Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Proposal(s) to vote on:

  1. Needs More Votes: Queen Adelaide from Tales of a Kingdom - Ends February 9
  2. Needs More Votes: Sparrow Moon from The Worm - Ends February 8
  3. Needs More Votes: Bishop from Alien 2 - Ends February 8
  4. Needs More Votes: Belka from Space Dogs - Ends February 9

Removal(s) to vote on:

No removals at the moment.


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Yay, vandalism!
~ Dipper Pines as he and Mabel join Stan in vandalizing Tyler Cutebiker's house.
I swear, tractors are so dumb. I'll tell you what, buddy. You're gonna get much better than this!
~ Mater to Lightning McQueen about how he enjoys tipping tractors.

Mischievous Near Pure Goods are heroes who are devious, playful, disobedient or juvenile. They go around messing with others, partake in some shenanigans, provide many practical jokes, cause trouble or otherwise play some tricks onto others in rather childish ways, making them act like pranksters sometimes. However, it's now actually possible for heroic rapscallions to be considered Pure Good only if their mischief isn't too harmful or overwhelming in any sense of the word or if their antics don't really annoy innocent people (subverting it's slightly corrupting qualities).

Note: If there are Near Pure Goods who show perverted sides or moments of acting like perverts/creeps, they must fall under this category by default because it must be played for mischief instead of genuine malice, rape and harassment. Mainly because a NPG's minor doses of perversion and lust are only treated as light-hearted acts & are played for laughs (I.e. staring inappropriately, making inappropriate comments, showing some physical attraction and making some minor advances), as they are meant to come across as playful Casanovas or Seductresses with their flirting and coquetry (Ex. Yosuke Hanamura, Malcolm Turner, Barbatos, Lindsay Jones, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Stanley Ipkiss, Subaru Natsuki, Scarlett Monarich, Inspector Lee, Teddie, Goofy, Korosensei, Shazam, Danny Phantom, Hal "Otacon" Emmerich, Kuroka Toujou, Charles Xavier, Ren Amamiya, Juvia Lockser, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Jolyne Cujoh, Joebotnik McCricket). This is done as a moralistic compare and contrast in regard to IA perverts; who are either sexually explicit, lewd and go further with their perverted actions, and it makes them significantly much weirder and creepier than how low NPG "perverts" would ever go.

All items (301)
