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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Glimmer of Bright Moon is one of the two tritagonists, (alongside Bow) of Netflix's She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, a reboot of the classic Masters of the Unverse cartoon, She-Ra: The Princess of Power. She is one of the two deuteragonists of season 1, the sole deuteragonist of whole season 2 and the second half of season 3, the anti-heroic tritagonist/central antagonist of season 4, and the tritagonist for the first half of season 3 and the whole season 5.

She is the daughter of Queen Angella and King Micah, the princess and heir of the Kingdom of Bright Moon. Despite her mother's overprotective nature, that appeared after the "death" of her husband, Glimmer is very excited to contribute in the war against the Horde, which she wants to do by rebuilding the Princess Alliance. Everthing changes, however, when a defective Horde soldier named Adora seems to possess the power of the legendary Princess Warrior, She-Ra. Glimmer and Bow then take her to Bright Moon, and starta new chapter of the war in Etheria.

She was voiced by Karen Fukuhara.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • She wants to help her mother and the kingdom fight the back at the Horde.
  • It's mentioned that she went to protect the village of Elberon from Horde soldiers, and although it's noted that she was reckless to disobey her mother's orders to retreat, she still had the intent to protect civilians.
  • She and Bow kidnapped Adora, as she was a Horde soldier, though after she showed her powers, saved their lives and helped them fight one of Horde's raids at a village, they started trusting her, and asked her to join the Rebellion.
  • She telleported herself, Bow and Adora off a First One's cave, saving herself and them from getting killed from falling debris.
  • She helped protecting the vilage of Thaymor from the Horde.
  • She saved Bow from a Horde soldier.
  • She saved Adora from getting hit by Catra's lasers.
  • She made a plan to rebuild the Princess Alliance to have a much better chance of fighting the Horde.
  • As a part of the Princess Alliance revival plan, she, Bow and Adora helped defend Plumeria from Horde's attack, even making its princess, Perfuma, start stand up for herself and her kingdom, as well as convincing her to joining the Alliance.
  • She comforted Adora when she felt she was unable to do anything as She-Ra.
  • She and Bow decided to have a sleepover with Adora so she could become able to begin to sleep alone.
  • When she went to Salineas and discovered it was degradating as the Sea Gate was falling, she offered to help if Mermista joined the Rebellion.
  • She convinced Sea Hawk to continue to help the Princess Alliance instead of leaving Salinead to continue to be alone.
  • She helped stop Catra and Force Captain Scorpia from attacking Salineas and destroying the Sea Gate.
  • When they were trying to contact the genius princess Entrapta, She-Ra fell victim of a virus and became dizzy. Glimmer helped her and Entrapta get through Entrapta's many infected robots.
  • She and Bow decided to show She-Ra how to relax a bit from the stress of the war in the realm of Mystacor.
  • She went to the princess prom to recruit Frosta, and tought Adora how to behave in there.
  • She tried to fight the Horde when she found out they were infiltrated in the Prom.
  • When she saw Adora about to get memory-wiped by Shadow Weaver, she used all of her magic to broke out of Weaver's magical prison (causing a great deal of pain) and attacked Shadow Weaver with a sparkle blast to free Adora.
  • She felt guilty of Entrapta's "death", thinking it was her fault.
  • She, Bow and Swift Wind came to Adora's rescue in the Crystal Castle.
  • Despite her mother not wanting, she wanted to join the Battle of Bright Moon.
  • She and Bow gave emotional support to Adora before the Battle of Bright Moon.
  • She revealed a big number of weapons she had been hiding for months at the Battle of Bright Moon, to help.
  • Like the others, she fought a lot against the Horde in the Battle of Bright Moon, even if her powers were glitchy.
  • She saved her mother from one of the Horde's bots with the help of Swift Wind.
  • She helped the Princess Alliance capture a bot without destroying it, which confirmed that Entrapta was alive.
  • She helped defend the weakened Whispering Woods from the Horde's constant robot attacks.
