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Trust? You think you can trust someone out here? Not now. Not anymore.
~ Christa to Clementine on finding a new group. (determinant)

Christa is a major character in the first and second seasons of Telltale's The Walking Dead video game series.

She is one of the survivors of Lee's group and Omid's girlfriend. Along with him, she acts as guardian to Clementine after Lee's death at the end of Season 1.

She was voiced by Mara Junot.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

Season 1[]

  • After they met Lee's group, she and Omid join them and accompany the group. While Omid and Lee is cutting the tanker, Christa takes care of Clementine.
  • After Clementine and Lee are attacked by walkers at the nearby depot, Christa walks in and sees the dead walkers. She then checks if they are both okay and goes to see if the noise attracted nearby walkers.
  • After Omid and Lee manage to cut the tanker, a herd of walkers comes down the tracks, presumably following the train due to the amount of noise it made. Christa and the group get back to the train except for Lee and Omid, who are still up on the bridge. They both jump from the bridge, but Omid lands improperly and rolls off the train. Christa quickly rushes to his aid. In the end, they are both able to get on the train.
  • In Savannah, she protects the group -along with Kenny, Lee and Chuck- and helps them to get rid of the zombies and get in the mansion.
  • After seeing Fivel, the zombified child in the mansion, she feels upset, and ends his misery by putting him down if Kenny/Lee did not do that.
  • Helps the group taking supplies from Crawford. She and Vernon take medicine while the others take the other supplies for the boat.
  • While watching the video tape about Anna Correa's being forced to have to get an abortion, which she rejects, Christa gets upset and emphatizes.
  • While escaping Crawford, she saves Lee's life from walkers.
  • After Clementine is kidnapped by the Stranger, depending on the choices, she can come with Lee to go Vernon's shelter to find Clementine, or stay and guard the boat in mansion.
  • (If Christa comes with Lee) If Lee chooses to hack the bitten arm off, Christa will help Lee and cut it off to prevent Lee's death.
  • (If Christa comes with Lee) Saves Lee's life by holding his hand if he can't grab ledge, while he is jumping into the roof.
  • She accompanied the group to defend the mansion while zombies are attacking it.
  • (If Ben died in "Around Every Corner") After Kenny bumps into Lee and the walkie-talkie falls into a hole in the roof of a warehouse, where is full of walkers, she jumps down there to get it to keep the only evidence that can save Clementine. She is saved by Kenny later.
  • After Ben and Kenny's disappearance, she -along with Omid- continued to help Lee for searching Clementine and saving her. As she knows Lee is going to die soon, she undertakes the protection of Clementine. After Lee is separated from Omid and Christa, they head off and wait for Clementine.

Season 2[]

  • While the first season is finished inconclusive, it is seen in the second season Christa and Omid found Clementine. After Omid's death, she becomes the sole guardian of Clementine for sixteen months, until their departure.
  • After she was ambushed after she went to search for wood for their fire, she, protecting Clementine, insists that she was by herself. Clementine eventually hears the commotion and can either attempt to distract the scavengers or sneak away. If Clementine sneaks away, Winston sees her and stabs Christa in the leg with a spear and Christa yells for Clementine to run away.
  • While it's true that she becomes a bit cynical and keeps a distance at Clementine after Omid's death, it does not keep her from protecting Clementine or looking for a safe zone to protect her. She acts as Clementine's guardian for two years; eight monts between Lee's death and Omid's death, and sixteen months after Omid's death and until their departure, making her the longest-serving protector. She would keep protecting her had they would not been separated.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • In general, while she is heavily protective, Christa seems pragmatic, unlike her boyfriend, Omid. While Omid is volunteered to search Clementine no matter what Lee's choices are, Christa won't help Lee if he did not trust her so much or Clementine did not stay with Omid in mansion while the others go to Crawford. Though, this is a minor prevention since she was always willing to support the group, one way or another.
  • After Michelle kills Omid accidentally, Christa rushes in and kills Michelle, though she genuinely surrenders and asks for forgiveness. However, this makes Christa minor lethal instead of complete lethal since Christa was devastated after she saw Omid's corpse, and Michelle might be dangerous again at the end of the day.


  • Christa was considered to be Inconsistently Admirable for a while as it was thought that she is lethal, but when it was decided that her lethality is mostly justified, she is approved as Near Pure Good.

External Links[]


           Telltale Games Near Pure Goods

Video Games
Carley | Doug | Christa | Charles | Petra | Ivor | Harper | Radar | Jack | Kate García | Luke | Louis | James

See Also
Minecraft Near Pure Goods

            Walking Dead Near Pure Goods

Comic Universe
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes

Telltale Series
Carley | Doug | Charles | Christa | Luke | Kate García | Louis | James

Television Universe
The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes | Glenn Rhee | Theodore Douglas | Tyreese Williams | Eugene Porter | Connie | Lydia
