Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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I don't know much 'bout you folks, but y'all keep goin' like this and that girl ain't gon' make it. You gotta consider her a living person, that's it! You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive.
~ Charles to Lee Everett about Clementine's survival.

Charles, better known as Chuck, is a supporting character in the first season of Telltale's The Walking Dead video game series. He was a homeless man who helps Lee's group get to Savannah.

He was voiced by Roger L. Jackson.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • If Lee tells him that he took some of his things without his permission, he will still hold no anger towards Lee.
  • Gave candy to Duck, Clementine and Ben when they first met.
  • Comforted Duck and Katjaa when Duck got bitten, giving them some tissue paper to help him when he was coughing blood.
  • Gave Lee advice on how to keep Clementine safe and told him to cut her hair, this would lead to Lee to teach Clementine on how to survive and would keep her alive for at least 9 years.
  • Tried to give candy bars to Omid and Christa when they first met, although they refused.
  • Saved Clementine when she was surrounded by walkers.
  • In his last moments, he sacrificed himself so the rest of Lee's group would be able to escape from the walkers.
  • Although he has the least screentime and resources amongst the Near Pure Good characters of the series, he manages to stand out with his heavy impact on Clementine's life, by mentoring Lee about protecting her.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Good?[]

  • He told Clementine that if she didn't learn how to survive, she would die like Duck. While this was meant to protect Clementine and encourage her to change, it was very cold of him to say it. When Lee called him out on it, he explained that he only said it because he wanted to protect Clementine, but he still felt no remorse for how cold he was in delivering the message.

External Links[]


           Telltale Games Near Pure Goods

Video Games
Carley | Doug | Christa | Charles | Petra | Ivor | Harper | Radar | Jack | Kate García | Luke | Louis | James

See Also
Minecraft Near Pure Goods

            Walking Dead Near Pure Goods

Comic Universe
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes

Telltale Series
Carley | Doug | Charles | Christa | Luke | Kate García | Louis | James

Television Universe
The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes | Glenn Rhee | Theodore Douglas | Tyreese Williams | Eugene Porter | Connie | Lydia
