Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

I didn't run away this time, right?
~ Eddie to Dustin after sacrificing himself against the Demobats.
I wish everyone had gotten to know him…really know him. because they would’ve really loved him, Mr. Munson. They would’ve loved him. even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. I never even saw him get mad. He could've run. He...could've saved himself. But he fought...he fought and died for this town. This town that...hated him. He isn't just innocent...Mr. Munson, he's...he's a hero.
~ Dustin Henderson tells Wayne Munson that Eddie died a hero.

Edward "Eddie" Munson is a major character in Season 4 of Stranger Things.

He is portrayed by Joseph Quinn.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Comforted Chrissy through humorous ways to enlighten her.
  • Invited Mike and Dustin to play D&D with him and his gang and becomes good with them, especially Dustin.
  • Assists the party in solving the mystery behind the upside down and the killings happening in Hawkins.
  • Though he had a grudge against the popular jocks on high school, he didn't have one against Steve as he was being kind and helpful towards him.
  • Compliments and says nice things about Steve.
  • Played heavy music, resulting in the distraction of the bats and buying Steve, Nancy and Robin more time in the Creek house.
  • While battling against the bats in the spot where Chrissy died, he manages to fight against the bats, but they kept coming.
  • In order to maintain safety for Hawkins, he buys time chose to go to the Upside Down and battles against the bats, proving he won't run away this and that he is a true hero.
    • This in turn, gave the heroes across the world enough time to weaken the Demogorgons and Demobats, leading to Vecna getting weakened and his defeat.
  • He didn't regret his decision as he did his best and bought Steve, Nancy and Robin some time.
  • Before his death, he told Dustin that he was lucky to meet a friend like him.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He has a few jerkish moments, such as when he purposely annoyed Jason and the other kids in the lunchroom even though they weren't bothering him and calling Erica a dwarf.
  • While being a true and a kind hero, he is still a little chaotic and mischievous, as he was selling illegal drugs to Chrissy, although this is a minor prevention.


External Links[]


           Red-netflix-logo-text Near Pure Goods

Animated Features
Katie Mitchell | Rick Mitchell | Linda Mitchell | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Hitch Trailblazer | Pipp Petals | Zipp Storm | Rocky Rhodes | Wallace

Live-Action Features
Hai Phượng | Enola Holmes | Lord Viscount Tewkesbury

Animated Television
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Ahsoka Tano | Riyo Chuchi | R2-D2 | Keith | Pidge | Lance | King Alfor | Coran | Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Aja Tarron | Vendel | Johanna | David | Merlin | Lisa | Sypha Belnades | Erica Wang | Glimmer | Queen Angella | Perfuma | Zubeia | Queen Sarai | Jack Sullivan | Deya the Deliverer | Teela | Maya

Live-Action Television
Eddie Munson | Dustin Henderson | Max Mayfield | Robin Buckley | Jonathan Byers | Lee Cheong-san | Song Jae-ik | Miguel Diaz | Chozen Toguchi

See Also
DreamWorks Near Pure Goods | Marvel Cinematic Universe Near Pure Goods | My Little Pony Near Pure Goods | Sony Pictures Near Pure Goods | Tales of Arcadia Near Pure Goods

           Stranger-Things-logo Near Pure Goods

Eddie Munson | Dustin Henderson | Max Mayfield | Robin Buckley | Jonathan Byers

See Also
Netflix Near Pure Goods
