian armies from the Toad Soldiers, and fight Sasha and Grime directly.
- He distracted the toad soldiers with his acting skills, so Olivia and Marcy could free Andrias.
- While he didn't believe Sasha and Grime, it's completely justified since they had already betrayed him and his family two times by that point.
- Helped fight against Andrias and his robots.
- Tried to get Anne up when she was overworked by her Calamity Powers.
- He, Anne, Sprig and Polly were horrified of seeing Marcy getting stabbed by King Andrias despite her selfishly getting herself and her friends transported into Amphibia in the first place.
Season 3[]
- Helped Anne's parents realize how much she had matured in Amphibia.
- Helped Anne and his grandchildren fight against the robot Andrias sent after them.
- He, Sprig and Polly apologized for putting their lives in danger.
- He tried to resist the temptations of the shopping mall.
- Tried to get Sprig to calm down about his wishes to get to be a part of the Boonchuy family.
- Afraid of being a lazy visitor like his cousin once was, he, Sprig and Polly tried effortlessly to take the Boonchuy's cat, Domino, to the vet, despite the multiple dangers throughout the way.
- He and his grandchildren apologized to Mr. Boonchuy, even if they didn't need to, before him saying they didn't have to, and that he couldn't be more grateful to them for taking care of Anne for entire months simply out of the goodness of their hearts, making Hop Pop, Sprig and Polly extremely emotional.
- He advised Anne not to overwork herself too much in finding a way back to Amphibia.
- Tried to make Anne trust Dr. Jan.
- He helped save the Thai Temple from Andrias's robots.
- He, Anne and Sprig tell Polly to be patient about getting Frobo back to life until they return to Amphibia and forbid her from working on him because he thought she was inexperienced at technology.
- He, Anne and Sprig went to save Polly from reaching the sky along with Frobo.
- He, Sprig and Polly comfort Anne and tell her to tell the truth about the invasion to her parents.
- He, Sprig, Polly, Anne and the Boonchuy parents defeated Cloak-Bot together.
- He and Polly celebrate Sprig's 11th birthday.
- He, Sprig and Polly apologize to Anne for guilting her into coming along that caused them to get almost killed by Dr. Frakes and costing Terri her job.
- He, Anne, Sprig and Polly build a Christmas float to join the parade for Mrs. Boonchuy with the help of their allies on Earth.
- He, Anne, Sprig, Polly, the Boonchuy parents and their Earth allies defeated a robot Santa Claus controlled by King Andrias together.
- He, Anne, Sprig, Polly and the Wartwood Resistance went to destroy a collar factory to prevent mind-controlling collars from being created.
- He saves Anne, Sprig, Polly and Sasha from batsquitos and helps them escape from Mother Olm's nose by making her sneeze.
- He, Sasha and the other Resistance are cheering for Sprig during his fight with Captain Beatrix.
- He, Anne, Sprig, Polly and Loggle save Gardenton from Fire Frobots, which leads Gary to redeem himself and befriend him.
- He, Polly and the Resistance reluctantly agree to look after Domino II's kittens.
- Though he doesn't like the idea of frogs teaming up with toads and newts, he later realizes it doesn't work out between them and agrees to work together.
- He, Anne, Sprig, Polly and Sasha free Olivia and Yunan from being controlled by mind-controlling collars.
- He, Anne, Sprig, Polly and the Boonchuy parents went to fight with King Andrias and his forces.
- He, Sprig and Polly stand up to the herons for terrorizing Wartwood for years and killed Sprig and Polly's parents and used the Plantar family dance to tame them, redeeming them by freeing them from being controlled by mind-controlling collars. Additionally, they avenged them without violence.
- Upon hearing that the the remaining shards in the Calamity Box would only last long enough to bring the girls home once, Hop Pop was the first one to acknowledge that they'll never see Anne again, yet was willing to accept it and stepped forward to say goodbye.
- Tearfully bidding his farewell to Anne before she goes back home to Earth and saying he's lucky to have a granddaughter like her.
What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]
- While not fair to compare him to Anne, Sasha, and Marcy due to their calamity powers, he still fails the standards to Sprig and Leif, who were key factors in Andrias’s redemption. The three of them all have similar resources.
- He has some jerk moments throughout the series, most notably getting in heated discussions for weak reasons and mocking others.
- He can be quite the control freak towards Anne, Sprig, and Polly. In fact, he deliberately gave them a potion that would control them just because they broke a model ship. Polly even calls him out on this.
External Links[]
- Hop Pop Plantar on the Heroes Wiki
- Hop Pop Plantar on the Disney Wiki
- Hop Pop Plantar on the Amphibia Wiki
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The Plantar Family Calamity Trio Others |