  • She saved Frosta from falling to her death.
  • She and Bow kidnapped Catra to force her to reveal where Entrapta was, though they discovered Entrapta was willingly working for the Horde, to their horror.
  • She saved Bow when he was held hostage by Catra.
  • She Bow and Adora went to investigate Alwyn after it stopped making contact and its inhabitants disappeared.
  • By using good leadership and teamwork, she managed to outdo the difficulties at the Horde siege in "Roll With It", by getting the princess to attack together.
  • She saved Bow from getting shot by Rogelio, who tried to kill Bow using a light cannon.
  • She encouraged Catra to drop the corrupted disk, causing Adora to be free from her berserk state and saving everyone from the First Ones's protector monsters.
  • She helped boost Bow's transmission to get the message: "Serenia, Portal, Mara".
  • She thought Bow was in danger and went to save him when he was at his parents' house.
  • She played along to trick Bow's fathers into thinking that Bow was really a historian, and not a member of the Rebellion, and later encouraged him to tell the truth to them.
  • She helped fight against a Berserk First Ones's monster at Bow's parents' house, and saved Bow's parents lives when they were attacked by it.
  • Glimmer tried to prevent Adora talking to Shadow Weaver at all costs to prevent her from being manipulated.
  • She saved Adora when shd got trapped in quicksand.
  • She got herself and her friends out of Huntara's trap.
  • She comforted Adora when she was saddened by Huntara's betrayal.
  • She tried to look for Mara's ship in the Crimson Waste with Adora and Bow and unravel the mystery of Bow's message.
  • When Adora was kidnapped by Catra, Glimmer desperately tried to look for help to raid Fright Zone, and even when her mother denied, she used Shadow Weaver's help to teleport to the Fright Zone and rescue Adora.
  • In the unstable reality created by the portal, Glimmer helped Adora prevent reality from falling apart as the portal activated by Catra consumed everything, even believing her unbelievable tale about the series events, despite everyone's minds being alternated and wiped.
  • In the chamber of Queens, Glimmer reveals that despite being very sad since her mother's death, and that it looks like everyone seems to be ignoring it with her coronation, she was trying to go along with the happiness of the occasion and to not break the mood.
  • She passed the test at the Chamber of Queens and became the new Queen of Bright Moon, trying to make a good queen and make good decisions, as well as keeping protecting the kingdom and fighting the Horde.
  • She sent Adora, Bow, Huntara and Perfuma in a mission to recover Mara's ship from the Crimson waster.
  • While Catra was attacking Adora, Nettosa and Spinerella, she located Catra and defeated her.
  • She stopped Catra's bot from destroying half of the Whispering Woods.
  • She rescued Adora, Netossa and Spinerela from the Horde's bots.
  • Despite them being her enemies, Glimmer still saved two Horde soldiers from falling to their deaths.
  • She defeated many Horde outposts with Bow, Adora and Flutterina (an alter-ego of the villain Double Trouble).
  • Although the way she did it was reckless and a bit unecessary, Glimmer still saved Flutterina (unaware that she was Double Trouble and was manipulating the whole situation in their favour) when she was seemingly held hostage by two Horde soldiers.
  • She and Adora, with the help of Shadow Weaver, made a plan to discover who was the traitor among the Rebellion, catching Flutterina in the act, who reveals to be the shapeshifter villain Double Trouble.
  • Just as the rest of the Rebellion, she is utterly devastated upon seeing how Salineas was destroyed while they were looking for the impostor.
  • She saved several villagers and Sea Hawk from the Horde's tanks.
  • During her very jerkish discussion with Adora in "Boys Night Out", where she utterly blamed Adora for her mother's death, which hurt the latter to the point of tears, she immediately gets remorseful over this outburst and tries to fix her relationship with Adora.
  • She helped rescue Swift Wind, Bow and Sea Hawk, along with Mermista and Adora.
  • She used a Truth Spell in Double Trouble, forcing them to tell the plans of the Horde, which also lead to Glimmer learning about the existence of Horde Prime, a much worse threat than Hordak.
