Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Dormammu, I've come to bargain.
~ Doctor Strange to Dormammu - his most famous quote.
Tony Stark: What is your job exactly, besides making balloon animals?
Stephen Strange: Protecting your reality, douchebag.
~ Iron Man and Doctor Strange.

Stephen Vincent Strange, M.D. Ph.D is a major character of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

He is a powerful sorcerer and leading member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. He used to be a brilliant yet arrogant neurosurgeon before suffering a car accident that resulted in his hands being crippled. When Western medicine failed to restore his hands, Strange embarked on a journey that led him to the Masters of the Mystic Arts as well as the discovery of magic and alternate dimensions. And after saving the world from Dormammu and Kaecilius, he became more polite, calmer and smarter than ever before.

He is portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]


  • He became a doctor in order to save lives after having watched his sister, Donna, drown in a pool when he was young.
  • He held a generally pacifistic nature, preferring to find alternative methods besides violence and is unwilling to kill other people.
  • As a doctor, he saved countless lives and solved several cases which would've normally been impossible to solve.
  • He was working in his hospital despite the chaos presented by the Chitauri invasion in New York, doing his best to save people even during then.

Doctor Strange[]

  • He saved a patient who was incorrectly diagnosed as dead by Nicodemus West.
  • He wrote several emails to Christine to apologize for his rude behavior and rejecting her kindness.
  • He defended the sanctum from Kaecilius.
  • When meeting Christine again in-person, he sincerely apologized to her for treating her so horribly in spite of everything she did for him, fully owning up to his mistakes and past behavior.
  • He showed great remorse and guilt over having been forced to kill Lucian Aster in the Astral Plane, telling the Ancient One and Mordo that he became a doctor to save lives, not to take them.
  • He attempted to save the Ancient One's life after being fatally stabbed by Kaecilius and falling several hundred meters.
  • When he's unable to perform the surgery, Stephen passed the responsibility onto Nick, expressing faith in his skills.
  • He consoled the Ancient One in her final moments, holding her hand before she passes away.
  • After learning he had the choice of returning to being a neurosurgeon by channeling his energy into his hands, Stephen chose to take on the responsibility of protecting the Earth and being a Master of the Mystic Arts.
  • He convinced Mordo to fight against Kaecilius.
  • He used the Eye of Agamotto to undo the damage to Hong Kong that was caused by Dormammu.
  • He saved Wong's life by using the Eye of Agamotto.
  • He went to Dormammu, putting both of them in an endless loop which results in him experiencing death countless times in order to trap Dormammu and save the planet.
  • He managed to make a deal with Dormammu to end the assault on Earth and take his zealots with him, thereby saving the planet and any future threats from him.
  • He became the protector of the New York Sanctum, guarding the planet from any extraterrestrial threats.

Thor: Ragnarok[]

  • He helped Thor and Loki locate their father, Odin.

Avengers: Infinity War[]

  • Although he called Tony Stark a very foul word, this was warranted because he was leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos and stereotyping and downplaying his magic out of sheer pettiness.
  • He fought against Ebony Maw to protect the Time Stone and New York City.
  • He refused to give up the Time Stone even under torture.
  • He performed a time loop that is identical to the one he used against Dormammu, and according to the Russo Brothers, he had to live and die in each different scenario one-by-one, enduring this fate more than 14 million times.
  • Although he openly refused to give Thanos any sympathy for his backstory, mockingly called him a prophet, and jeered at him for having survivor's guilt from returning to the remains of his own homeworld's apocalypse, Strange was justified given that Thanos was being extremely blunt about using his sob story to justify mass murdering the innocent.
  • He assisted the others in fighting and restraining Thanos.
  • He single-handedly fought against Thanos in his attempt to defeat him, attempting to trap him in the Mirror Dimension and distract him with gelatinous butterflies so he could bind him with his extra-dimensional sorcery as alternatives to killing.
  • He gave the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Tony's life, knowing Tony would have to be alive for the future.

Avengers: Endgame[]

  • Thanks to his knowledge and prediction of the future, the Avengers were able to go back in time and retrieve the Stones, undoing the Snap and bringing everyone back to life.
  • When he's resurrected, he rallied Peter and the Guardians, as well as the other sorcerers and all the other allies, using his sling ring to bring them back to Earth and fight against Thanos and his army.
  • During the Battle of Earth, he held back the water from a nearby lake, preventing it from reaching the battlefield and drowning the armies.
  • Even after hinting Tony that he needs to die to save the universe, Strange showed great remorse for doing so. And after Tony's death, he kneeled out of respect, being present for his funeral.

