Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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With your positions revealed, you're in my crosshairs. And there's no hiding from the coming storm. As Hawks would say... speed beats power.
~ Fumikage Tokoyami to Shihai Kuroiro and Kinoko Komori in "Foresight".

Fumikage Tokoyami, also known as Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi, is a supporting character in the My Hero Academia franchise.

Fumikage is one of the students in U.A High and is studying in Class 1-A at the Hero Studies Course to become a Pro Hero. Tokoyami's Quirk, Dark Shadow, allows him to manifest a sentient shadow monster from his body that he can materialize and contract freely.

Fumikage is best described as a calm, focused and diligent young man. He is rather stoical and doesn't show as much emotion as his fellow classmates or his counterpart; Dark Shadow. Despite this, Fumikage does prove to be very valiant and noble as well taking on a more sophisticated and respectful attitude towards his peers.

He is voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya in Japanese and Jessie James Grelle in English.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Protected Koda from villains during the U.S.J raid.
  • Assists Izuku in getting their team to the third event of the Sports Festival.
  • When he faces his match with Momo, he throws her out of the ring without hurting her, then respectfully bows to her after the match.
  • When Ochaco is defeated by Katsuki, he tells her not to grief over it and take inspiration from Izuku's match.
  • While he was trapped in Dark Shadow's darkness, he pleads Izuku and Shoji to go save the others instead of him, in order to prevent them from getting hurt by him.
  • Thanks his friends for saving him, and apologizes to them for letting Dark Shadow take control.
  • Apologizes to Izuku for causing him trouble when he got temporarily captured by the Vanguard Action Squad.
  • Cheered for All Might's victory against All for One.
  • When he gets scattered by Shindo's quirk, due to Aoyama's naval laser, he reunites and saves Aoyama and Iida from the other schools, whilst passing the first phase of the exam.
  • In the second phase, he attempts to rescue H.U.C employees.
  • Consoles Shoto after he witnessed his father almost being killed.
  • Participates in the front lines of the war.
  • When Denki is afraid of the situation, he attempts to cheer him up by telling him that when they were practicing for Guitar in the school festival Tokoyami found him amazing.
  • Helps Hawks look for Trigger bombs left by Flect Turn and Humarise, assisting in stopping his genocide attempt.
  • Despite Fat Gum telling Tokoyami that the Pro Heroes are going deal with the other stuff in the war, he notices a blast of fire coming out of the mansion, fleetingly seeing Hawks in trouble, he doesn't hesitate into coming for his aid.
  • Covers Hawks' back with his cloak to extinguish Dabi's flames.
  • When he is faced with a gut-wrenching revelation that Hawks killed Twice from Dabi and rhetorically asks him why he is saving Hawks who he says his hands are dirtier than villains. He replies simply saying that he's come here because he's concerned about his mentor.
  • Despite what Dabi told him, he sheds tears, tells Hawks that he believes in him and understands that Hawks must have had his own reasons as to why he did what he did.
  • Takes Hawks to a nearby hospital and spends the remainder of the Arc checking on Hawks condition.
  • Protects the hospital area and the people who are there from the boulders thrown by Gigantomachia.
  • Attempted to safely capture Izuku alongside his classmates and convince him to come back to U.A.
  • Unlike some of his other classmates, Fumikage remains generally humble and friendly and does not show the corrupting factors other characters possess.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He fails the high admirable standard of the My Hero Academia franchise, especially in comparison to his classmates and his mentor.


  • Ironically, his English voice actor, Jessie James Grelle, also voiced Joseph from The Ancient Magus' Bride who is considered to be Near Pure Evil, the opposite morality-wise of Tokoyami.

External Links[]


           Boku no Hero Academia LogoNear Pure Goods

U.A. High
Class 1-A
Fumikage Tokoyami | Tenya Ida

Big Three
Nejire Hado | Tamaki Amajiki

Hawks | Ryukyu | Sir Nighteye
