Diana Cavendish is a major character of the anime Little Witch Academia, serving as the deuteragonist of the first half and the tritagonist of the second half of the series. While initially a rival of Akko, she is secretly a fan of Shiny Chariot like her, in spite of her refusal to admit it. She comes from an ancient family of wizards in Britain and is the top student student at Luna Nova Magical Academy.
Her Good Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]
- Even prior to her character development, she didn't brag about being descended from one of the Nine Olde Witches and kept it a secret from the others to prevent being showered in too much praise she felt she didn't deserve.
- Being willing to leave Luna Nova Magical Academy which she held very dear to her and give up the remainder of her childhood in favor of preserving her family's legacy. And even then, she didn't resent Akko for having been chosen by the Shiny Rod instead of Diana herself and wishes only the best for her.
- Helping Akko forgive Shiny Chariot for stealing her magic when she was a child.
- The series finale Tree of Leaves, has her and Akko, along with Diana, perform Final Shiny Arc to destroy the Noir Missle and, in the process, spread infinite magic across their world.
- While she initially appears as arrogant and snobbish, she loses most of her traces of these traits, as well as many of her other corrupting qualities by the end of the series.
What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]
- While she mostly sheds her arrogance and most of her other corrupting factors, she still has moments of arrogance (though not nearly as frequently as before).
External Links[]
- Diana Cavendish on the Heroes Wiki
- Diana Cavendish on the Little Witch Academia Wiki