Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Don Quixote is the main protagonist of the book of the same name.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Tries to get a slave owner to treat their slave better.
  • Treats his sidekick Sancho Panza with respect in spite of the former's low social status.
  • Believing a sculpture of the Virgin Mary being carried in the street to be a captured woman, he tries to free “Her”.
  • Slays several “giants” (which are actually windmills). Despite this, he has truly pure intentions.
  • Yearns for all men to live in peace.
  • Launches a crusade to free the world of sin.
  • After the horse tires to mate with female ponies and the horse is attacked, Don tires to save him.
  • Takes time of his quest to help a young man find love, despite the man being a rival.
  • Tires to restore a “princes to her throne."
  • Frees many slaves.
  • When he loses a fight, he humbly accepts he lost it.
  • Upon regaining his sanity he expresses remorse for all of the damage he did even if it was justified.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He has a distorted view of the world giving him minor moral agency issues, however he still has free will so this is minor.
  • He sometimes pokes Sancho Panza with his lance when he annoys him, and while he stopped doing this in the second book, that may have only been because his lance was broken by a windmill as opposed to him changing his ways.


  • As of now, he is the earliest Near Pure Good of any works, as well as the earliest Book Near Pure Good.
    • He's also the only Near Pure Good from the 17th century.
  • He's the only Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's Near Pure Good.

External Links[]
