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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Hannah Parker-Kent is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Darbie O'Brien) of the Prime Video original series Just Add Magic and one of the overarching protagonists of its limited spin-off series Just Add Magic: Mystery City. She's one of Kelly Quinn's closest friends, who serves as the responsible, organized, and often paranoid voice of reason within the trio.

She was portrayed by Aubrey Miller.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • Even before she became a protector, Hannah was already the most responsible and organized member of the girl trio. Compared to Kelly (who tends to be very controlling, and can often be an irrational thinker) and Darbie (who despite being carefree and patient, can also be very forgetful, and is prone to making a lot of mistakes), Hannah was typically the most on top of things, talking Kelly down when the latter gets upset, and making sure that Darbie studied, made it to school on time and took her vitamins.
  • While she may not always get along with her older sister Hailey, she doesn't go out of her way to pester or annoy her, tries to stay on her good side as often as people, and the times she does make Hailey upset are usually unintentional. She ultimately has a healthy relationship with Hailey and truly loves her despite their differences.
  • Despite being arguably the most scared of Gina Silvers during the first season due to the latter's scary demeanor, she'd actually get to know her in the second season and onwards, and gain a very close friendship with her, sympathizing with her troubles and loneliness, and encouraging her to starting playing piano in public again, claiming she was still gifted in spite of being cursed for all those years. So in a massive case of irony, Hannah would gain closer friendship with Silvers than either of her partners.
  • Despite her and Darbie taking the magic seriously and putting a lot of effort into solving the mysteries and fighting threats, they're both more cautious about the magic's severe risks and harmful effects than Kelly typically is, and they both know when to step back and abandon a severe risk when necessary.
  • In spite of her and Darbie being total opposites personality-wise who probably wouldn't even be friends without Kelly, they're typically able to put their differences aside and are simply happy they're friends in the present at all, even viewing each other as sisters.

Season 1[]

  • Despite not even being as close to Becky Quinn (Kelly's grandmother) as Kelly herself, she spends the majority of the season trying to aid Kelly in finding a cure for Becky's "illness"/curse, taking the situation almost as seriously as her.
  • In "Just Add Dogs", After Kelly agreed to look after the neighbor's dog 'Cowboy' as a way to earn money to help out her ill grandmother, and afford magic species for potential magic recipes they may need to use to try helping, and invited Hannah and Darbie over, she and Darbie would aid her looking after the dog, including tracking it down it goes missing.
  • In "Just Add Mom", After Kelly's mother accidently places herself under a truth spell with a Bitter Truth Truffle, Hannah and Darbie would discover that eating a second truffle would break the spell, and get Kelly's mother to eat a second truffle to break her truth spell before her brutal honestly got her in trouble.
  • In "Just Add Jake", she supported Rockbury Middle School's underfunded music club, and tried to help the club get a new piano. When she became one of the two finalists, she delivers a speech and participates in a debate attempting to aid the club by getting more votes. While she ultimately loses the vote, her dedication to the cause would inspire Gina Silvers to anonymously donate a piano, meaning the music club would still benefit.
  • In "Just Add Do-Overs", when Kelly comes up with the idea to go to Miss Silvers' house to get ahold of the latter's morbium seed in an attempt to save her grandma, Hannah begrudgingly volunteers to seek into Silvers' house despite being extremely scared of her, due to having more interest in classical music than Kelly and Darbie. She'd also discover a list in Gina's house showcasing that numerous people in Saffron Falls have been getting cursed (but Hannah falsely assumed they were Gina's victims.)
  • In "Just Add Memories", She and Darbie realize that the downside to Kelly using the PHO-tographic Memory Soup is that's she constantly forgetting things, and losing hours of her life, not caring about the consequences. Hannah would dispose of the soup for Kelly's own good, telling Kelly that the price she was paying wasn't worth it.
  • Despite Kelly being willing to pay a very severe price in order to use a powerful spell and save her grandma, Hannah was against Kelly recklessly endangering herself for Becky's sake.
  • In "Just Add Pluots Part 1", while Hannah does go behind Kelly's back and rather out to her (Kelly's) mother, having Kelly take the fall and get punished for some of her shady actions and ultimately grounded (making Kelly and Darbie understandably furious), it's made clear that Hannah only did this in order to protect Kelly and the entire town from being unnecessarily endangered from an enormous price. She didn't seem to enjoy having to do so, especially since she tried talking Kelly out of her plan the normal way first.
  • In spite of Kelly renouncing her friendship with Hannah after doing the above act, Hannah still tries to talk sense into Kelly. And when that doesn't work, she does some investigation and pieces together that all of the town's curses benefited Mama P rather than Gina Silvers as she previously thought, so she'd call Silvers to confirm and apologize for accusing her. She'd also warn Darbie about Mama P's true nature, and play a role in the latter trying to warn Kelly.
  • In "Just Add Pluots Part 2", Hannah shows great concern when Darbie goes missing, and upon learning just how severe the curse would be for everyone who eats the pluots, she tries her best to prevent Mama P and Kelly from selling enough pluots, and protect her from the impending curse, regardless of whether Kelly would remain on bad terms with her. She even tips Jake off over the revelation.
  • Neither her nor Darbie hold much of a grudge against Kelly when the latter realizes Mama P duped her, and shows great remorse for yelling at them, and almost ending their friendship. The two of them would even work with her to try making things right by creating a new magic recipe using what they knew so far about magic (Last Ditch Layer Cake). Said recipe would end up allowing the people of Saffron Falls to move again, but it would also break all of the curses present in the area, including Grandma Becky's curse, and allowing Ms. Silvers to play piano in public again.