Spider-Man: No Way Home[]

  • Although he couldn't rewind time to make people forget about Mysterio revealing Peter's identity as Spider-Man, he still attempted to help the latter in another way, greatly sympathizing with the pain he was forced to go through after being framed for the Elemental attacks on Europe.
  • While his actions caused the multiverse to begin imploding, it's only because of some crucial mistakes in the performance of the spell to remove Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man due to Peter interfering with the spell five times, meaning he had no intention of putting the multiverse in danger.
  • Initially aggravated, he patiently told Peter that his problems aren't coming from the posthumous actions of Mysterio, but actually him living a double life as a student and superhero, which can be dangerous to him and those around him, before angrily but rightfully chiding him for not talking to MIT about reconsidering Ned and MJ prior to turning to him for help.
    • Strange's warning would be proven during the Multiversal Crisis, as five villains who knew Spider-Man's civilian identity are brought by the botched spell, with one of them killing May Parker. Peter then decides not to reconnect with his friends after seeing MJ, who nearly fell to her death if Webbverse Spider-Man hadn't saved her, received a cut during the battle.
  • When MJ told Doctor Strange that it was his spell that was ruined and to be more polite when addressing them since the situation was partly his fault, rather then get upset at her condescending tone, he accepted it and politely told them to find the remaining multiversal villains.
  • Though he was initially against helping the villains brought by his spell and prepared to send them back despite knowing they'd die, it was only done to protect the safety of the multiverse. Then, once he finds that Peter and his counterparts have successfully managed to help the villains, he's impressed with what Peter accomplished.
  • In his fight with Peter, he was calm and tried to get him to cooperate, and while he was about to leave Peter trapped in the Mirror Dimension, it was only temporary as he planned to release Peter once he completed the spell.
  • When Peter suggested making a new spell to make everyone forget who Peter Parker is, Doctor Strange objected, telling Peter that all his friends and loved ones would forget him and only reluctantly agreeing to go through with it since there was no time for another plan.
  • Before Peter left, Strange insisted he call him Stephen, renewing his respect for the teen hero after their disagreement and re-cementing him as a friend, and as he told Peter to go say his goodbyes, he did so tearfully.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness[]

  • When he met Doctor West again, he expressed his condolences after learning that West lost his two cats and his brother during the Snap.
  • He attended Christine's wedding despite her being his ex-girlfriend and is genuinely happy and supportive for her marriage, even though he still has feelings for her.
  • He saved America Chavez from a giant one-eyed octopus-like demon named Gargantos.
  • He sympathized with America over the death of Defender Strange and even gave him a proper burial, in spite of being a villainous variant of his.
  • After learning that America is being hunted down across the multiverse, he agreed to protect her and let her stay in Kamar-Taj until the threat is dealt with.
  • He asked Wanda for help in protecting America, only to find out that she's the one hunting her down, and when he realized this and listened to her rationale of killing America just to keep such unique cosmic power safe from something darker, Strange refused to accept this reasoning, rightfully telling Wanda that was precisely the justification their enemies used. Even after Wanda revealed that she wants to steal America's powers (which would kill her) and attacked Kamar-Taj trying to capture her, Strange sympathized with her due to knowing she was different from Thanos as the Mad Titan was seeking a foolproof means to make himself feel better while the Scarlet Witch was seeking after what was lost and could actually be regained. He was even willing to find some other way to help the unfortunate young woman. For this, he repeatedly kept trying to reason with Wanda and was reluctant to fight her, only fighting back when he had no choice.
  • When he noted that he could control America's powers better than she could, he quickly apologized, as that was precisely what Defender Strange had said before he attempted to drain her power and kill her.
  • He and America sought out a variant of himself from another universe to help against Wanda.
  • He sympathized with America over the deaths of her mothers and told her not to blame herself for accidentally opening the wormhole they got sucked in.
  • Although he was reluctant at first, Strange was willing to ask the Earth-838 version of Karl Mordo for help before he captured them.
  • Upon learning that his variant from Earth-838 didn't die fighting Thanos, but was executed by the Illuminati for being corrupted by the Darkhold after defeating him, Strange assured them that he's not like their Strange and eventually convinced them that he's their only hope of stopping Wanda.
  • He attempted to warn the Illuminati not to fight Wanda themselves and to let him assist them in stopping her.
  • He refused to give the other universe's Christine to Sinister Strange, who lost his own Christine years ago, in exchange for his help, proceeding to kill him in self-defense.
  • He tearfully told the Earth-838 Christine that he loves her in every universe, which she greatly appreciated.
  • He saved America from Wanda's ritual by dream-walking into his variant's corpse and using the demons surrounding him to break into Mount Wundagore.
    • While he did use the Darkhold to do this, unlike Wanda, he only did it as a last resort and in order to save America.
  • Although America was willing to sacrifice herself by giving Doctor Strange her powers to stop Wanda despite knowing she'll die, Strange refused and encouraged America to stop Wanda herself, giving America the confidence she needs to finally control her powers.
  • He took America in as a student in Kamar-Taj.
  • When he finally fixed his broken watch that Christine gave him in the first film, he put the watch away instead of wearing it, symbolizing he finally moved on from their relationship.
  • He learns from his mistake of refusing to curtsy before Wong, having come to understand why he should trust the talents of others, politely bowing to Wong as they train sorcerers together.
  • He left with a sorceress named Clea to fix the incursion he caused despite not knowing her and having suffered many traumatic horrors in the Dark Dimension a decade ago.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He can be arrogant and cynical at times, such as butting heads with Tony Stark (given that despite only learning to put others first after dealing with cosmic villainy, nothing ever happened to either of their egos). He also fought back against the Black Order instead of prioritizing the Stone's protection because he underestimated the threat they posed, which resulted in him being kidnapped and tortured.
  • He has a Kick the Dog, or in this case Punch the Dog, moment when he casted a spell on Pizza Poppa that forced him to punch himself for three weeks straight when the worst thing he attempted to do was squirt mustard on Strange and get money from America, which she owed from taking food without paying.


