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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Gina Silvers is one of the four tritagonists (alongside Mama P, Becky Quinn, and Jake Williams) of the Prime Video original series Just Add Magic. She was a protector of the Cookbook from 1965 to c. 1975, alongside her closest friends Ida Perez and Becky Quinn, who had solved mysteries and helped out her town with the book's magic. She'd serve as the mentor to the girl trio starting in Season 2.

She was portrayed by Ellen Karsten as a senior, Harper Quaintance as a teenager, Alexandra Ruddy as a young adult.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • She has a pantry filled with earth-related spices, and a garden where she grows additional earth spices, including super rare ones. Starting in Season 2, Silvers would regularly allow the girl trio to use spices and plants from her pantry and garden whenever necessary, and explain how some of them are meant to be used, thus playing a role in them being able to cook certain recipes and help their town. Sometimes, she'd even aid them with the cooking.
  • While she's far from perfect, she has more restraints and morals than their former/on-off friend Ida Perez, and knows when to limit herself with the magic.
  • While she spent the majority of Season 1 being extremely anti-social and unwelcoming, she's revealed to have morals a caring side in the season finale, and she spends the remainder the series at least trying to be less openly hostile, and a bit more social.

The Past[]

  • Due to Chuck showing a soft/caring side towards Gina, encouraging her continuing playing piano when she felt like quitting, and saying she could be a concert pianist, Gina knew that there was goodness within Chuck, and came to his defense when her friends Becky and Ida distrusted/feared him and wanted to wipe his memories of magic. While Silvers does eventually go along with their plan, it's clear that she didn't want to and wished there was an alternative. She'd maintain this feeling towards Chuck even in the present day.
  • While she was scared of Chuck Hankins knowing about the magic and tried to erase his memories of magic, she still showed great concern for when the Can't Recall Caramel backfired on Chuck Hankins and he disappeared in thin air. She and Becky spent years trying to bring him back, to no avail. In fact, it was one of the main factors that kept the trio together, in spite of their disagreements.
  • She knew about how Mama P was enchanting various customers into loving her food, and shutting down any competing restaurants in town during the 40 years P was trapped in Saffron Falls, and it's heavily implied that Silvers tried to stop Mama P from spelling people several times in the past, or at least hold her off as long as possible. Even if her efforts turned out to be futile, she still did what she could.

Season 1[]

  • Upon learning that Kelly and her friends were the new protectors of the cookbook's magic and that Mama P was aware of it, Silvers would repeatedly tell P to leave the girls alone, and not rope them into one of her schemes, or try stealing the book for her own purposes.
    • And when Kelly starts to trust Mama P and gets mentored by her in certain types of magic, she tells Mama P she didn't want to have to hurt Kelly too.
  • After the girl trio returns Silvers' bracelet (containing her morbium seed), she'd vaguely warn the trio to stop using the cookbook's magic -- claiming they were dealing with powerful forces they couldn't control -- not wanting them to be torn apart by the it like Silvers and her trio were.
  • Despite Hannah losing the vote for Rockbury Middle School's attempt to get a new piano for the underfunded music club, Silvers would anonymously donate a piano to the middle school due to her love of the arts.
  • After confirming that the curses she kept in her scrapbook weren't hers, Silvers complements Hannah for being able to detect Mama P was the true culprit, and apologizes for her warning being vague and unclear.
  • While she refused to help Hannah in stopping Mama P's plan, she still advises Hannah to protect herself from the aftereffects of P's spell.
  • She was willing to let the girls use her morbium so they could amplify their Last Ditch Layer Cake meant to save the town, despite Silvers originally planning to use to break her own curse. While the girl trio turns the offer down, the fact of the matter is, Silvers was willing to make a sacrifice even if it meant she'd be stuck without a way to reverse her curse. Thankfully, the Last Ditch Layer Cake would break her curse anyway.