Season 2A[]

  • In "Just Add Halloween", upon traveling to a past Halloween and seeing that the other kids were scared of Ms. Silvers, thinking she was a witch (like the girl trio themselves once did) and nearly TPing her house, she, Kelly and Darbie scare the kids off, and feel bad for Silvers' mistreatment as they now know she was just a misunderstood loner with a good heart.
  • In "Just Add Summer", When Kelly's grandma Becky shows concern about the possibility of Chuck being back in Saffron Falls and intending to bring harm to others, She and Darbie aid Kelly in trying to help settle Becky fears by doing a "Settle the Beef Sandwich" recipe.
  • She, Kelly and Darbie called out Becky, Ida and Gina for refusing to forgive each other (due to Chuck's disappearance among other things), stating none of them would ever be happy until they were able to make up.
  • In "Just Add Chuck", upon actually meeting Chuck in person for the first time, finding out he had amnesia, and him explaining that he was poor and slept in the playground, she, Kelly and Darbie, were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, and give up a makeover to help him adjust to the current era.
  • When Kelly suffers the downside of the Trust Me Tabouli by becoming overly paranoid about everything, she and Darbie use double reverse psychology aware that Kelly would be unwilling to eat anything at risk of spelling her, so they'd use a spell involving Tamarian juice and trick her into drinking it, changing Kelly back to normal.
  • In "Just Add 1965", Despite clearly not liking Mama P after finding out she had duped Kelly for her own goals, she and her friends still show sympathy for Mama P's father losing his job and the family falling apart due to him being unable to find work.
  • In "Just Add Saphron", When Kelly gets nervous about the possibility of Chuck trying to get her father fired from his job (due to actions he did in the past), Hannah and Gina Silvers would cook some Lemon Lie-m Mints (which Silvers created in the past) meant for Kelly's dad so he could see through Chuck's lies and deceptions, just to be safe.
  • She notices that Gina Silvers was the only member of the OCs who didn't view Chuck as a threat, and when Gina explains how Chuck wasn't as bad as he seemed on the surface, Hannah silently takes her advice to heart.
  • In "Just Add Fixings", She, Kelly and Darbie would try to help out Jake with his broken-down food bike, using a spell (Chicken N-Fix-Its) that would make them expert repair-girls, and they'd quickly fix and even improve his food bike. Although, they'd also have to repair Mama P's reputation -- due to her massive rant in the Season 1 finale-- in order for Jake to officially be able to sell his food.
  • In "Just Add Meddling", she realized that Kelly was using overusing magic for trivial (non-essential) purposes and calls her out for doing so, pointing out that they were running low on spices thanks to Kelly.
  • She and Darbie set up an intervention regarding Kelly's over-reliance on magic and lack of concern for the consequences, and temporarily confiscate the book from her as a means to force her to take a break and have her drop her addiction, claiming they did it because they loved Kelly and were worried about her.
  • In "Just Add History", upon finding out Chuck had somehow possessed Jake and took over his life, she, Kelly and Darbie are clearly upset at themselves for not thinking about how their best friend was under his control, with Hannah saying she felt bad she didn't notice. And they spent nearly the entire episode trying to find way to remove Chuck from Jake's body and bring Jake back to his normal self.
  • The trio worried that their "Kick 'Em Out Chicken Soup" recipe wouldn't be effective enough to get Chuck out of Jake's body, but Hannah realized that smell was more powerful than taste, and convinced the others to have Chuck breathe the soup in rather than taste it.
  • She, Kelly and Darbie would come across the "Kick 'Em Out Chicken Soup" recipe, which they'd planned on using on Chuck in order to get him out of Jake's body and allow Jake to regain control.
  • In spite of nearly being trapped inside the cookbook by Chuck, Hannah's still willing to forgive Chuck after the latter shows remorse for his heinous actions and redeems himself after getting Rose back.