  • This is the only version of Doctor Strange to be Near Pure Good.
    • His What If...? counterpart, Strange Supreme, does not count as Near Pure Good due to being far more arrogant, stubborn, and anti-heroic and not relating to his Sacred Timeline counterpart's incorruptibility in any way.
    • Both of his Multiverse of Madness counterparts don't qualify due to being full-fledged villains.

External Links[]


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Live-Action Television
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Video Games
Commander Little | Oddball and Domino | Oswald the Lucky Rabbit | Aqua

Mickey Mouse | Pluto | Goofy | Gyro Gearloose

See Also
20th Century Studios Near Pure Goods | Amphibia Near Pure Goods | Cars Near Pure Goods | DuckTales Near Pure Goods | Gravity Falls Near Pure Goods | Marvel Cinematic Universe Near Pure Goods | Pixar Near Pure Goods | The Lion King Near Pure Goods | The Owl House Near Pure Goods

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Boog | Elliot | Chowder | Jenny Bennett | Officer Earl Devereaux | Brent McHale | Red | Chuck | Smurfette | Gene Meh | Jailbreak | Hi-5 | Peter B. Parker | Peni Parker | Katie Mitchell | Rick Mitchell | Linda Mitchell

Live-Action Features
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See Also
Marvel Cinematic Universe Near Pure Goods | Netflix Near Pure Goods | Spider-Man Near Pure Goods

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Infinity Saga
Phase One: Pepper Potts | Black Widow | Thor Odinson | Heimdall | Hawkeye | Bucky Barnes | Peggy Carter | Howard Stark
Phase Two: Pepper Potts | Thor Odinson | Heimdall | Black Widow | Bucky Barnes | Rocket Raccoon | Groot | Groot II | Gamora | Hawkeye | Ant-Man | Hope van Dyne | Hank Pym | Cassie Lang | Peggy Carter | Howard Stark
Phase Three: Black Widow | Bucky Barnes | Hawkeye | Doctor Strange | Thor Odinson | Rocket Raccoon | Groot II | Gamora | Mantis | Rescue | Heimdall | Valkyrie | Shuri | Ant-Man | Wasp | Janet van Dyne | Hank Pym | Cassie Lang | Captain Marvel | Peggy Carter | Howard Stark | Loki Laufeyson
Multiverse Saga
Phase Four: Black Widow | Hawkeye | Spider-Man (Webbverse) | Doctor Strange | Captain Marvel | Thor Odinson | Valkyrie | Heimdall | Groot II | Rocket Raccoon | Mantis | Black Panther
Phase Five: Ant-Man | Wasp | Janet van Dyne | Hank Pym | Stature | Loki Laufeyson | Rocket Raccoon | Mantis | Groot II | Captain Marvel

Phase Four: Bucky Barnes | Loki Laufeyson | Hawkeye | Moon Knight
Phase Five: Loki Laufeyson | Kahhori

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Human Torch

Live-Action Movies
Amazing Spider-Man Films: Spider-Man | George Stacy
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Pepper Potts | Doctor Strange | Hawkeye | Ant-Man

Animated Movies
Peter B. Parker | Peni Parker

TV series
Spider-Man | Doctor Octopus


See Also
Marvel Cinematic Universe Near Pure Goods | Sony Pictures Near Pure Goods

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The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron: Thor Odinson | Black Widow | Hawkeye
Avengers: Infinity War: Thor Odinson | Black Widow | Doctor Strange | Groot | Rocket Raccoon | Gamora | Mantis | Heimdall | Bucky Barnes | Shuri
Avengers: Endgame: Thor Odinson | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Rescue | Ant-Man | Captain Marvel | Rocket Raccoon | Doctor Strange | Wasp | Bucky Barnes | Groot | Shuri | Mantis | Valkyrie | Hank Pym | Janet van Dyne | Cassie Lang