Season 2A[]

  • Compared to Becky and Ida, Gina's the only member of her trio who shows concern over Chuck Hankins having amnesia, doesn't view him as a threat wanting to harm them or the town, or treats him with any kind of respect. She was even willing to take Chuck in and give him a spare room.
  • After she, Becky and Ida regroup to discuss plans for what they'd do to Chuck Hankins, Silvers calls out both Ida and Becky for their total lack of empathy towards Chuck and his 50-year disappearance, with Ida caring more about her morbium, and Becky having a relentless desire to be the family savior by any means.
  • She aids Hannah in cooking some Lemon Lie-m Mints (which she created in the past) meant for Kelly's dad so he could see through Chuck's lies and deceptions. Afterwards, Hannah notices that Gina Silvers was the only member of the OCs who didn't view Chuck as a threat, leading Gina to explain how Chuck wasn't as bad as he seemed on the surface, and Hannah silently takes her advice to heart.
  • After Chuck stole some specific spices out of Gina's spice pantry, she, Becky and Ida decided they had to deal with Chuck before he could cause any harm with the spices and made an agreement. Using a spell to trap him in Lavender Heights, one town over from Saffron Falls, as a way to keep Chuck away from magic, but close enough for the trio to keep tabs on him.
  • She attended Hannah and Darbie's intervention regarding Kelly being over-reliant on magic, and while she acknowledged that Kelly had helped a lot of people of the magic and had good intentions, she also stated that Kelly would have to be careful, and slow down as to not use up most of the spices meant for important issues.
  • Upon finding out Chuck had somehow possessed Jake and took over his life, she and Becky would go to Chuck's trailer where they'd find some leftover remnants from Chuck's spell, and Gina used Spice Detecting Simple Syrup to see which magic spices he used, so they and the other girls could find a reversal.
  • When Hannah suggests getting Chuck to breathe in their Kick 'Em Out Chicken Soup rather than eating it in order to save Jake from being possessed, Silvers suggests adding Werepoes Salt and Galafrasian Oregano to increase the steam on the soup.
    • She also allows Kelly to use her (Silvers') morbium, to make their spell stronger when the previous attempts fails to have any effect.
  • Upon learning that Chuck/Charles was actually from the 1860s and that Hannah was being imprisoned inside the cookbook like Rose was, she and Becky would do some research on Charles' history to learn why he was spelling Hannah. Then after learning that Rose was Charles' missing sister and a former protector they'd join up with Kelly and Darbie in West Peizer Park to confront Chuck/Charles, thinking he had sacrificed Rose on purpose.
  • After Becky apologizes for using her morbium to break up their trio, Gina would admit that as she got older, she'd realize things weren't all black and white, and finally ends her 40-year grudge on her.
  • While she understood Charles' pain and reasons why he trying to imprison Hannah and have her take Rose's place in the cookbook, she still refused to allow Charles to go through endangering another person.
  • Plus, after Charles breaks down in tears due to having to remember his happy memories with Rose, she saw Charles for who he really was: an insecure, desperate and lonely teenage boy, who simply put on an act of being stoic and composed for 150 years, but was truly a good person deep down grieving over his sister's loss. Thus, she was willing to forgive Charles for everything he had done up to that point.

Season 2B[]

  • When the cookbook goes missing, Gina Silvers provides the girl trio with a spell she created in an attempt to help them track it down and get it back before anyone could cause any harm.
  • Upon learning that RJ White had the cookbook and was using the book for personal gain, she'd allow the girl trio to use her spices in order to cook a recipe to trick RJ into giving the book back.
  • She'd take a job interview to become Fox Canyon's new music teacher, wanting to be able to teach music to more kids.
  • Silvers found that Hannah had lost her memories of ever being friends with Kelly and Darbie, and Jake found out that Kelly and Darbie forgot their friendships with each other (and Hannah) as well, due to the aftereffect of Preserve a Memory Fruit Preserves. Thus, Silvers would look for the recipe that girls used and learn from the riddle that the girls' could regain their friendship memories, if they recreated how their friendship started beat-for-beat. Afterwards, she and Jake would go to multiple people close to the girl trio to learn how they first met and formed, allowing both to set up a scenario that recreated the start of the girls' friendship and restoring their memories and their personalities.
  • When Becky loses her memories of magic as she's trying to warn Kelly about the wooden box, Gina informs the girl trio about the magic wooden box.
  • With the girl trio concerned to Silvers' safety due to her being the last of the OCs with magic memories, the girls would create clones of Silvers, with the clones being sent to multiple places, while the real Silvers stayed in the trailer with Jake supervising her.
    • Silvers A would go with Kelly to help her set up for her mom's mayor campaign fundraiser. While, at Mama P's, the Silvers clone would help set up flowers, and advise Kelly advise Kelly not to get super worked up over Adam Lever demeaning her mom's campaign and reputation. Since Silvers had first-hand experience being demeaned by the public, she knows that people saying mean things is commonplace, and that listening to them isn't a good idea.
    • Silvers B would go with Hannah to the antique store to track down the box Becky found, where Hannah realized the box needed to the opened with the book-end of the key, which led to the inside being completely different.
    • Silvers C would go to school with Darbie to help at the play's rehearsal, where she'd teach Piper proper etiquette for holding tea, teach the kids/actors the British way to greet someone, and overall give Darbie a new appreciation for British mannerisms.
  • It's shown that without her memories of magic, she's genuinely friendly and mostly non-hostile to Ida and Becky.
  • While she was upset with P for aiding Adam Lever in his campaign and finding dirt on Terri, she was willing to put her differences aside to assist P in stop Adam Lever from becoming mayor, using a scheme that involved breaking into Lever's political headquarters and looking through his records. Ida would distract everyone with muffins while Becky and Gina stuck in his office. Then when Adam Lever arrives in the room and brings that he had no intention of actually living up of his promises as mayor and that he had a reporter trash Terri to make himself look better, the trio caught Lever's speech on tape and sent to the news, resulting in everyone turning on Adam and him getting disqualified from the election.

