Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Franklin is a major character in the long running comic book series, Monica's Gang, and a supporting character in its manga-inspired sequel, Monica Teen.

He is a genius young pre-teen living in the same block as most of the gang. He is prodigious enough to create inventions such as transmutation formulas or (many) time machines, but more often than not end up being misused by the kids at the gang and cause lots of trouble. He is a good-hearted boy, however, and always tries to make up for whatever perils his inventions may have caused.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • He almost never caused trouble willingly with his inventions, most of it being because the gang misuse them, and he activrely tries to stop them. Plus, he takes responsibility whenever he is at fault.
  • He helped the gang defeat Captain Fray many times.
  • He made Jimmy Five see how inhuman his plan to make a caveman he found in an ice block a circus attraction so he'd be famous, and sent the Man (actually Pitecus) back in time with a time machine.
  • He created a cleaning potion to erasee polution for good. Unfortunately, its effects were temporary.
  • Gave the gang equipment to fend off ghostly monsters who were terrorizing the city.
  • After a boring afternoon playing video games that only Smudge and Jimmy were finding funny, he created an imagination game, that made all of the gang that were hanging out on his house (even Nick Nope) have a lot of fun.
  • Once the four elements got lost in time, he sent the gang after them, helping them with instroctions and sending them to help each other each time an element was found, in an attempt tô prevent time itself from freezing.
  • He tried to pull the lever to undo the time damage, before the time freezing caught up to him.
  • He helped unturn Smudge from his fish form.
  • He undid the effects of the hair growing potion had on Jimmy.
  • He made a rejuvenetating dog food to make Blu age slower, allowing him to live to have more adventures besides the gang.
  • He revealed Viviane's plan to steal the essence of the gang during Marina's 15th birthday.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He is a bit arrogant regarding his inventions and capabilities, mostly because of his superior intelligence.
  • He can come out as jerkish or mischievous, such as pretending to still have Blu's mind inside his body to scare Marina or whenever he Helps Jimmy Five get Monica's rabbit willingly.

External Links[]