  • While it ultimately would lead to the planet's (and possibly the universe's) destruction, Glimmer still tried to use the Heart of Eternia only to defeat the Horde, only her friends were right about the devastating side effects too late.
  • She trusts Scorpia and helps her get connect to her runestone so the Heart of Eternia will work.
  • She let Double Trouble go, so they could mislead the Horde by revealing to Hordak that Catra betrayed him by sending Entrapta to Beast Island, and that Entrapta never really was against him, which allowed an opening for Scorpia to connect with the Black Garnet.
  • When she finally realized her mistake, she tried to destroy the Black Garnet to stop the Heart of Etheria, to no avail.
  • She tried to convince Horde Prime to not hurt Adora by telling him that she would be needed to activate the heart of Etheria.
  • She warned Horde Prime that using the Heart of Etheria would destroy "everything", though he found the idea of destroying and recreating the universe amazing.
  • She rejected Prime's corruption even after he offered to save her father.
  • At Horde Prime's ship, Glimmer started building a more positive relationship with Catra, with the two talking about Adora, realizing that they were quite similar and eventually becoming friends and agreeing to help each other get out of there.
  • She apologized to every bad thing she did during Season 4, including being cold to them and activating the Heart of Etheria.
  • She saved Bow from falling when the ground of the planet they were in started cracking.
  • She helped the gang get the thulite.
  • She went to Horde's ship to save Catra.
  • He saved Bow from one of Horde Prime's clones.
  • She fought three clones of Prime to give time to Bow and Entrapta to hack into Horde's systems.
  • She pierced Horde Prime's computer with a spear after Bow and Entrapta failed to hack into it.
  • She, Adora and Bow went to help Catra when they thought she was getting attacked by Melog.
  • She saved Netossa from a chipped Spinnerella.
  • She motivated Netossa and the other members of the group to keep fighting against Horde Prime.
  • She helped in freeing Erelandia from Horde Prime's forces.
  • She went with Bow to see how Bow's dads were.
  • She rescued the members of the Rebellion that were in the Fright Zone.
  • She cheered Adora up when she failed to become She-Ra.
  • She tried to stop Adora from putting her life at risk to get the fai-safe of the Heart of Etheria.
  • She helped in bringing an injured Castaspella back to their base.
  • She tried to stop Adora from going to the Heart of Etheria by herself.
  • She helped save the universe from Horde Prime.
  • At the end of the series, Glimmer and the rest of the Best Friend Squad decided to help in bringing magic back to the universe.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • She can be a jerk at times with her friends, such as blaming Adora for her mother's death, which hurt the former a lot (though she felt remorse), not feeling empathy from Entrapta being on Beast Island, although she said she'd rescue her later, among others. And although she did shed her worst qualities from season 4, she had moments like these in earlier seasons too, so she likely retains a bit of these traits.
  • She can also be stubborn and reckless, trusting Light Hope and using the Heart of Etheria to try to defeat the Horde, despite Adora's multiple warnings of how dangerous it would be.


  • She, her mother and Perfuma, are the only three She-Ra and the Princesses of Power heroes to be Near Pure Good.

External Links[]


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Barbie Near Pure Goods | DreamWorks Near Pure Goods | Jurassic Park Near Pure Goods | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Goods | Lego Near Pure Goods | Nickelodeon Near Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Goods

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Live-Action Features
Maximus Decimus Meridius | Ray Ferrier | Ironhide | Bumblebee | Sam Witwicky | Cade Yeager

Animated Television
King Alfor | Coran | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Vendel | Merlin | Erica Wang | Glimmer | Queen Angella | Perfuma | Deya the Deliverer

See Also
20th Century Studios Near Pure Goods | Netflix Near Pure Goods | Paramount Near Pure Goods | Nickelodeon Near Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Goods | Universal Studios Near Pure Goods