Season 3[]

  • When the girl trio is cursed with a rot spell that turned any food they touch rotten and leaves the trio unable to cook, they had Piper cook a magic quiche to restore Silvers' memories of magic. Then Silvers created a plant-based thriving serum, modified it to work on humans, and fed it to the girls to break their rot spell.
  • Silvers suggest that the girls shouldn't restore Becky's memories of magic with their quiche, considering Becky disliked the magic, and was finally happy without it in her life.
  • While she understood that Darbie had good intentions and wanted to help Hannah deal with Leah when she was picking on her, Silvers still disapproved of Darbie using magic on Leah to humiliate her, claiming it was revenge rather than a genuine desire to help. Silvers also consoles Hannah over her issue, telling her she should talked to someone about it, like her, or her (Hannah's) parents, or her (Hannah's) big sister Hailey.
  • After learning that Kelly was the Night Bandit and was trying to trick her friends into cooking with her to keep the book forever, she calls Becky over and restores her memories of magic to discuss which they'd do with Kelly.
  • She informs Hannah, Darbie and Becky about the "In Your Banana Bread" recipe, which they could use to get inside Kelly's head and find out why she wanted to keep the book.
  • She (alongside Becky and Ida) assists Hannah and Darbie with cooking the "In Your Banana Bread" recipe, which they'd use to get inside Kelly's head and find out why she wanted to keep the book.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Silvers is too much of an anti-social, pessimistic jerk with a cold demeanor to be Pure Good. It's even the main reason why she has such a feared and unpopular reputation among the town. Even though she's revealed to have a decent heart and a caring side deep down, her cold demeanor never completely goes away for the entirety of the show's run.
    • She cursed Mama P to be trapped in Saffron Falls, leaving her stuck in town for nearly 40 years. Even in the present day, she never showed remorse for cursing her or apologized to her, not even during the later seasons.
    • She held a grudge on her former friend Becky for 40 years, due to Becky leaving her and Ida cursed and refusing to help them. (Though her anger is somewhat understandable)
    • For most of the first season, she was extremely hostile to the girls, refusing to let them get plants from her garden and constantly kicking them out of her place for the most trivial reasons.
    • She's a terrible piano teacher, as her cold demeanor and impatience towards some of her students often leads to her demeaning various inexperienced kids, or even kicking them out, just because she doesn't see potential in them. It got to the point where some of the kids would leave the house crying.
      • According to Silvers, she once had a student named Crosby who never showed up on time. Eventually, she locked the door on him for one of the lessons, telling him he'd have to show up on time if he wanted to take piano lessons, at which point he was never late again. And considering Silvers smiled as she said that, this indicates that she doesn't regret what she did in the slightest.
      • While season 2B implies that Silvers became a better piano teacher, we never her teaching any students aside from Hannah, who's very skilled with the piano. Thus it's unclear just how much Silvers as truly changed or improved, if at all.
    • She refused to help Hannah in stopping Mama P's plan in the Season 1 finale, due to P already cursing her (Silvers) to be unable to play piano outside of her house, and pretty much taking away her dream.


            JustAddMagicLogo Near Pure Goods

The Girls
Kelly Quinn | Hannah Parker-Kent | Darbie O'Brien
The OCs
Becky Quinn | Gina Silvers
Zoe Walters
