Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Instructor, I've finally found what's important. She was right. It didn't matter if I had any talent. That wasn't the end goal. But... I don't mind who I am now. Sure, because of my power, I've done terrible things. But because of my power, I was able to bring everyone back. When you think of it that way, it isn't so bad. If you want to make a miracle happen, you can, right?
~ Hajime Hinata to a dead Chisa Yukizome
Maybe I don't want to be the bad guy anymore!
~ Megamind to Minion before going on his failed date with Roxanne
I remembered how this war started. What your kind did to mine. I can't forgive you... But you have my thanks, for standing by him to the end. Hard to believe he's dead.
~ Lord Hood to Arbiter

Near Pure Goods who used to be villains but later became Near Pure Good heroes. These characters must also be under Reformed considering they had corrupting qualities when they were villains.

For obvious reasons, Redeemed Villains can NEVER fall under From Zero to Hero because they were clearly exceptional individuals before they joined the light side, unless they did evil actions while being unknown.

Their Near Pure Evil opposites are Fallen Heroes.


Please note that a character must be a villain before turning good.

  • Morally neutral characters (a la "average joes") or characters initially un-involved with any side of the conflict (e.g. Nick Wilde) do not count. They should usually go under False Antagonists, Reluctant, and/or From Zero to Hero‏‎ instead. Some, however, can still become purely good.
  • False villains, if they never were evil, they do not count either. (e.g. Andy Dusfresne) They should go under Antagonists, False Antagonists, Falsely Accused, Hidden Near Pure Goods, and/or Scapegoats instead. However, some heroes who are false villains in the present story can still be originally true villains in the past.
  • Servants/Pawns, Heroes who served on the villain's side but in said circumstances have never done anything evil or bad (e.g. Gordon Freeman) do not count. They should go under Servants of a Villain‏‎, Related to Villain, Pawns of a Villain, and/or Defectors instead, unless they actually did genuine villainy.
  • Jerks, heroes that were simply jerks before they became heroes (e.g. Woody) also do not count if they did nothing truly evil before they actually became heroes. They should go under From Zero to Hero, Reformed, Jerks and/or Minor Arrogant instead.
  • Heroes who simply lose most or all of their corrupting qualities do not count. They should go under Reformed, unless they were actually villains in the past.
  • Temporarily Brainwashed or Forced into it, if a hero was forced into it by circumstance or were temporarily brainwashed into becoming villains (Mr. Incredible. Noriaki Kakyoin), they also do not qualify and should go under Possessed/Brainwashed and/or Pawns of a Villain instead. A redeemed villain must have been a genuine villain before becoming good.
  • Heroes that simply had a bad reputation do not count. They should go under False Antagonists, Falsely Accused, Scapegoats and/or Unwanted instead, unless they actually were villains in the past.
  • Antagonists, heroes who are simply the adversary of the main character in the story do not count either; they should go under Antagonists instead. The hero must be a real villain in order to qualify or formerly were actual villains before turning to the light side.
  • Adaptational heroes who are villains or anti-heroes in their original work, heroes who are simply altered adaptations of villains or anti-heroes do not count. They should go under Adaptational Near Pure Goods, unless it is established they used to be villains in the continuity of said adaptation.

All items (126)