Season 2B[]

  • When she, Kelly and Darbie notice the book had mysteriously disappeared, and was in the possession of RJ White, they worry about him using the book for selfish purposes. (i.e.: buying the winning lottery ticket, winning the Trifecta).
  • In "Just Add RJ", Hannah shows concern when Kelly and Darbie unintentionally get affected and become unlikable with the magic. She'd also do some research on Alyssa Escovel -- whom RJ was planning on giving a cupcake to -- where she'd learn RJ was previously her boyfriend, and he was trying to get Alyssa back without her consent.
  • She, Kelly, Darbie and Jake would spy on RJ White to make sure he wasn't using the cookbook's magic for any harm, even intercepting a cupcake he made for his girlfriend. (Though she losing points for being a stalker to a stranger with very little proof he was actually harming anyone, and sending Jake to spy on him) Then when the girl trio finds out about RJ's intentions, they would try to trick RJ into doing a spell to give the book back to them.
  • In "Just Add Gumdrops", even though she, Kelly and Darbie were clearly upset with RJ for misusing the book's power, they were still willing to listen to RJ's warning about how they were in danger, and were shown to be scared when he loses his knowledge and memories of magic mid-sentence.
  • In "Just Add Contagion", she got Gina Silvers an interview to become Fox Canyon's new music teacher, and helped her prepare by trying to make her less stressed with pretend interviews
    • While under P's personality, Hannah would give Silvers some advice for the interview and then spread P's confidence to her shortly before the it in order give Silvers the confidence needed to get the job. In fact, when Hannah's back to herself, she'd tell Kelly and Darbie that Mama P wasn't all bad.
  • When an extraction spell on Mama P goes wrong and Kelly gets affected with Mama P's competitive and shady personality, Hannah's the first to notice Kelly's change in personality when Kelly takes down an Adam Lever sign to put a Terri Quinn sign in its place and she'd put the Lever sign back in its place (unaware that Kelly would simply cover it with a Quinn sign)
    • She'd also piece together that Mama P had lost own personality traits and gets Jake to supervise Mama P without letting her buy anything from a crooked salesman.
    • Hannah disapproves of Kelly's (under P's personality) idea of infiltrating Lever's headquarters posing his campaign volunteers and sneaking into the records room for dirt, and she'd touch Kelly so that Hannah would be affected by P's personality instead, and Kelly would drop the idea.
  • In "Just Add Beginnings", she encouraged Darbie to take on the role of being the new head of the crew when the previous head had to quit.
  • In "Just Add Silvers", she, along with one of Silvers' clones, would go to Everything Antiques to find a mysterious, important box that Becky try to tell Kelly about before losing her memories. Hannah would also try gaining from information from Becky that could explain when and how she lost her memories, and after learning that the key was to be used book-end first, she'd find a vanilla bean and a photo of RJ, Noelle and Arthur (while falsely assuming he was an ex-protector)
  • With Gina Silvers being the last OC with magic-related memories remaining, the trio tries to keep her safe from the potential threat, by using a cloning spell so the culprit would spell the wrong Silvers.
  • In "Just Add Caroline", Hannah would talk with Mr. Morris about possible ways Caroline was having people lose their memories of magic and some spells and/or alterations she may have used, planning to use a spell on Caroline to wipe her own memories so she couldn't harm anyone else.
  • In "Just Add Spices", After Mr. Morris loses his memories of magic, and in turn, his desire to be a teacher at Fox Canyon Magnet School, Hannah would encourage him to continue teaching there so he could help and inspire people, expressing how she realized learning is about more than getting good grades, but rather the journey of discovery. This convinces him to stay, and it showcases how Hannah wasn't scared of Morris anymore and gained newfound appreciation for his style of teaching.
  • She, Kelly and Darbie are able to restore the magic spice garden, and save magic from Caroline Palmer, despite knowing there would be a strong price to pay with the spell they were using.

