Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Proposal(s) to vote on:

  1. Needs More Votes: Queen Adelaide from Tales of a Kingdom - Ends February 9
  2. Needs More Votes: Sparrow Moon from The Worm - Ends February 8
  3. Needs More Votes: Bishop from Alien 2 - Ends February 8
  4. Needs More Votes: Belka from Space Dogs - Ends February 9

Removal(s) to vote on:

No removals at the moment.


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Finn McMissile: Mater, he created Allinol.
Mater: Yeah, but what if he found that huge oil field just as the world was tryna find some’n else? What if he came up with Allinol just to make alternative fuel look bad?
~ Mater trying to get the truth out of Sir Miles Axlerod.

These are Near Pure Goods who unveil something that's based on the truth that is prominent to the narrative.

All items (161)
