Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Oh, Babbly-boo, I hate being apart. If I had to do it all over, I'da done more ta keep you hea. Best friends, they're worth fighting for, ya know?
~ Harleen to her best friend, Barbara Gordon in Sweet Justice, Part 3.
Youse guys are villains? Why didn't you say something?!
~ Harleen at the Super Villain Girls before to reveal at them to be a supervillain, too.
Come on! You knew I was always gonna come around. I just wanted to make one of those perfectly-timed bad-guy-turns-good dramatic entrances. How'd I do?
~ Harley Quinn redeeming herself in Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse

Harleen Quinzel (also known as Harley Quinn) is a supporting character in the second generation of the DC Super Hero Girls franchise. Harleen is a student at Metropolis High School, and is also Batgirl's best friend and partner. She was a recurring antagonist and a member of the Super Villain Girls for both seasons of the series, until the movie Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse where she becomes the seventh member of the Super Hero Girls.

She is voiced by Tara Strong, who also voices her first generation counterpart and Batgirl in the same series as well as Bubbles in The Powerpuff Girls, 10 year old Ben Tennyson in Ben 10 and Ashi in Samurai Jack.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • She's has been Barbara's best friend since second grade, and despite her villain double-life, she genuinely loves and cares for Babs.
  • While she used to stay on the same team as the villains, Harley is on much friendlier terms with the heroines (in their civilian forms) as much with Babs.
  • Deep down she was always good, only her criminal activities and her involvement with other villains seemed to contradict it. Even she herself admitted that she loved to turn the world upside down but did not want to destroy it.
  • Somebody can argue that Harleen is too annoying due her antics, unlike the Super Hero Girls that are "always" pleasant. It's wrong because, besides her wackiness, Harleen is loyal, caring, supportive, optimistic and lively. The SHG, despite their good qualities, sometimes they showed through the series bad habits and naughtiness: Karen sometimes is mean-spirited, if she feels provoked; Zee is self-obsessed; Jessica sometimes is self-righteous and tries to force her ideas to others; Kara is short-tempered and rebellious; Babs is grating and condescendingly smug about her intelligence and skills, then she used to dislike Harley Quinn for her jokes, irony and puns, despite the fact that Babs/Batgirl herself does exactly the same thing; finally, Diana is too obsessed of perfection and shows to feel annoyed by Harleen more than her friends, in contrast to her G1 counterpart who treats her Harley like a friend instead a nuisance. Plus, there's that time that Supergirl, Green Lantern, Zatanna and Bumblebee tried to assault/kill Steve Trevor just because Diana was constantly distracted by him. It doesn't matter if Harley was a supervillain and they always have been superheroes. Harley has her flaws, but the SHG are not better than her.

In the series[]

  • In Sweet Justice, Part 3, Harleen makes a call to Barbara from Gotham City for saying miss her, that she'd have done more to keep her in Gotham, and that best friends are worth fighting for, which inspires Babs to fight so that Diana stay in Metropolis. This makes Harleen indirectly responsible for the rebuilding of the team.
  • In Gotham Con, she tries to murder Robin several times because he humiliated Barbara and genuinely thought it would have made her happy; but when she saw Babs crying at Robin's mannequin, believing it to be Robin himself, she felt remorse. And when she mistakenly believes Barbara was actually a Robin fan due to how happy she was over him being alive, she immediately tries to stop the bomb she planted under his chair; turned off the bomb, and later she tracks him down, threatens him to sign an autograph for her.
  • In Emperor Penguin, Harleen suggested to Babs to get help to carry out a nice deed with one of her connections, who turns out to be The Penguin. Even though The Penguin ends up to blackmail Babs, in Harleen's defense, she genuinely tried to help her friend.
  • In The Warrior and the Jester, Harleen gifts to Babs a Batman's ear. After Diana destroyed the ear by mistake, she turns to Harleen for help getting a similar keepsake. Upon arriving at Gotham City, Harleen tries to bond with Diana taking her on a tour of the city. In the end of the episode, Harleen saves the situation giving to Babs a used-in-combat Batarang from Batman, which Babs gets super giddy about.
  • In Nightmare in Gotham, Barbara and Harleen go trick-or-treating to Gotham dressed as Wonder Woman. Diana, knowing the identity of the latter and that her friendship is at stake, persuades the other girls to go as well so she can secretly keep watch on Harleen. During the outing, Barbara gets a call from Batman alerting her to the Joker's plans to make this Halloween the scariest one ever; at the same time, Harleen receives a call from the Joker asking for her help. While initially she assists the Joker in his scheme, in the end the Joker reveals his plan to destroy Gotham City with a bomb that Harley is to detonate. Harley already had hesitant thoughts about it, but after Barbara unmasks herself, she can't bring herself to do it. So, Harley secretly disarms the detonator, thus saving both Babs and Gotham.

DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power[]

  • She joined forces with the Super Hero Girls and helped them defeat Lena Luthor and Toyman.

Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse[]

  • Even after learning that Babs is Batgirl, Harley never told to anyone about her friend's secret identity to the Super Villain Girls.
  • While initially joins in the Legion of Doom and help the villains to get rid of all the superheroes sending them in the Phantom Zone, afterwards she becomes worried about Babs' safety.
  • Realizing that the villains are going too far, Harley secretly help Wonder Woman to escape from the Hall of Doom.
  • To notice that, Cythonna mind-control the villains by feeding herself with their evilness, except Harley. This because while the Villains become more evil, Harley instead become more good.
  • Furthermore, she resigned from the team and reunited with Batgirl.
  • When Batgirl get Bumblebee's emergency call, the first thing that Harleen does is following her cape-crusade friend.
  • Thanks to Bumblebee' motivating speech, Harley chose to help the Super Hero Girls to save the world and the other superheroes; surprising Lex Luthor whom she knocks out with her mallet, defeating him and saving Zatanna.
  • In the end, Harley's good deeds make the Super Hero Girls finally realize that they're wrong to consider her a rotten apple, then they welcome her in their victory hug, accepting her as teammate and friend.
  • Redeemed, from now on Harleen will assist Babs in her vigilante activities like Batgirl's partner.
  • Although the Super Hero Girls directly defeated Cythonna, it's happened also thanks at Harley's support, who helped Wonder Woman to reunite with her friends and later when she saved Zatanna from Lex Luthor. This means, that Harley Quinn helped the Super Hero Girls to save the world, too.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Even after redeeming herself, Harleen doesn't shed her mischievous and wacky attitude.


  • She is the only incarnation of Harley Quinn to be Near Pure Good.
  • She, Batgirl, Wonder Woman and Bumblebee are the only DC Super Hero Girls heroes to be Near Pure Good.
  • She is also the only near pure good character from DC Super Hero Girls who started out as a villain.

External Links[]


           Cartoon Network Logo Near Pure Goods

TV Series
The Powerpuff Girls
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup | Professor Utonium | Ms. Sara Bellum

Codename: Kids Next Door
Nigel Uno | Hoagie Gilligan | Abigail Lincoln

Powerpuff Girls Z

Pink Panther and Pals
Pink Panther

Samurai Jack

Total Drama
Gwen | Cameron | Mike

Teen Titans
Robin | Starfire | Cyborg | Beast Boy

Ed, Edd n Eddy

Ben 10
Ben Tennyson

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Ahsoka Tano | Riyo Chuchi | R2-D2

Adventure Time
Finn Mertens

Regular Show

DreamWorks Dragons
Stoick the Vast | Astrid Hofferson | Fishlegs Ingerman

Steven Universe
Pearl | Lapis Lazuli | Peridot | Lars Barriga

The Looney Tunes Show
Bugs Bunny

Teen Titans Go!

We Bare Bears
Grizz Bear

Infinity Train
Tulip Olsen | Atticus | Grace Monroe

DC Super Hero Girls (2019)
Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Bumblebee | Harley Quinn

Over the Garden Wall
Wirt | Beatrice

Adult Swim
Samurai Jack

Regular Show

Final Space
Quinn Ergon | John Goodspeed | Kevin Van Newton

Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls
Sonic the Hedgehog | Bubbles | Buttercup | Courage the Cowardly Dog | Sarah | Blacksun

The Legend of Team Brunette
Kittie | Sarah

See Also
Powerpuff Girls Near Pure Goods | Regular Show Near Pure Goods | Final Space Near Pure Goods