Season 3[]

  • In "Just Add Time Travel", when a young Becky (Kelly's future grandmother) time-travels from 1975 to 2014, finds out about her cooking partners Ida and Gina still being in Saffron Falls despite wanting to travel due to the magic tearing them apart and the two cursing each other, and goes back to her own time to fix things, only to alter the timeline and make things differently bad in the future... the girl trio would travel back to her time to inform young Becky about how her actions would lead to Silvers turning evil and Ida being terrified of her, and they'd get Becky to start a new fight in order to restore the timeline to normal. Though, they still understand that Becky had good intentions and didn't mean to mess up the future.
  • In "Just Add Plants", when three assorted people accidentally spell themselves to be repelling with bitter kale smoothies, Hannah and Darbie would give them sweet smoothies to counter the previous spell's effects and then try to gather up and harvest the various magic plants that popped up across town so nobody else could accidentally be spelled.
  • She, Kelly and Darbie would slowly restore the damage done by Caroline Palmer restoring some of their allies' knowledge of magic via having them eat an enchanted quiche.
  • In "Just Add Tomorrow", Hannah disapproved of Leah using the former's phone to film and post a video of another student getting their sweater stuck in their locker and embarrassing said student, especially with Leah claimed Hannah was the one to post it. Plus, during some of the do-overs of the day, Hannah would learn from her mistake, and refuse to give Leah her phone to prevent the other student's embarrassment, regardless of whether Leah would call Hannah a teacher's pet without a sense of humor. Even when Hannah was told she supposedly had to relive the day as it happened the first time, she still refused to give Leah her phone or let the student get humiliated.
  • In "Just Add Karma", despite not getting along with Leah very well, and Leah often picking on and humiliating her, Hannah still disapproves of Darbie putting a karma spell on Leah
  • After Kelly claims she found a recipe would help them catch the Night Bandit, Hannah and Darbie were willing to cook with her, thinking they were catching the Night Bandit. Neither of them knew at the time they Kelly actually was the Night Bandit, and that the latter was using them to keep the book for herself, roping them into her scheme.
  • In "Just Add Kelly", When Hannah and Darbie learn the truth about Kelly being the Night Bandit and her intentions for the cookbook, they'd tip off Gina Silvers about what they had learned and restore Becky Quinn's memories of magic to tell her as well.
    • They'd also wait until Kelly's asleep to use "In Your Head Banana Bread" to get inside Kelly's head and find out why Kelly was acting so strange and manipulative.
    • And when they learn that Kelly was suffering the downside of the same recipe that restored the magic spice garden by having her thoughts get poisoned, they also realize Night Bandit Kelly was insecure over their friendship potentially not lasting without the magic, so they'd alter the spell to make Kelly see the truth in their minds and how they really felt, which was just the push needed for Kelly's curse to be undone.
    • After Kelly returns to normal, neither of them hold Kelly's actions up to that point against her, as they knew Kelly didn't commit those actions on her own accord and was under the effects of magic poisoning, even when Night Bandit Kelly successfully made them the permanent protectors.
  • In "Just Add Goodbye", When Becky fades away as a effect of keeping the cookbook, Kelly, Hannah and Darbie would desperately try to use a recipe to end their protectorship and save Becky from disappearing forever, even creating a new magic spice for the recipe, which symbolized the trio's friendship.

Mystery City[]

  • In "New Protectors", Kelly, Hannah and Darbie, would explain to Zoe that she was the next protector, alongside her two closest friends, Leo Sellitti and Ish Gupta. They'd also provide the trio with magic spices that would help the trio cook magic recipes, seeds from each of the families to grow new ones in Ish's rooftop garden, and a spice chart.
    • And when Zoe uses the Make It Hot Dogs recipes to improve the weather and make a blizzard go away -- but also accidently made everyone in town super aggressive, including her mother and her boyfriend -- they try to instruct Zoe on a way to break the recipe, only for Kelly's phone to die midway. Then they'd rush to Zoe's place to be there in person, intending to help the new trio cook to reverse spell's effects, only to realize that Zoe, Ish and Leo already did.
  • After K, H and D are tipped off by Chuck Hankins about the pocket watch from his time period and the Sourd'Au starter in Bay City that Ian Maddox hid, and the trio explains to him that Zoe, Ish and Leo were the new protectors, the three of them would travel to Bay City, give Zoe, Ish and Leo the watch, and aid them in solving the mystery by joining them in going to Unity Station.
  • Both of the trios attempted to destroy the Sourd'Au starter in boiling water so nobody could use it harm or endanger anyone again, even though their attempt completely fails.
  • After Pierce and Cody Hamilton attract some gold with the Sourd'Au recipe and accidently endanger Bay City by causing the power to go out, electronics to stop working, and buildings to collapse (due to gold being common in wires, pipes, microchips and even electronics and buildings), both protector trios would cook multiple spells to teleport into houses and buildings, freeze time to take back the starter, and telepathically move metal to fix damage caused by the starter, allowing Zoe, Ish and Leo to teleport their neighbors and the restaurant customers out of the buildings and subways to safety while time's frozen, and Leo to telepathically fix the damage from the collapsing buildings.
  • After regaining the Sourd'Au starter, they six of them decided to repurpose it so that instead of stealing riches, it shared riches: in this case, it would share magic.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Upon learning from Adam Lever (Terri Quinn's opponent for the mayoral election) that Mama P was finding dirt on Terri for him, she would yell at Mama P for doing so, and accused her of betraying Terri willingly, without even bothering to listen to P's side of the story (Adam Lever was blackmailing her and threatening to shut down her restaurant with slander). And unlike with Kelly who gets a one-on-one with Mama P and willingly made amends with her, it's never made clear whether Hannah ever forgave her.
  • She can be unnecessarily serious, paranoid and constantly worried about being healthy and organized and on top of everything. Season 2B reveals she once had a nightmare about receiving a B, and she was apparently a straight A-student back in Roxbury Middle School, and her past elementary school. She also does not handle getting less-than-stellar grades very well, and disliked how Mr. Morris gave her a C on an essay she did, or how he simply viewed her as one of his "most competent students".
    • While it's implied she stopped caring about being a straight A-student at the end of season 2B, she's never seen doing schoolwork, homework, quizzes or exams afterwards, leaving it unclear just how much Hannah actually learned or truly changed.
  • She's not always a good friend towards Darbie, as she doesn't always take Darbie's thoughts and desires to heart or treat her as an equal. And similar to Kelly, sometimes she views Darbie as little more than a klutz.


            JustAddMagicLogo Near Pure Goods

The Girls
Kelly Quinn | Hannah Parker-Kent | Darbie O'Brien
The OCs
Becky Quinn | Gina Silvers
Zoe Walters
